Don't Let The C&P Examiner Get Away With These Two Underhanded Tricks - Fight Back And Get Paid!

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You've probably seen the commercials for the C&P exam - you know, the one where the guy is bragging about how he tricked someone out of their money? Well, I'm here to tell you that there are two underhanded tricks that the C&P examiner might try to pull on you, and I'm going to tell you how to fight back and get paid!

The first trick is called the "bait and switch." The C&P examiner will tell you that he is going to put in a good word for you which in turn will get you paid and in reality he is giving you negative marks which will deny your claim. The second trick is called the "bogus examination." The C&P examiner will give you an exam that is so difficult that no one could possibly pass it, and then deny your claim based on your score.

Don't let the C&P examiner get away with these two underhanded tricks - fight back and get paid!

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During my PTSD exam I didn't give them the chance to do that to me. Immediately put my chair toward wall with direct line of sight of window and door. I received 70% combat PTSD with anxiety and depression with alcohol use. Combat Craig isn't lying they're not your friend. You have to make them believe without a shadow of doubt that you are indeed suffering from said claim


I’ve noticed most comments I read the CMP exam is always done by a third-party contractor. I was called two days ago by the VA. They asked that I come to Palo Alto. Of course I said yes and they scheduled my C&P exam I asked was this a third-party contractor for the actual VA, the nice guy on the phone replied no we are not contractors. This is the VA scheduling you for your exam and it is at the VA in Palo Alto. I was under the impression all C&P exams were contracted.


I remember, Craig telling us one time to live your case if you love your case you go to CMP exam with a whole new attitude I got 70% for PTSD and 10% High blood pressure due to Agent Orange


I went in for a hearing loss C&P several years ago and this happened. The Audiologist walked out into the waiting room and gave me the stink eye for about a minute then walked away. I finally got in the chair and this Dufus tried to stick an otoscope in my ear even though I told him I was wearing hearing aids. When he got to the Maryland CNC portion of the test he was yelling out the words. I'm rated @ 40% for hearing loss and if I think ihe was yelling he Damn sure was. The moral of the story is to get educated and never give up if you have a legit claim.


Is it normal for the VA to send out a proposal for reduction and when you apply for a hearing, the day of the hearing I called 10 min early as I was told to do, and she said that my representative couldn't be with us so they canceled the hearing and now are sending me to another C&P exam for migraine and another C&P exam for depression. Is this right?or are they trying to mess me up even more


I had a C&P exam yesterday and it was a shit show. the doctor was clueless why I was there. Fucking pathetic. No wonder the military cant recruit....the US does NOT tale care of their vets.


I did exactly what you said for my PTSD exam but still did not pass. What can I do?


When my husband did his exam, he remained standing the whole time, approximately 10 minutes, said the examiner was a asshole, but it worked for him, husband not to friendly around folks.


I went to a C & P exam for my back pain service connected. When I walked in the room, my C & P examiner was holding a clip board and dropped a pen and was looking at me as if pick it up. Was a little smarter than her. She then did the blow smoke up my ass, like how are you doing today, Thank you for your service. This is just some of what these C & P examiners will do. Like Combat Graig says. Keep it simple answer the questions be truthful and respectful. And get the fuck out of there. LOL


Went to a C&P exam... when the elevator doors open.. a elderly couple was sitting right in the front.. I walked out and the elderly man said "how you doing today".... I didn't take a chance... I told him "oh years ago before the military I felt better" it probably was a nice citizen that had nothing to do with my exam.. fk that... not taking any chances


I had my C&P exam online for PTSD and I saw the report and the doctor wrote that I wasn’t wearing any makeup and I was wearing “casual” clothes. They check everything!!!


I had my brother drive me to my ptsd exam …afterwards the doctor called him into the exam room and ask me to step out and proceeded to ask him questions about the time I didn’t know I could have refused for my brother to come into the room…but these are some of the tricks they play…they’re trying to discredit your claim…keep fighting for your what’s yours ..medical evidence is the key 🔑


Whenever an examiner ask how I'm doing today? I always respond " I've had better days". Thanks CC. Your videos are the reason I'm at 100%P&T.


I'm am now a Proud new Lifer at Combat Craig's Bootcamp.
*Looking forward to getting the Compensation that I deserve from those who seem Hell bent on Denying it to me !*


I’ve watched a lot of your videos over the past few years prior to retiring and now that I’m retired and went through a C&P exam I see exactly what you’re saying. You are spot on with what you say about them and my C&P exams were over a month ago and when I called the VA they say they’re still waiting on the C&P exam reports before they can move forward with my claim.


It's weird how my Tinnitus (claim denied years ago) started on my first B-52 Bombing Mission over Vietnam in 1967... As a Combat Documentary Photographer, I remember being cramped into a tiny
3' x 4' cubicle on the left side of the airplane's fuselage for about 8 hours (no bathrooms!) with the 8 big Jet engines whining like hell non-stop (thankfully) a few feet away. Then hearing the Tail Gunner report that we had 3 Surface to Air Missiles SAMS incoming (and I am scared senseless !)
Thank God our ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) was working as advertised that day !

I guess that the VA Examiner/Rater just needed to be there to understand !


After a C&P exam I attended with my mother. We noticed we were actively being followed by a male and female. The male was recording as we walked back to my mother’s truck. We parked in a pretty empty part of the lot. He had the camera pointed right at us. When they realized we noticed them as we starred from the cab of the truck. They darted back in the building. This was an individual unemployability C&P exam in 2011. This happened at the North Little Rock VA. I received IU with permanent and total no future exams august 6, 2015. Six days before my son’s birthday, and 10 days before my birthday. I was paid that Saturday. After numerous appeals, and finally a video court appearance scheduled for September that year I was paid over $100k in back pay.


Just went to a C&P exam for Fibromyalgia and CFS. This went all the way to the "Court" and been fighting it since 2015. The male NP was digging hard to see if there was any lying. Told me he did 30 years in the military and been around veterans for many years. Trying to shake me, well after five minutes I snapped at him and he tamed down. He then told me he had more than 4, 000 pages of medical documents to read through. Can't shake those medical doctors and chiropractors paperwork. Waiting for the envelope! Thanks CC!


Don’t forget that when they ask you how are you. And usually to be polite you will say okay. You are not okay!!!! Never say fine or okay or anything like this. You have helped me go from 10% to 80% in five short months. THANK YOU
