If you FAILED your exam: WATCH THIS I Motivational Video 2019

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In this video I have talked about the failure that students face in their exams.


I hope this video inspires you and will give you more clarity on the topic and may you rise with new hopes and confidence in life.

This is my third video of Student series that I am running on this channel.

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Always remember failure is an event not a person. Your failure is temporary, not permanent. Failure can never overtake you, if you have determination to succeed, much love !


I just failed an exam. Considering i'm one of the students who always get high marks, it's just so embarrassing...


i’m literally crying right now because i failed my chemistry test even though i tried my best but know it just wasn’t good enough. this video made it all better, thank you so much.


I literally just failed so many exams and I feel like I have no hope to live. After watching this I feel better and I know there are hopes :) thank you


failing doesn't make you feel bad most of the times, its your classmates and parents


I just failed my ORAL exam. My professor was so disappointed at me. He looked so disgusted at me. Failure is worse when your supervisor is personally disappointed in you


I just failed at my history final exam even if I did study hard. I felt terrible but this video made me feel a little better. Thank you


I procastinated the night before and got too confident. I failed so bad. I feel so ashamed. I used to be one of the students who would always get high marks but because of online class I became more distracted and lazy.


I can overcome my failure but
Can't overcome being scolded by mom and dad.😟


I remember failing my first year in university. Wasted over 14k of my parents money.
I grew up having a fear of failing and always experience panic attacks before test or exam season.
Watching this made me realize my fear of failure comes from disappointing my parents and myself

I let school define me and I have to change that honestly.


Failure does nit hurt the most but when our own parents start doubting ourself is devastating.... Our parents praise us during giid grades but if sometime if we get bad grades they must have to be stand with us to encourage us 😞😣 Not to demotivate


Bro I just failed My maths Subject and I really wanna after seeing this video and My brothers word... just made me feel a little comfortable..!!
I really cried a lot today..


I failed in every don't have the confidence to work and get ahead...this really motivated me...my teacher was really unhappy...since I always used to get good this time I didn't fail in one failed in only in 7th parents think that I'm always stuck at phone and devices, playing with my friends..and basically not paying attention to classes and studies but I did the opposite of that....everything is to be blamed on me even if I did the I think that my existence is useless...they don't hate me but they are just not excited about my don't know the pressure on me...online classes r way more tough than I thought I cant cope with it....I can't understand a single still my parents r not like I'm always talking to a blank wall about my problems....I'm just a average student....but not anymore....I'm below hate school teacher and my parents always talk about "grades dont define you"....did they really mean it...judging by a capacity of ur grades...I agree that I wasn't a child who meets my parents expectations....I never met ....they want me to score 100 out of score 32 out of they just want me to pass...they r not that strict but I'm not at there status....I suffer from depression ...they think i am mental...."failure is the key to quote has been stuck in my to almost all the world...."success is success "...
I hope I can do better after seeing this video and meet my parents expectations...even if I fail a 1000 times ...I have to remember that I failed a thousand ways....lol if I fail again then my parents might abandon me....lmaoskkskskskks...my life....thank you this video really motivated me....


Basically just failed a whole test :< I feel useless so I hope everyone reading this understands that grades will never define you as a person.


Can't believe am here right now😭😭😭the pain is too too deep😭😭😭 being the last among all your friends whom you've all always encouraged😭😭😭


thank you. this probably saved my life. watched this video, read the comments, realised i'm not the only one who failed an exam and that it's not as horrible and irreversible as i thought. i was seriously considering ending my life, it just seemed so hopeless, like failing that exam took away my reason to live.


My dad says that you need to fail only THREE TIMES to learn to do it better the next time, that's why i always felt like a failure, because i fail more than three times... so this video helped a lot, Thank you🙏🏻❤️


I studied and practiced math for weeks and I took almost half an hour on this math exam that I prepared for.

I got a 5/15 :, ))))


"failure is the first step to your success" thats the best phrase i heard today thank you


I failed 4 exams and I was felt like I was never going to succeed, but this motivated me. Thanks for uploading this!
