The Nine Tails Is No Longer Special...

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The Nine Tails is no longer special. The Nine Tails is the strongest Tailed Beast in Naruto, if you don't count the Ten Tails. The design of Kurama has always been great, as well as the transformations Naruto went through from red eyes, Kyuubi Chakra Cloak, and then the version 2 Nine Tails manifesting the agressive chakra in fights such as Naruto vs Pain and Nine Tails vs Orochimaru.

However, with the Naruto War Arc, and Killer Bee before that we found out that all Bijuus and Jinchurikis have the same style of orange chakra, just like the Nine Tails, even though in Naruto Part 1 during the Chunin Exams Gaara showed a very different partial Shukaku Transformation. Naruto got KCM after that, but it's not the same.

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What's your favorite Tailed Beast design?


This is what proves that the war happened too quickly, and that the Akatsuki ended too early. We should've seen how each tailed beasts was captured canonically. We should've been their character development. It would've been an opportunity to actually develop their designs more, so that way in the war, if we agree there should be one, everyone already has a design they fit in instead of "Everyone's derivative of the 9 tails and the 9 tails can solo all other tailed beasts combined"


I don't remember if this was an anime or manga thing, but I distinctly remember that the reason for the dark red body of 4 Tails and above transformations, was because the intensity of the chakra was breaking Naruto's body and his blood was mixing with the chakra cloak. Which is weird since Bee should be a perfect Jinchuriki so his transformation of 4 tails and above shouldnt have the dark red body like Narutos. We never really see Bee suffering any surface harm when he transforms either so, whats up.

I also completely agree with you. Every Tailed Beast should've had their own style and its a darn shame they didn't. I probably chalk this up to the fact that this was a weekly manga and there was enough on Kishimoto's plate to design 7 mechanically distinct jinchuriki, but oh well.


The thing for me is that Naruto's red chakra also made so much sense, because for the longest time Kurama was portrayed as this vicious, angry, vengeful beast. His chakra withheld so much pure rage that it threatened to consume its user whole, he was truly wrath incarnate. With that depiction Kurama's chakra being this vicious, evil looking, blood red chakra, that bubbles up from beneath Naruto's skin and literally distorts and rends his body into a avatar of Kurama himself was so perfect.

The other tailed beasts aren't like that. Just look at the happy-go-lucky Chomei of the lucky seven tails and try to tell me that that's a good depiction of how you would expect his Jinchuuriki's transformations to look like. It just feels plain wrong.


I honeslry wish we saw more of the 8th tail form. Seeing a horrific fox lashing out without it's skin would be downright terrifying


Believe it or not, but when I was a kid and first saw Naruto, I expected Kurama to be the final antagonist of the series, with him taking over Naruto completely to destroy the Hidden Leaf. When I later found out there were eight others like Kurama, i still expected him to be the final antagonist of the series. I sort of got my wish with JJK, though?
P.S: Is it wrong that I loved the Tailed Beast Form Naruto had rather than the Chakra Mode and wished we got a better design for it? At least for the first form, because I like the Coat form.


I think making KCM 1 a lighter color/maintaining his human form to show that Naruto has more control makes more sense, I just think that Bee should have had something similar to KCM 2 since was already friends with 8 Tails. The other jinchuriki having darker colors makes sense to symbolize that conflict between jinchuriki and bijuu, but should have had more unique designs and different colors based on the final version of the bijuu.


Yeah, while I was watching Naruto for the very first time I had very similar thoughts about this topic.I thought that the Nine-tails was special and that every other tailed beast vessel would have different tranformations or at least different colours when transforming.


What I wished Kishimoto did was all the Bijuu cloaks where based on an element, 1 tail = sand/earth, 2 = Fire, 3 = Water etc. That way, when the Kurama shows off his transformation and it is literally pure chrakara, it shows his power si literally built different from all the other Bijuus.


KCM’s color scheme is a reference to Japanese folklore. It’s said that a kitsune gains a tail every 100 years. After 1000 years it will have 9 tails and become a golden celestial fox and ascend to the heavens.

You can also attribute Naruto’s transformation differing from other junchurriki to his Asura chakra. You see that he has 6 magatama appear around his neck area - just like the Sage of 6 Paths. So it’s not that Kurama is special - it’s Naruto. We even see in a brief flashback that Asura had some sort of golden avatar form.


Imagine if the 1st look into Bee's transformation is him growing boney partially broken horns from his head and multiple small tentacles growing out of his arm which then used to holds all of Bee's swords, instead of another dark orange chakra aura. Or at least make them different enough from Naruto's


To be fair the deep Red Chakra, was because this intense Chakra ripped Narutos skin apart and become red because of the blood inside this Chakra Form.


Kishimoto was supposed to draw all the edo jinchuriki with different colour and chakra but he got lazy believe it it not


This is why Shukaku has retained my favorite bijuu position. He's just so unlike everyone else with his jinchuuriki. Everyone else blends together but Shukaku jut kinda... grows OUT of his host. Where everyone else wraps around them, Shukaku seems to be the only one breaking out from within his host. He's also the only one that doesn't really have an off button. The shield was always up, the armor could wrap around the user without being a transformation, and the sand is always with his host- they don't make more from nothing.

Also an under appreciated fact of these creepy transformations is it makes their true forms look less unnatural. Is Kurama horrifying- yes. Is the mid transformation stage more horrifying? Hell yes. Every form before seems unnatural, like Naruto is being forced into this- and the further along it goes the more painful and uncontrolled it looks. In comparison normal Kurama- though a titan unrivaled- seems more controlled and natural, which is how the 'controlled' Bijuu should look.

I'll leave some of my ideas of achieving this with the bijuu below for funsies.


Baryon mode should have been his perfected KCM design tbh. It perfectly enveloped features of the 9 tails into naruto without looking out of place imo. He had kurama's ears, whiskers & tails in his design without the unnecessary yellow glow of the original KCM modes.


The 1 tailed beast. Tanuki.
It was well introduced and I loved the way it worked, to be more complete at each stage + it was totally in accordance with sand
which was Gaara main power


While I agree that the tailed beasts should’ve had their own seperate designs I don’t rlly mind it since kishi was writing a weekly series so it isn’t surprising he didn’t have much time to think of designs


6:30 completely agree, to this day i still don't see any reason for KCM existence other than "he's the protagonist"


Thank you. Glad to know someone else hates the kcm design. I hate all the kcm forms because as I commented in a previous video they take away from the bestial nature of the nine tails. I also wish he fought more with his tails. Tails being a point of pride for the nine tails you’d think that once he started to cooperate with Naruto more, they’d get more use out of his taijutsu.


I remember when Killer B was introduced in the manga. I imagined him having a kind of gray/black chakra because it kinda calls to the color of octopus ink or the skin color of some squids. I was disappointed when he has the exact same color as the Kurama.
