Все публикации

When You and The Boys Accidentally Join the Clone Army [Legends]

How the Royal Guards Reacted After Returning to the Throne Room [Canon]

The Rebel and Scout Trooper who were left behind on Endor [Legends]

Darth Vader Meets His Childhood Friends After 30 Years [Canon]

When Yoda Woke Up and Chose Violence [Legends]

When General Grievous Attempted Suicide [Canon]

When Palpatine Challenged Darth Vader to a 1v1 Duel [Canon]

The Entire Mandalorian Timeline [Legends]

The Alien Stereotypes in Star Wars [Legends]

Why the Empire Punished Mandalore so Harshly [Canon]

The Genius Motive for Replacing Clones with Stormtroopers [Canon] - The Bad Batch Explained

Emperor Palpatine Gives Speech to the Senate - The Bad Batch

Cassian Andor & K-2SO Audio Comic Short [Star Wars Audio Comics]

The Complete Life of Saw Gerrera [Canon]

Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers’ Childhood and Teenage Years [Canon]

Why Ahsoka was Terrified of Becoming Anakin’s Padawan [Legends]

When IG-88 Took Control of Darth Vader’s Suit [Canon]

The Best General of the Galactic Empire [Legends]

When Darth Vader Stopped Thinking with his Lightsaber [Legends]

The Butcher of Kashyyyk - The Most Depraved Character in Star Wars [Legends]

The Force Vision that caused Jedi Masters to kill their Padawans [Legends] (Swtorista)

The Entire Clone Wars Timeline [Canon]

The Original Darth Maul Return Story from Legends [Star Wars Audio Comics]

The Best Planet in Star Wars [Legends]