if the world's deadliest poisons were people

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today I'm creating creepy and mysterious characters inspired by some seriously terrifying substances...two of which have no cure and one which is completely undetectable.

∆ Thank you to Amarante for providing a good portion of the music! Listen to them below:

∆The Unfamiliar Shirts are here!∆
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I like to think even though Foxglove is a dangerous lady, she's just sitting there, drinking her tea and existing. She's not purposefully going around killing people, people just end up getting killed by inattention or lack of information. She's really sweet otherwise.


I want to imagine all the poisons are serial killers and they just meet up every Saturday at Foxglove's for tea and to casually talk about their murder plans


I love how she gave the most natural poison the most monsterous design, while making the most synthesized, man-made one- polonium- look extremely humanoid.


This 100% needs to be an Urban Fantasy Novel, preferably written by Neil Gaiman


If you really think about it, the "Arsenic keeps you young" thing is true... cuz it kills you.


The last one scared me so bad. The character was amazing but the thought of only a speck of dust of that stuff killing you is terrifying.


I like to imagine they are spirits that appear as you die from their poisons, talking to you in soft voices telling you about how you are dying, or simply watching silently.


so, for the arsenic design, it would have been cool to see some green in there since arsenic was used in the 1800s to make this vibrant green dye that was used in dresses and wallpaper. Baby cribs would actually be pushed against said wallpaper and the dye would flake off and if people breathed it, they could die of arsenic poisoning. This color of green was very popular for many things so death by arsenic poisoning was common. Also, since dresses burning and killing the women who wore them was so common, and having said dresses popularly made with the arsenic dye, even if the woman survived, she and the people around her might die from breathing the arsenic fumes that the dress gave off while it was burning. People who worked with arsenic dye on the daily suffered the most horrifying death. They breathed in the fumes and touched it with their hands so they died really often, but because green things were in high demand, it took a really long time for this problem to be fixed. Sometimes, their eyes would turn green. The pupil, iris, and sclera all turned a bright green. Arsenic is actually my favorite poison because of the wide variety it was used and killed people both intentionally and unintentionally.


how calm her voice sounds while describing deadly poisonous and their side effects is just lovely


Pufferfish: "If I'm going down, you're coming down with me!"

Mad respect for the baddest fish out there.


Someone needs to make a tv show out of all the humanized poisons that this artist makes. It could be really interesting like a series of murder mysteries or something.


lavendertown walking us through how it would feel to die by the worlds worst poisons in the most calming voice ever is so funny


Lavender: "they sold it to women in the Elizabethan and Victorian era"
Me: oh so they sold it to women so they could kill their husbands (if they've like cheated or they want their money or revenge or something)
Lavender: "it was used to remove blemish's and improve their skin"
Me: I should've expected that


LavenderTowne sure has got some interesting things to create as actual people. Never do I really think about stuff like poisonous things to be thought of as if they were people, but here we are now. Honestly, seeing what you come up with is really great LavenderTowne. Foxglove is probably my favorite character design


Here are my head canon voices/accents and personalities for these characters:

Foxglove: West county English accent.
Despite her friendly and calming demeanor you can tell there's something slightly off about her. If she invites you to tea it's best to politely decline.

Arsenic: Posh English accent. He may seem polite and gentlemanly but don't be fooled this seemingly distinguished gentleman will stop at nothing to take all of your valuables by any means necessary. Even (and especially) if it means you making an early appointment with the Grim Reaper.

TTX: Japanese accent with a Tōhoku dialect. Sad and misunderstood, this poor creature will do whatever it takes to defend itself from anyone who may try to harm it.

Polonium 210: Russian accent with a monotone voice. Cold, calculating and ruthlessly efficient, this fearsome assassin will stop at nothing to silence any dissent towards the regime. Much like Foxglove she seems to have a fondness for tea.


Arsenic is a very interesting poison and I liked how you drew it. Arsenic has also been used as a controlling tool of this serial killer I learned about. He used it to control his boyfriend so he would be more dependent on him because he has, if I'm right, an inferiority complex and he argued frequently with his boyfriend because his boyfriend had a job and he didn't. He gave him enough to the point where he doesn't feel well but not too much to die which is what really stood out to me about arsenic and the killer for me


I love how this series went from “Let’s make sodas as cute girls!” To “Let’s make humanized poison…” lol


I like to think Arsenic is the kind of retired mafia boss. He's earned enough to live out his life comfortably without having to go back to the life of crime, but is constantly trying to be pulled back into it by the others.
Tired, "sick-of-your-bs", dilf vibes.


be me, a man of chemical sciences who specializes in toxicology, who loves anime, and art.
be you, somebody on the internet, who has managed to brighten my day by combining both my profession and my hobbies into one.
i know not who you are, but as a person, i love you dearly.


I think one of the most tragic things back then involving work ( in my opinion ) is the Tragic deaths of the so called “ghost girls” if I am correct. The ghost girls were young girls who worked with a type of paint and they painted with fine tip brushes and painted on those portable watches that glowed when in a dark place like a cave or tunnel they would paint the dials and everything you would see on a normal portable pocket watch but every time they would dip the brush in the paint they would then put the brush in their mouths this paint was a glow paint and was REALLY radioactive after a couple of days they would notice their teeth falling out, bottom jaw of their mouths even falling off, their skin becoming see through, and even their bones glowing through their skin. They would then die from this there was also 0 known cures as this was just happening but no one cared. There was about at least a thousand or two girls working one of the girls after one day at least decided to quit this actually saved her life also if I am correct. A detective and the girl I’m pretty sure tried to get the business down and gone but they didn’t win the war of this. And that is almost the whole story of the “Ghost girls” thank you for reading and be careful around glowing paint it could be the end of your life.
