Why are there so many views of Moksha? Do we need a Guru for Moksha? | Truth Is One, Sages Call It..

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Swami Sarvapriyananda speaks on the topic, “Why are there so many different perspectives on moksha?"

This short video is from the following Ask Swami Q&A session:
Swami Sarvapriyananda is the resident minister at the Vedanta Society of New York.
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Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions. ABOUT US Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Order's first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.
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When you experience moksha you know words cannot touch it or describe it....there is only silence beyond the grasp of words.


My father, lying on his deathbed at his home, where he was raised and gave me birth and enjoyed his younger days, remained silent as he couldn't even utter a single word from his mouth, just cried in tears and used to stare at things which are close to his heart. He survived for 18days and lost in life in silence without calling anyone or disturbing anyone. He was battling with cancer. This is Noksha. He died in holy time of Ganesh Chaturthi, noon time. Om Namah Shivaya


॥जय श्रीरामकृष्ण||
Namaskar Swami Sarvapriyanandaji Maharaj 🙏🏻


amazing...👏🏻👏🏻 please upload more such short videos from swamijis long discourses. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


One infinite brahman is perceived by many different minds and so there are different interpretations....every mind is different so the interpretations....Om tat sat...🙏


I agree, within that One Body And Mind is

And though it is said
By those who see,
As we express the truth
Of you and me,
What is seen in form
And known by name,
Truly within
Is a consciousness frame,
The Universe at large
Is hanging by its valence,
It is pure consciousness alone
That pervades its
That Thou Art. KD


Swami ji says, all different viewers of moksha r enlightened, but y do they fight????coz realised ones don't fight.
Seeing a part of elephant was corrected after blind men opened their eyes n ageed that entire elephant was different from what they had imagined.


Guru Is One Truth. So Be It. Suchness In All That Is



Answer is No
If salvation is given on any condition, then what kind of salvation it is, it is a business.
Like various types of funky businesses run every day in world.its an unconditional god unconditional hence we are :) Because liberation/ultimate freedom/ mukti/ moksha, we already got it / we already have its by default seeting:), already liberated/free but we considered ourselves self bound/we not free, n this is called 'ignorance' that we have accepted ourselves as something else, e.g there's cable in dark room but we thought/firmly belive that was snake while truth is it was just cable, this is why we need masters, . Moksha is not something to 'achive later' or achive it from outside !, . This process of 'knowing' it called 'Knowledge'/liberation, .Not knowing something and mistaking it as something else is called 'ignorance'..n this is the prob, cable considered as snake, Moksha is not about any special place, time, things, it's beyond from all, it's already given to us, it's never about means/method/custom/rituals, . we just need to 'know' it, after knowing realization ll happen, this is why need masters can reduce our extra unnecessary Labour work/time misunderstanding/doubts n tell us as it is, straight forward, .We all are eternal, pure, free, Radiant ...


This is understandable, even a pious common man knows it's unnecessary to fight in the name of God. Is there any reference from the sastras to show that Sri Ramakrishna is an avatara? We know of Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha etc.


when i was 14, long ago. :) I was in the back seat of a car heading down into the dessert to do some door to door work south Amman Jordan. When I was first asked about elephants. In a very wrinkled way it has been the most penetrating question I have ever been asked. The driver: "Do you love god" Me: "yes of course :D" Driver so what is "God" Me.... Driver, you know what an ant is? Me: yeah? Driver: do you know what an elephant is? Young me: not really... Driver "lets go back to the ant, they rule the world, they out number us they out weigh us and without them everything would die. Young me: "what dose this have to do with elephants?" Driver: who carries the ants? Young me: What? Driver: you'll figure it out.


🤔 what if these are all made up? What if there are no moksha, what if there are no Brahman? What if there are no incarnation and rebirth and salvation. We just wasted a good life we were given by nature


Which book do you recommend to learn live/think like a monk? Please exclude Jay Shetty from your recommendation 😂.
