Thumb sucking, a bad habit (kids’ edition) - Lapointe dental centres

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Fingers in your mouth! What a bad habit. The thumb, the little blanket, the toys—none of that is a good idea. Do you realize how this awkward habit, besides making you look like a baby, could get your teeth to shift and make you resemble a beaver or a rabbit? By inserting a finger or any object in your mouth and closing your lips all around it, you incite your palate, your teeth and also your lips to take on the shape of these objects. The result is that your incisor teeth will tend to stick out of your mouth and your lips will be no longer be able to close properly when you don’t think about it. Your face takes another appearance and you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror. You have more difficulty eating or chewing your food properly and you begin talking in a strange manner. This is imperative that you stop this bad habit as of today. This way, you will save your parents many concerns and you will have the satisfaction of recognizing yourself in the mirror at first glance.
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Presented by Lapointe dental centres
16 dental centres
The information in this capsule contains general information and is for educational purposes.
For more informations :
Presented by Lapointe dental centres
16 dental centres
The information in this capsule contains general information and is for educational purposes.