if the world's deadliest poisons were people (part 2)

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I had to do a part two because last time you guys suggested so many good ones...all this research has obliterated my search history though I'm definitely on a list now.

∆ Thank you to Amarante for providing a good portion of the music! Listen to them below:

∆The Unfamiliar Shirts are here!∆
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I love how calming her voice is while explaining deadly poisons.


There’s something about your drawing of Antherax being a human that gives off mysterious vibes. The concealment of the face with just glowing red eyes, and having some regular clothes makes him someone that could just be glanced past, or seen a lot. Anyways, that’s my favorite one from all of them


Depressing fact: Some of these poisons (including arsenic in past video, and ones not in the video, like cinnabar) were used as paint and highly accessible as paint too, all over the place in history.
Green paint in the 1800s or earlier? Probably arsenic


I’m almost surprised that the “apple seeds have cyanide in them” trivia wasn’t included, but so much was packed into Cy already that it probably would have been excessive!


Arsenic and Cyanide would be the two friends who pretend to like each other but actually hate each other's guts.


lavendertowne walking us through what it would feel like to die by the worlds worst poisons in the most calming voice ever is so funny


I really love how you do a lot of reseach on the poison instead of just mindlessly drawing, it's entertaining and educating!


Her precious
“Hey everybody! It’s Lavendertowne.”

Never gets old. We love you queen! 😍


Mercury is a toxic non metal (I think it's non metal) that was used in the Victorian era in the hat industry. Because of exposure to mercury, hatters suffered from mercury poisonings and a side effect of this was 'going mad' and so the creation of 'mad as a hatter' and the mad hatter were born.

Edit: holy crap you guys are smart


I really want to see her draw the periodic table/chemistry as characters that would be pretty cool

Edit: I know it would be a long series, so my idea is just to do the cool or interesting ones. Ofc she doesn’t have to do them all, that would be a lot lol


A suggestion, since you mentioned nightclubs that made me think "what if famous (alcoholic) drinks were people?" I feel like that would be interesting! Love your art you inspire me a lot <3


It's scary how asbestos and lead paint/lead-lined pipes were in homes for decades before some places addressed that issue of poisoning and cancer development. Yet many, many places still have these deadly components in old and/or abandoned houses.


I feel like the cyanide character regularly disappears using smoke bombs because it's often used as a quick exit strategy and in smoke


Some HCs for your poison characters cause they're really interesting:
- Cyanide and 210 both work for the same hitman industry. Cyanide is jealous of 210 for being used in more official cases and for being so effective in low doses (cyanide is naturally occuring in apple seeds and almonds, 210 is synthesised). 210, meanwhile, really doesn't care for Cyanide - while she aknowledges Cyanide's usefulness, she's quick to dismiss it as a poor man's way out (as 210 is usually used for very official cases)
- Arsenic used to work for the hitman industry but has since retired. He still gets pulled onto some cases though, and is always willing to take more
- Anthrax also works at the industry, mostly just as a messenger. They tend to be quite reserved. Neither Cyanide, 210 or Arsenic know what their deal is. So far, Anthrax hasn't been promoted further due to their lack of mass-scale hits, but they're quitely waiting for that day to come. Maybe. Hard to tell with them
- TTX and Botulinum are friendly with each other (both make the sufferer aware and are less humanoid) but don't talk often as TTX usually is reserved and keeps to themself
- Sometimes Botulinum and Arsenic talk make-up and beauty standards. Neither are quite sure why they are/were used but are very happy about the potential death they may cause
- Foxglove is a little bit ghostly, she can make herself invisible and can hover for a short period of time. She's also very afraid of the other poisons, considering how deadly they are compared to herself
- Main exception is Cyanide, which Cyanide despises (once again, naturally occuring in almonds and apple seeds). Somehow Foxglove managed to rope Cyanide into baking
- Cyanide can actually bake really well
- She's considering applying it to her hitman job
- Watch out


Update: This was actually Sarin gas and not Anthrax! My bad.

Fun fact: There was also an Anthrax attack on a Tokyo subway by a religious cult group. A member of the group went onto the train with a stack of news paper which contained two plastic baggies of Anthrax. He poked a hole through one of the bags, missing the other, with his umbrella before exiting the train. Soon people began violently coughing and walking around the train, kicking around and spreading the fluid from the bag. Now the Tokyo trains were intensely clean so news quickly reached management about the litter and people were sent to clean it up, only to find people gasping and coughing for air. Many many people died that day and the group was caught for these actions and discovered to have a secret lab for creating a lot of anthrax.


I love the detail that the cyanide (that burn you inside), carries a cigarette-
AND that she mentioned Jonestown case


you can really tell she's a character designer from the way she carefully researches to find what elements would be relevant and work well for each character


as a budding herbalist and botanist, i've grown a fondness for poisonous plants and their wild history with people, and i loved your depiction of fox glove! now i'm trying to imagine what your creative depictions of other plants would be, like say jimsonweed with its clever background and wacky yet terrifying side effects, maybe a psychotic soldier or sadistic chef? Either way I love your pieces, cant wait to see more if you do!


I love how shes teaching us deadly poison and drawing them scary while her voice is so soft and beautiful..


On my way home from school I often see a small bank where plants grow, and side by side are foxgloves and deadly nightshade. I find it really interesting every time I see it, because foxgloves are pretty, innocent looking flowers, and deadly nightshade are the closest plant I've seen to a Disney villain. I have been too tempted to draw them as a couple since.

Edit: Anyone can draw this, I'm not guarding the idea go ahead :)
