What the New Republic did with all the Imperials after the War [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

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Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. What the New Republic did with all the Imperial Officers and Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire after its surrender and the end of the Galactic Civil War.

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Some Music by Machinimasound:

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Creator of the 3D Intro:

Video Written and Edited By: Andre L

Video Narrated By: Aaron B
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Han: "Maybe we should, y'know... hunt down the Imperial Remnants?"
Mon Mothma: "It has been an arduous war, we'd hate to further it."
Han: "Yeah... but, what if they regroup out there? Come back prepared?"
Mon Mothma: "We doubt them able."
Han: "... I got a bad feeling about this..."


Senator: "So its years since the war ended."
New Republic: "So cool right?"
Senator: "Yeah....Anyways a large group of the Pre-Empire is building a huge army and navy of war ships in the outer sectors.."
New Republic: "Oh psh they are not a threat and they haven't attacked us."
Senator: "Well..yeah. Because they are building a huge fucking military."
New Republic: "Its not an issue! We are fine!"
Senator: "I seriously think we need to mobilize our forces just in case."
New Republic: "Oh no we demilitarized."
Senator: "YOU DID WHAT?!"
New Republic: "Yeah a huge military is just too tyrannical."
First Order Senator: "Yeah I on you New Republic."
New Republic: "See? They are not our enemies!"
Senator: "._."


So the empire ruled all the galaxy and had a presence on almost every planet and were defeated in a year.


One of the things I hated about this new canon. In legends after the emperor died it took like 15 years to defeat the empire while in canon it's a year. HOW?


This history makes the New Republic's demilitarization in the new cannon even more absurd. The sequels should have been about the cold war turning into a renewed war between a highly militarized New Republic and an ambitious, rebuilt Imperial military. Not about an obscenely militarized FO stomping on a absurdly demilitarized New Republic.


1. War Ends
2. Imperial remnants either continued to fight for years following, and still had control with local planets away from the New Republic, or otherwise joined the New Republic/got arrested.
3. Rebel cells suggested to continue hunting the imperial remnants.
4. Largest rebel cell, and the one counting as the "leaders of the rebellion", decided to not hunt down the imperial remnants.
5. Slowly turned into the First Order through remnants joining together, and from external/internal influence.
6. First order arises, begins taking over planets and entire systems. Continues to expand.
7. Essentially removes the New Republic's possession of the title, "galactic superpower".
8. First order continues to fight and take over systems, main characters find the emperor and the final order.
9. Final order is basically destroyed, and possibly (POSSIBLY) survivors joined the first order.
10. First order should still technically be fighting, and controlling countless planets.


I still preferred the *New Galactic Republic* in the *Legends Timeline.*


My God, Disney's "canon" is boring compared to Legends. Legends, Imperial warlords and multiple iterations of the Empire fight the new republic for years until, in an ultimate twist of ironic fate, the Imperial Remnant actually becomes a far more effective and fair government than the newest iteration of the New Republic. "Canon" The Rebels beat the Imperial in a year and the Imperial Remenent reemerges 30 years later in a even more ridiculous and incompetent form.


Reminds me a little of the Treaty of Versailles. In the same way that Germany's later frustrations gave way to Hitler and his Nazi regime, the Galactic Concordance only gave way to the First Order. The New Republic was like France too, believing that there'd be no further war and nearly dismantling their defenses, only realizing their mistake far too late.


I'm surprised they didn't yeet them into space


so just like in post-war Germany but with a bit of "what if they hide in antarctica"


New Republic is weak... No wonder why they got killed off so easily...Long live the Empire...


Why do the Rebels/New Republic leaders look like they had Lady Gaga's stylists?


I wonder if the New Republic actively used retired empire tech like their star destroyers or just scrapped them all


Also did the new republic really think the imperials would not rebuild themselves, I mean they had plenty of resources they ruled the galaxy and I hope we see more of the imperial remnant in canon.


Enjoyed watching these vids throughout this year.
Have a Happy New Year, The Lore Master, once known as Fact Free.


Screw the rebel alliance/the new republic, #Empire4Life


The Legends timeline obviously has more story potential, but I do like how Disney's canon reflects the parallels Lucas drew with the Galactic Civil War to WW1. If we compare the Empire to the German Empire, and after their fall into darkness, emerged as the radical, immature, pointless, Nazi-like First Order (a creation made out of hatred and desire for revenge, not a desire to bring peace through might), that makes me ignore their stupidity just a _little_ less. Lol


“The sith-rule has been foiled. Any remaining Sith Lords will be hunted down and defeated. In order to ensure safety and continuing stability, the empire will be reorganised into the second galactic Republic! For a free and democratic society!”

“So this is how dictatorship dies, with thunderous applause.”


Pre-New Republic Era - Episode I-IV:
▪The Phantom Menace
▪Attack of the Clones
▪Revenge of the Sith
▪A New Hope
▪The Empires Strikes Back
▪Return of the Jedi

Pre-New Republic Era - Episode VII-IX:
▪The Force Awakens
▪The Last Jedi
▪The Rise of Skywalker
