How to Set Up a Password-less SSH Login

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Follow this easy step by step tutorial to learn how to login a SSH session without a password.

SSH or Secure Shell protocol allows two ways of authentication, one is the usual user name/password combination, and the other is use of a pair of public/private keys. These keys need to be generated and appended to on the remote server to allow for password-less SSH login. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to set up a password-less ssh login.

Step#1: Generating Keys

Let us open up the terminal application and type the command ssh-keygen --t rsa
This command initiates the creation of a key pair. Both the public and the private keys will be generated with this. The contents of the private key are read only and only meant for you. This key will be used to decrypt all interactions encrypted by the public key.

Step#2: Updating the SSH keys

Now, let's clear the screen and type the command ssh-add. This command will basically add the generated key to the ssh directory.

Step#3: Verifying Password-less Login

And there you have it, a password-less SSH login session. Notice that the ssh session has now been connected without prompting you for the password.
Рекомендации по теме

even after this. it is stil asking for pwd


m getting the following error after entering ssh-add command
Error: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.


This video describes the process inaccurately, incompletely and should be taken down or rewritten to provide fundamental steps on how to set up a passwordless ssh login.
