Stop Hiding Who You Really Are | The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche

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In this video, I talk about Friedrich Nietzsche and why you should stop running from your problems.

Your growth in life depends on how you spend your energy, and the best way to spend your energy is on solving the right problems. But which problems are the right ones to solve? I can’t stress how important, how critical, this question is. How do you know which problems to work on?

The obvious answer is the ones that cost you a little bit of energy to solve but give you the most rewards. And so naturally, the worst way to spend your energy is on solving problems that cost you a lot of energy to solve but give you the least rewards. But this answer is naive, because it depends on calculating the cost and reward of any individual problem, and if you think about it deeply enough, due to the interconnected complexities of the world, you’ll realize that’s pretty much impossible to do.

Lucky for us, “The Problem of Problems” is actually much easier to solve than you might think. The best problems to solve are the ones that choose you, the ones that naturally capture your interest, the ones that spark your curiosity, keep you questioning, one’s that you’re afraid to confront, but deep down inside, you know you have to. And you know you have to because they’re the ones confronting you—in interesting or threatening ways. It’s been my experience in life that once a problem chooses you, it never lets go. It doesn’t go away on its own. It demands a response. And you really only have two ways of responding: voluntarily confront it, or defend yourself from it. And as Nietzsche said in Ecce Homo, in the long run, self-defence is one of the worst ways to spend your energy.

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Ecce Homo by Friedrich Nietzsche

(1) Videos are just my opinion, for entertainment and informational purposes. Just some things to think about—not advice.

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Defensive= isolated and exhausted. Vulnerable= being yourself and able to overcome YOUR problems.


Worst thing is that I am afraid to seem arrogant when I "change". I feel like when I want to be friendly and get a long with people, I am "fake". And then there will be point when I am finding negatives in people and moving away from them. I am jumping from overly unconfident and lonely with overly confident and self sufficient. It is hard to find who I really am.


The average person: *literally just wants to be themselves*
Family, friends and society: wait that's illegal


Hiding inside of a "false personality" reveals the character of who you really are. There are no "fake personalities", just escapism, and the constant shift of morals, ideas, and beliefs


I’ve been doing this for 15 years (I’m 24 now) and hadn’t realized that each time my true self wanted to shine and step up, fear caused me to allow a false self to step in and agree to/turn down things that would change my life forever.

It’s so draining.
I just want to find who that kid was from before and try to salvage her mind, body, and dreams.


This is so true. What I understood is that your environment matters. I quit the “wolves” territory so I can be with myself in peace since I moved out my parents house and specially since I moved out of my small hometown, I’m starting to know myself a lil more. And who I truly am MATTERS. Nobody else but your true self can make you happy. The truth knows the truth. it’s sad that becoming who we truly are isn’t that common/encouraged and quite hard. Specially when you’re young, lonely and in desperate need of a community or to feel accomplished. I once focused so much of getting rid of my loneliness and become someone admirable/popular that I only ended up confused and more sad than ever. It’s not the failures that made me sad. Now that I think about it, just like the video said: I was pouring from an empty cup. My energy was wasted on things that never fufilled me. Now I’m im grown, I’m about to be 25. And I feel like a whole new person. More patient, less impulsive, proud of my small circle. And proud of who I am. Took me a while to realize how resilient and authentic I am, even when people told me. Now I see it. I’m proud of being 1 year and 5 months sober, I’m proud of my 32lbs loss, finally studying in a program for ME. ( art to become an art teacher). I finally know the difference between who I am, who I want to be and who I want to be seen as. There’s still some growth/healing to go through since no human being is ever fully healed and accomplished, that goes against human nature. We seek evolution and happiness and I’m okay with that. I enjoy the feeling of growth, looking back and seeing myself handling things differently. I’m truly praying that God gives me the strength to truly express every single part of my soul and to love myself unconditionally.


