Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra - Unboxing, Setup and Comparison

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Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra - Unboxing, Setup and Review - The all new Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra brings ultra durability and ruggedness to the latest Samsung Watch. Galaxy Watch Ultra is made of Titanium, has a Sapphire Crystal display covering and can withstand 100m of water. In this video I unbox the Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra, set it up, compare it with Apple Watch Ultra and also show you the features using a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. #Samsung #Ultra #android

00:00 - Start
00:18 - Price and Unboxing
02:38 - Magnets
02:54 - Design
04:23 - Apple Watch Ultra Comparison
04:45 - Display
05:28 - Specs
05:48 - Setup
06:20 - Battery
08:54 - Software Tour
10:08 - Software overview
11:43 - Watch Faces
12:54 - Other Features
13:30 - Final Thoughts
13:55 - Charging
14:40 - Conclusion

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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time!
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What do you think of the Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra? Thanks for watching, it is always appreciated.


The pictures didn't really do the watch Justice but now that I've had it in hand it reminds me of the Panerai dive watches that use the cushion case design, I like it.


I absolutely love the new ultra watch. Mine comes in tomorrow with the orange band. I already ordered 3 different color bands. With the ease of changing the bands on this new model I can really customize the look. Thanks for the great review Adam.


I'm going to do a Flossy Carter impression. This is a major major major go 👍


Ordered my first foldable and the galaxy watch ultra.


It looks like Samsung is creating its own ecosystem just like what Apple does. Nice comparison Aaron!


I’m a  fan but I admit it looks pretty good. Thanks Aaron. 😊


Very good looking watch. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the unboxing and like the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Blessings on your day!


lov ur vdos especially when u cover brands other than apple


Nice umboxing 😊 i have the ultra 2 and now waiting for my galaxy watch ultra i buy it in white im very exciting 😊😊😊 the white looks amazing i like it more tham the other two colors


I literally just finished setting mines up about 15 minutes ago. Then instead of putting it on, I turn if off to watch more review videos about. 😂 Ordered it yesterday morning in samsung purchase app, in the black colorway on release day morning just before going to the gym, . It was ready for pickup about an hour after I left the gym (about 30 mins after the store opened).

Traded in my iwatch 6 and got $250 credit directly from Samsung purchase app/website and they even gave me the option for local pickup at best buy, just as they did for my unlocked galaxy 6 fold, so I picked them up on release day in person. So far, loving both devices. The ultra finally feels like a WORTHY upgrade in the same way the iWatch Ultra did for me when I grew bored of their similar design year after year.


I really wish the circular dial moved just like the Digital Crown on the AW. Would have been cool!


you’re literally my comfort person i love you kislux !


My Watch Ultra is on order. I love Samsung watches. I have the 4, 5 pro and 6 Classic.


I got a deal on tmobile half price, with promotion, really like the watch, it does have scrolling if you place your finger on edge of screen go in circular motion. A lot of cool hidden gestures, the battery takes a day or two to adjust to your use, it can use Google assistant and bigsby. Lots of versatility. I really like it. Thanks Aaron.


For all the apple nerds crying samsung is copying. I use to be a long time apple user. Now i have the s24 and ultra watch and couldnt be happier. I actually have freedom. Instead of thinking one is better than the other just like what you like or whats best for you.


@zollotech running iOS 18 beta 4 have you heard from anybody or found that your screen continues to dim itself all the way down when I unlock the phone it does not appear that the auto brightness is working. This started since yesterday and has been doing it every time.


Own the original AW Ultra and just got the SW Ultra. There is a significant difference in daily use siding with the SWU. I did a daily hike with the SWU and it met all my expectations. I got the black band. Love some of the watch faces and functions you can get from the Play Store.


My mom bought one kislux and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
