Top 10 Surprising Health Uses of Organic Lemons

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In this video Stephanie Weeks of Our Wellness Revolution describes the top ten surprising uses of lemons for our personal health and well being. This video was shot on the organic lemon farm of Galt Gulch in Chile.

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Cheapest way to be alkalined: water & pinch of baking soda (lemon mixed helps as well, esp with taste). Only thing is that you dont want the lemon to strip away your enamel so drinking with a straw takes care of that problem.


Thanks lady that was great information.


I always knew there was something incredible about lemons.     


I have 18 Meyers lemons turning yellow all at the same time...thanks for the tips.


I agree with the amazing jimmy. People can't imagine that the acidic lemon can alkalize you body, but I think it releases bicarbonate to increase your ph....but I must say, I would love to juice her lemons


First off lemons are acidic, not alkaline. I went through these one by one to be thorough.

1. Nothing you eat affects your blood pH. It is naturally kept at a steady 7.35-7.45 without having to do anything.

Eating alkaline foods can affect your urine pH, which helps to prevent kidney stones. However, so does water.

Many of the "alkaline diets" that claim to prevent cancer are healthy because the instructions say to avoid large quantities of animal proteins, fats and processed foods while eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water and exercising. Sound familiar? That's because it's what every major medical group and the majority of nutritionists recommend to stay healthy. The fact that the foods happen to be alkaline or "promote alkalinity" is hogwash.

2. Of course lemon hydrates and energizes. It contains water and fructose. Water hydrates. Fructose is a sugar found in all fruits that partly breaks down into ATP (energy). However, any food that contains a carbohydrate will eventually break down into energy.

3. Lemon in the fridge will work to reduce smell if it is applied *directly* to a BASE type smell. The acid of the lemon juice that comes in *direct contact* with the base (like the amines from fish) will neutralize the base into a salt.

However, if you just leave half a lemon in the fridge, it will only *mask* the odour if the lemon smell is stronger. It will not get rid of any odour faster than the odour naturally dissipates on its own.

4. I couldn't find any credible experiments involving lemon juice and wrinkles.

5. Lemon juice has been scientifically found to reduce acne as the skin is healthiest at a pH of between 4-5. There is a caveat. Anyone with dark brown or black skin should not use this treatment as it can have negative effects.

6. Most laundry detergents and soaps are bases. Adding lemon juice (an acid) will only neutralize the base into a salt. That will not help "boost" anything. It will make the soap weaker.

7. Citric acid is a very mild diuretic, so it does technically help to detoxify the colon. However, so does a healthy diet with plenty of water and exercise.

8. I could not find any credible experiments saying that lemon "kickstarts" the metabolism any more than eating other foods.

9. I couldn't find any credible experiments involving flushing the lymph system with lemon juice.

10. There seem to be a number of anecdotal claims that lemons help to whiten nails and remove nail fungus. However, again, I could not find any scientific evidence to support the claim.

Do what you wish with this information. Just remember not to believe everything you hear and fact check for yourself.


good video!
i often drink 2 oranges + a 1/2 lemon thats than sweet-and-sour...
for my experience u also can get rid of headaches with one or some lemons, but i´m not sure if it´s the stuff in there or the citrusflash that relaxed some muscles!? -> but for me it helps ;))


Just just because something is acidic doesn't mean it makes you acidic. You are a bit more complex than a glass of water! Nutrients, minerals, and factors too complex for our current understanding dictate your pH, so you can use low pH substances which also help your body reach a healthy state... Which include a high pH!


Damn....her 'lemons' are great.


Video is great. The idea of showing positives of peoples change is the right path to make a difference.

On an editing point I'd make a few changes to the next.
- separate the ideas: food and cosmetic.
- add a brain break between the ideas with a video montage.
- add titles

Not to say its bad. Think the video is amazing as it is.


Not sure if she intentionally decided not to mention although she gets along the lines... lemon juice enema (not pure lemon juice obviously.)
Cleans stuff outta you you'd never knew was in there, solidified mucous stuck in the bowels, etc. Great for detox. 


wish i was where you are, here in ohio its $1.79 for 1 lemon.


Price of organic lemon will go up soon.


Luke, what kind of night cream do you use? :)


wow ... Lot of haters on this video. Why would anyone be so agitated  by a beautiful woman honestly trying to give healthy advise? lighten up people...


im confused, i thort that lemons were acidic. Why do they raise the PH? arent acids lower in PH? I must be naive or something. some1 fill me in on how this works.


People like the Students of 2016 should care more about their food, their surroundings, and their own history. This would make not just America, but the world a more aware place. XD

I pretended I was a freshman I told him that eating healthy and looking out what you're eating is safety. He gives me his answer, "I personally don't care what I eat, " I guess what WeAreChange or someone must do is ask the younger generation in Highschools, like California, New York, Texas, and in Wali Washington, what they think about eating healthy, what is GMO, etc.


Carey Reams - RBTI, tells you all about re-mineralizing your body using lemons and other supplements. Takes time, though, be patient.


Doesn't lemon has a pH of 2? So it's pretty acidic, isn't it?


She has some beautiful lemons...did I just say that?
