tinywall firewall issue | Problem of wifi with tinywall | tinywall blocking internet | quick fix

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tinywall firewall issue | Problem of wifi with tinywall | tinywall blocking internet | quick fix

tinywall firewall issue, Problem of wifi with tinywall, tinywall blocking internet, widows security
While installing tinywall, some time its not allowing the your WIFI to connect to your PC. Even sometime if you remove tinnywall still your PC may not connect to your Wifi.
The solution of Wifi problem with the tinywall is sloved in this video tutorail.
Just write click on the tinywall icon in the system tray and click manage....
TinyWall is blocking all outgoing connections regardless of
TinyWall is blocking all outgoing connections regardless of
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Thank you so very much... The issue has finally been solved


That's the thing i dont like about tiny wall you have to be specific in what to block and what not to block. Some sw like netlimiter allow everything and just block what you want. Thank you for the video.


How can I uninstall without the password cuz I lose it ? 😅
