What is Lipedema and How is Lipedema Treated? | Total Lipedema Care | Dr. Jaime Schwartz

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Lipedema is a condition that occurs when fat is unevenly distributed in an irregular manner beneath the skin, most often in the legs, arms, and buttocks. Although for many patients it begins as a cosmetic concern, once it progresses, it can eventually cause pain and other symptoms. Lipedema is often mistaken for obesity or lymphedema, but it is a unique condition that requires treatment from a skilled, experienced surgeon.

Total Lipedema Care is led by Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz, a board-certified plastic surgeon and world-renowned lipedema specialist who has dedicated much of his career to raising awareness for fat disorders (like lipedema) that are highly underdiagnosed and usually misdiagnosed as morbid obesity. He is known for taking on the complex lipedema cases — giving patients more hope by alleviating the pain from this disorder. We have offices in Beverly Hills and Dubai but we see patients from all over the globe.

To schedule a consultation or appointment, call us at 310-882-5454.

For more before and after photos, information on our techniques, and verified reviews from patients visit:

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This disease should be covered under all health care coverage!


The sad part is the number of Drs. who have never heard of it. I am getting shots to help my knees and in the notes from the Dr it talks about how my obesity is not going to help the outcome of the shots. the reality is I have Lipedema, I have fat pads on the sides of my knees and it hurts. Having the arthritis doesn't help it and it is difficult for people to understand that.


IT started with puberty with me. Please be mindful of including things like this as doctors who do not know use your info for information.


Lipedema is such a painful condition and limits our ability to live a normal life. Everyone; please watch these videos and see the amazing work Dr Jaime Schwartz and Dr. Karen Herbst is doing and how this is helping so many people. Spread the word and start living life! #lipedmea #totalLipedemaCare #drJaimeSchwartz #drKarenHerbst


Medicaire does not currently pay for liposuction for lipedema patients


Still looking for an explaination of why diet and exercise doesnt shift the lipedema fat....


Dose this Dr take insurance and where are they located I really need help it feels like it is crushing my ankles and feet, knees I'm in so much pain
