Why Naruto Never Fully Transforms Into The Nine Tails

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Why Naruto never fully transforms into the Nine Tails. Naruto is the Jinchuiki of the Kyuubi, however unlike all other Jinchurikis, Naruto doesn't tranform into the full form of the Nine Tails. Instead Naruto uses the Kurama Avatar, which is something only Naruto seems to be able to have.

The Kyuubi Avatar is prominet during the later parts of the series in the War Arc of Naruto Shippuden, and many people complain that Naruto should have a normal tailed beast transformation until the final nine tails stage. However, the Kurama Avatar exists in the story for a very important reason, that we'll be exploring in this video.

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In Japanese folklore, kitsune gain a tail every 100 years. By 900 years they have 9 tails and in 1000 years instead of getting a new tail, they become a golden celestial fox. This is probably the inspiration behind Naruto’s KCM based stuff having that color.

I also think it’s due to Asura’s chakra. Naruto’s KCM has 6 Path symbols on it and Asura had a golden/yellow avatar form as well.


I don’t mind the KCM forms but my problem with it is I wish the other hosts had their own versions of said to symbolize the unity and combination between hosts and tailed beasts.


"If kurama was only fighting with bijuu bombs it would be boring" my brother in christ naruto only uses rasengan


I always wondered why Naruto transformations as jinchuuriki of the 9 tales was so unique compare to the other jinchuurikis. I guess it's just the power of protagonism.


Don't forget that Naruto could manifest Kurama separately in the Last Naruto Film and there Kurama did look like he usually does, i.e. no Avatar shenanigans.


I always thought the avatar apparence was because of Minato's splitting kurama into Yin and Yang halves
But I think your reasoning makes sense on a meta level of writing


I understand that we didn't get anything unique for 1-7 tails because they are dead for 90% of the show, but B deserved something Unique, he was the best Jin when it came to using it's full arsenal and it is a shame that only MC can have spotlight even tho as a Jin he already was in a very niche group that had 9 members of which 6 were dead and 1 didn't have his tailed beast


I'm sticking to it: KCM sucks exactly because it is so versitile. Bee was able to perfectly show his incredible Teamwork with Gyuuki because he was not only able to switch between chakra cloaks and transformation in an instant, but he was even able to manifest parts of Gyuuki at will. This was important because each form had drawbacks, which is very important and imteresting for story-telling. KCM is just Naruto but stronger in every aspect, it's basically just Super Sayian mode for Naruto, there is never an instance where he would ever not use KCM. And therefore we miss out on Naruto showing actual teamwork with Kurama, it's just Naruto doing stuff, but bigger and stronger. Up to this point, often different modes were tied to drawbacks and that made the story interesting, the Gates drain your power faster, Sasori fighting with his real body made him exposed to dying, Kakashi depletes his chakra when using the Sharinggan etc. Naruto just wins in every aspect by using KCM all the time.


that voice crack was painful. I had to close the tab. 0:10


All of the reasons you listed (which is essentially that the battles would look boring) fall under the "Naruto is the main character" category.
While I agree with the decision to separate Naruto and Kurama's bodies, I wish we could've seen that with all the jinchuurikis (each chakra cloak a different color) for it to feel more consistent.


All I ever wanted was for the other tailed beasts to have their own KCM counterparts


I always assumed that the transformation is different because Kurama and Naruto are more in synch than all the other jinchuriki and that form allows them to combine their powers more efficiently


I think the reason for Naruto's Transformation besides being the main character. Is because of the incredibly complicated, unique and advanced seal used on him to seal kurama. The seal allowed Naruto's and Kurama's chakar to slowly mix over time. This mixing of their chakra was so extensive that his body and chakra network pretty much treated kurama's like a organ that is constantly providing chakra. While it is normal for the host body to become dependent on their tailed beast to survive. It isn't normal for the chakra to be constantly mixed together, to the point that pretty much any piece of narutos chakra contains kurma's chakra. While not stated directly, it is repeatedly implied by the fact that naruto can use sage mode and transfer and resonate with transfer chakra, even if he is using Kurama's chakra aswell. This is because their chakra is so mixed and intertwined that by the war ark, Kurama's chakra and Naruto's chakra will always have trace amounts of each other's chakra, regardless of who is acting as the main chakra source for a jutsu/action. This is why they are able to use a chakra avatar of kurama in my opinion. But beyond being ablt to use it, is that fact that Kurama's is incredibly smart. He knows that Naruto using his body in a fight is not as advantages as a chakra made alternative. Additionally it maximizes the advantage that they are essentially two beings combined as one. With the Kurama chakra form, Kurama doesn't have to feel or suffer from injuries in a fight. Additionally naruto and kurama can simultaneously and independently act with it. Naruto can be the main one in control of the body, while Kurama can plan and assist if need be. As demonstrated by Narutos ability to eneter an infintie sage mode, or block/trap opponents with his chakra tails, even when inured or caught of guard.

Anyway if you read this far thanks, and comment on whats your opinion on whether a tailed beast can use jutsu or not. Mine is absolutely as yes, as they have even better control of charka then most humans, being able to almost instantly transfer chakra to anyone they wish. upon touch. A skill incredibly difficult but effortless for them. Personally I think they just lack the knowledge(captivity fro sealing) and compatibility to use jutsu the same way humans do. Besides before they got captured they didn't need it, as they are insanely powerfully without it.


Everyone neglects to mention Naruto the Last! At the end of the movie in the final fight, Naruto summons Kurama to fight a giant stone golem on the moon and kurama not only fights in his true form but seperate from Naruto. Not only that but while remaining separated they have kurama carve a written message in the moons surface to signal to the earth that they won. So that basically throws all the rules out the window lol


The Red chakra cloak that he used against Sasuke at the Valley of the End, and later on with 2 and 3 tails was cooler than this over design mess. It also makes a more direct relationship with B and the Eight Tails, as they were able to use both the cloak with all its tails and the tailed beast transformation.


It's more because of narutos seal he had. It was constantly mixing the 9 tail chakra with his own. Kurama for a long time could only manifest through chakra because of the seal. Other jinchuriki did not have this buffer. They just fully transformed. But by the time naruto and kurama were friends, the ultimate way they bond and are in sinc, is through kurama letting naruto use his chakra, thus the KCM transformations. This was how they grew together.
Killer bee and others were constantly being fully overtaken by their tailed beast and fully transforming. So when they truly bonded, they can manifest full transformations, because that's the way they always used the power. It symbolizes their relationship.


Naruto getting KCM, could be meant to signify hope. The 9 tails has caused so much death and destruction so to see something that many regarded as evil being turned into a golden avatar of good, is fitting especially for naruto.


I agree and I think Sasuke’s susanoo may have also been taken into consideration. Only because the Kyubbi avatar in full size is comparable to Susanoo and they fight together later in Boruto. Nibi sort of seems similar to the avatar to me, only because it appeared to be chakra more than a solid animal like the others.


I always thought he can not go full 9 tails cuz kuramas other half was in minato till the end of the war
