How To Be Authentic - Friedrich Nietzsche (Existentialism)

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Friedrich Nietzsche - How To Be Authentic (Existentialism)

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, and philologist and is considered as one of the greatest and most unusual thinkers of all time. He was one of the precursors of existentialism. Existentialism is more a cultural movement rather than a philosophical one, which considers that freedom is at the core of human existence, all human values should be based on it and, moreover, existentialism affirms “the categorical moral imperative of authenticity”. In line with the theory of existentialism, Nietzsche talked about the importance of having an authentic life. In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which a person's actions are in line with their beliefs and desires, despite the pressure from society to behave in one way or another. Nietzsche emphasized having the courage to be authentic and to fight against the tyranny of popular beliefs. So to understand how his ideas can help you in your life, here are 7 ways we can learn to be authentic from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.
01. Accept yourself as a totality
02. Follow your own path
03. Accept that you are different
04. Obey only yourself
05. Do not be ashamed
06. Forgive yourself
07. Live dangerously
I hope you enjoyed watching these 7 ways in which you can learn to be authentic from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and find them helpful in your life.

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, poet, essayist, and cultural critic. He is considered to be one of the most daring and greatest thinkers of all time. His writings on truth, morality, language, aesthetics, cultural theory, history, nihilism, power, consciousness, and the meaning of existence have exerted an enormous influence on Western philosophy and intellectual history. He was one of the biggest precursors of existentialism, which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent, determining their own development through acts of will. By his famous words “God is dead!”, Nietzsche moved the focus of philosophy from metaphysics to the material world and to the individual as a responsible person for his own life. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote several books like The Birth of a Tragedy, Human, All Too Human, The Dawn, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, Twilight of the Idols, The Will to Power, The Antichrist, and many more. His teachings have shaped the lives of many people; from psychologists to poets, dancers to social revolutionaries.

Narration/Audio Editing: Dan Mellins-Cohen

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Friedrich Nietzsche says: “No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself".

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Confidence is not walking into a room thinking you’re better than everyone, its walking into a room not comparing yourself to anyone at all.


I am a big fan of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. He is so true in saying that there is no “right” way to lead our lives. Following what is popular is against yourself.


"What you think of yourself
Is much more important
Than what others
think of you."


I love Nietzsche - he is a constant source of comfort to me in difficult times.


"There is no pleasing some
The trick is to stop trying."
- Robert Mitchum


Friedrich Nietzsche is honest about life and we can find experiences in our own lives that mirror his.


Never ever judge anyone unless it's Wagner


No price is too high to pay to know oneself. Absolutely. Thank you.


I'm just discovering Nietzsche and OMG I've been living and molding this lifestyle, looked at as weird but idc and ever since i started, have felt very freed. I feel almost validated in the sense that I'm not alone in my philosophy in living my life. I'm 35 and amazed he reached this in his 20s.


The best of ourselves is not there in comparison but in the confidence in not being someone else, yes just ourselves.


Thanks for your great video content which help me give some thought on many things.


I really like nietzsche's thoughts. this explanation is very understandable and to be recommended to all nietzsche lovers. how admirable!


"If you seek authenticity for authenticity's sake you are no longer authentic."

Jean-Paul Sartre


He was a genius, seriously. Nietzsche = Niche and is the reason why I felt for most of my life that I did not fit anywhere.


Something i don't understand: Nietzsche says that there is no right way to live life. And that we can't judge anyone for the way they live, there is no good and bad because it's not your life they're living. Yet he judges his friend Wagner for selling out, chasing succes and being 'inauthentic'. Sounds weird to me, because it's a complete contradiction.
Also, would it be inauthentic for me to chase succes, recognition, money, etc. if that's truly what i want to do? Would it be wrong for me to 'sell out' and be inauthentic just for a while because it will help me reach the purpose and goals in my life? If i am the one deciding to do this, is it still inauthentic?


The three control tactics: Fear, Guilt, and Shame.


I found that taping a message to my neighbour's car, in huge red letters, saying, "Are you out of your mind?" works quite well, but since this video is trying to help us all to get along with each other better, I'll remain silent for now - I clearly have much to learn...


Following your own path!!it is a really authentic trait, showing your actions without staying on the beliefs of the society!!authentic beliefs mean that we have different perspectives in solving problems in life, so the path we follow is completely ours!!many humans follow the popular ways!!by being in full alertness, we have many ways in our authentic self to find unique solutions with wisdom!!


‘Living dangerously!’ I believe means thinking and living not-like all the others