This video is touching. I'm 29 i have no profession, don't know what to do, and i never had any relashionship. I'm sincerely frightened, with thoughts saying it's to late, i can't achieve anything anymore and i will be alone, but i truly don't know about that, the only objective truth in this situation is that i need to keep going, i need to be stronger, i need to face my issues. Im in therapy for about 6 years and if wasn't for that i sinply don't know where i would be today, i'm not in a good spot, but without that struggle i would be in a worse place. I hope that everyone that find themselves in this situation can find strength to endure the struggles and got to the other side.


I clicked cause i got it as notification. I think Im supposed to hear this now - at the right time.


I used to be on ‘self defence’ mode so to speak. Until 2021 I always tried to please people and hide my true thoughts. However throughout this year I’ve found that it’s always worth it to speak your mind & say how you really feel. Great video as always, I’m glad this channel exists


I love these little life lessons. I always feel like you post the right video at the right time so thank you 🙏🏽


Since classes started in our country I thought having this fake personality I created can help me through out this school year but then I realized that everytime I go home I can't say I'm happy because I know I didn't nourish my true self and I started running away from my problems. But watching this video made me realize that I could face my problems and confront it just by being me. Thank you this video is great


Ive had so many questions in my life that no one has ever been able to answer. But somehow, this channel has shed the most light. Thank You


Glad I found the people necessary help me discover Nietzsche. I am genuinely grateful.


Hey, Freedom in thought.
Your Video is wonderful.
I have been watching your videos for three years and I observed that your precison in the Choice of Words of wisdom and the simple clear beautiful design improved a lot.

I'm honored to hear you speak, your voice is soft yet calm, your design simple yet pretty and your words wise yet easy to understand.

"The best problems to solve are the ones that choose you"
"Voluntarily confront it or defend yourself from it"
"But deep down you know, you have to"

These words, it's been such a long time since I heard someone encouraging our fellow humans saying

"But deep down you know, you have to."

This is a wonderful quote, I will never forget this quote because the most of the time it is easier to avoid the conflict and well use an false personality and lie...

In truth though, you are right one should be more afraid of

"the longer you run and hide the more your problem grows"

Than we should be more afraid of the easiness that one can slide into comfort of the "alternative" of self-defence, then the risky but strengthening act of "destroying the dens"...

After there is not only pain at the end of the tunnel, as soon as you get more honest and I made my experience, turns out people will try to understand you, empathise with you, and at last

They observe you and update their information and accept at last who you really are.

A wonderful Video.
Thank you for creating these videos.


All I can think is “if I took this advice, my life as I know it would be ruined.”

But you’re still right…


You actually described me. You’re right the problems never go away. I always feel resentful


Thanks for this video, it sadly strikes big time, again. I have been reading Nietzsche as a teen as well, but never to the point, that I got this message out of it; more the thing with the Ubermensch and how we are supposed to overcome our struggles to become who we are. And boi, life had enough struggles for me.. bullying, neglect, fear, depression, death.. but it kept me busy, feeling like I was doing it, when things seemed more in control. I started college, failed, got severely depressed afterwards, because I was in the mindset that, once I got to college and live on my own, it will all work out. Naive.. my concentration, coping skills, social skills, all was ruined from all those previous years. It couldnt work out. And now I am 30, in my masters degree, going to therapy, slowly getting the hang of my stuff and now seeing this, is kind of painful. I know this message. Year after year, the tunnel gets darker and the light narrower. Depression, anxiety, self defence, dissociation are all these skills that my mind came up with to help and it helps to survive, but it really doesnt to flourish. Its detrimental to flourishing and its so hard to unlearn all of this. Thats why I hate this "who you really are" crap, cause it really makes me feel like I am just always pure fake and until I am not fake anymore, its just not living. But yeah, self defence pretty much on the fence here, haha. Whatever, wanted to reread Zarathustra again. Might be a good one. Thanks for the video again! :-)


I am going through a rough patch in my career change right now. This philosophy lessons are great motivation!


I find this to resonate quite deeply and yet as a man with a wife and kids to provide for, I feel it necessary to stick to the path that will provide for my family…and it seems currently that this will have to be at the expense of ever really uncovering my true self.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” -Henry David Thoreau


I've been searching for this solution for quite some time. Thank you.
