Early signs of MS ( Multiple Sclerosis) I Common pre-diagnosis symptoms that are easily missed

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How would you know if you have MS? In this video I talk about my first symptoms I had before I was diagnosed as well as some of the other common ones I’ve learned about (or experienced!) since my diagnosis and know about from talking with fellow MSers!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have!
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Thank you for your info. I was so fatigued for a couple of years that every step you take is an extreme effort. The concrete footpath looks like a lovely place to lay down and frequently every about 50 meters I would lay flat on path to rest. One day we took dogs for a walk but I only got about ten paces away from car and could not proceed.


I have migraines all the time. Numbness in my face and forehead. Tongue tingles and burns. Muscle spasms. Eyes twitch. Seizures in my eyes. Dizzy spells. Once in awhile I get a rash on my legs. I feel exhausted all the time but cannot sleep. I have panic and anxiety now. I got blood work done a few weeks ago and the ANA was negative but the c-reactive protein was slightly elevated to 13. I'm going in for an MRI on the 22nd. I just want some answers because I am tired of feeling like this every day.


I recently found out I (probably) have MS, not diagnosed yet. Looking back on it I’ve had symptoms for years and just kinda wrote everything off too. From numb limbs to even temporarily losing a bit of color vision in my left eye.

Interestingly enough, I too had a double vision and vertigo attack and it was SO severe that I had to go to the hospital, I couldn’t ignore it. They ended up doing an MRI and they found T2 spots on it. I’m waiting to see a neuro but it might be a few months


we need more people like you! thank you so much


I have not been diagnosed yet but I’m having many of these symptoms. I’m awaiting an MRI. Thank you for this video.


Thanks for the video. So glad to see more channels sharing information on diet and lifestyle with MS. Well done!


Your video was very helpful. I'm supposed to find out my MRI results tomorrow. I have migraine headaches bladder issues tremors backache cognitive issues to where I can't think and my my legs get really tight and hurt. Really bad depression. Vertigo. I fall a lot . I fall a lot. I can't keep my balance. I have quite few things wrong. It's been going on for a long time. I'm pretty sure it may be MS.


This video has been very helpful in giving me a push to go to the doctor & speak up. I tend to brush things off or give symptoms a a reason as an excuse not to see a doctor. TFS!


Before I was diagnosed with PPMS(Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis) I was diagnosed with a few other things. First I was diagnosed with tendinitis and bursitis. Then came fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Also arthritis throughout my body. I also was suffered through headaches and migraines including optical migraines. Finally after years of me asking my doctor if there could be just one thing I have instead of all these other diagnoses I went and got a brain MRI. That’s when I got the PPMS. Needless to say I never went back to that doctor especially after she insisted it was all in my head and gave me a prescription to see a therapist. It was her assistant that sent me for a MRI. Since the diagnosis I also developed degenerative spine disease.


I woke up in the middle of the night with insane tingling going through my arms. Now my right arm feels weak and my left foot feels off as well. I have migraines too. Just had one today...seemed to be triggered by heat. Not sure though. Doctors blow me off because I'm "young".


I have an MRI in 3 days. I have so many of the symptoms and just want to know what is causing them. My symptoms are so similar to yours, the Vertigo and migraines were the first to arise and since then i've had dizzyness. Numbness down my left side (so badly i thought i was having a stroke at 1 night and its been reacurring ever since) with the numbness came vision loss, constant neck pain that feels like an electric shock, sharp random pains in random parts of my body, Nausia, tremble in my right hand, Feeling drained all the time, my left leg will randomly give out while i'm walking. i could keep going with all the symptoms i'm having, Even if its not MS i hope this mri finds something to explain what is going on with my body. Fingers crossed I will know very soon.


Thank you for the video! It was some good info. My sister has ms and I have been having numbness in a foot and been getting tired easier.


Love all ms channels so I can know what to do or expect thank you


I have all of that. Can't wait for my mri


Thanks for sharing this info. It’s such a difficult disease to diagnose.. I meet many of the early signs but I’ve also been diagnosed with connective tissue disorder, high intracranial pressure, chronic inflammation & pots/dysautonomia. My maternal grandmother had MS and some of my health issues increase the risk so I’m always looking for info. Wish you all the best 🤍


I wake up with numbness and tingling in my right arm and hand a lot. I am clumsy, I trip over air. These last 4 months I have been having this weird electric shocks in my left side of my neck. It happens when I move my neck in a certain position. It happens everyday, sometimes more than once today. It’s always brief and scares the living hell out of me. I have loss of sight in my right eye more than my left. But I overall have bad vision. I get muscle cramps in my hands and stiffness in the back of my calf’s. I feel tired all the time, and feel like I have no energy everyday. I haven’t been to a doctor yet, but this electric shock feeling has been the big thing that has been scaring the hell out of me. I get lower back pain from time to time. Opinions? I am 20 years old.


Thank you so much for this video and this channel! Did you have the MS hug? Do you know to make this simptom better?


I had fatigue blurred vision as well as pins and needles in my feet that would come and go. Thank you for the video


Hi, I have had strange episodes where my left arm feels disembodied for a few seconds and almost feel like a rush of blood to my head . I noticed my left eye the vision can go funny when this happens . I have had cramp in left too but do lots of running . I have an autoimmune condition hashimotos so not sure if linked to that.


I've been told repeatedly that my vertigo is where I have an injury of a ruptured disc and a pinched nerve high up in my spine connected to my neck and they said it was causing cervical vertigo
