Is the Magnetosphere CAUSING CLIMATE CHANGE??? #shorts

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A new theory has quickly gained traction: it's not carbon emissions, but the earth's changing magnetic field that's behind climate change. We've been seeing comments about this on our videos, so we thought we'd look into a bit for you to let you know what's up with this truly enormous magnetic field and the effect it is (or isn't) having on our atmosphere.

Weathered is a show hosted by weather expert Maiya May and produced by Balance Media that helps explain the most common natural disasters, what causes them, how they’re changing, and what we can do to prepare.

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Everyone immediately move your refrigerator magnets from the front to the left side. Ahhh. That’s better


I'm more concerned about the magnetosphere weakening if it were to cause us to lose our atmosphere.


This honestly seems like a video that should not be put in a short format


🧐What should be talked about is CERN's experiments that are affecting and weakening the Earth's Magnetosphere🧐


There weren’t that many flips in the Jurassic though but yes, many post KT and never has it led to a mass extinction. Birds and bees still find their way rather quickly


my like pushed the likes to 100K. lol. I love the rare times, my thumbs up, pushes likes to the next level :)


The primary impact would be with a technology that wasn’t around for 299, 700 or so of those years. Electricity. Basically a weak magnetosphere can’t protect our grid so let’s see where that goes by 2025. Personally I hope I’m wrong as I like my A/C 😊


Most of these comments help confirm humanity is screwed 😢


First of all, yasss queen we Stan! Secondly, yes we should continue to dig deeper. I’m a chemical engineer and I know that a lot of the still unanswered questions are around fluid dynamics. There could be some mysteries there that continued research could help answer :)


People really do love exercising their 3 braincells to find the stupidest refutation of human-induced climate change. Even a 5 year old could understand the concept of a dramatic change of rate of increase in temperature and CO2.


Case closed. #ubi now. Scientists we need you to get on board. Everyone else keeps denying #universalbasicincome No ubi-deniers ❤


Did she really say from the dinosaurs to humans without any significant changes in weather.
We have these things called ice ages.
We are living in an interglacial period.
The planet is mostly in a glacial state.
And no, the magnetosphere does not affect climate.
The ongoing magnetic excursion in which the Northern magnetic pole was once traveling 10 km per year is now traveling 40 km per year.
Plus the fact the magnetosphere is weakening also at a faster rate, is more concerning than any weather related problem.
Studies have found that pole flip means an entire collapse of the magnetosphere.
But only for a brief period of 200 years.
There would be no way to live in an electrical world without a magnetosphere.
One mild CME would shut down the grid.
And it would make no difference whether something electrical was on or off.


Apart from the fact that we are more vulnerable to solar wind and radiation etc due to weakening protection causing increasing sun effects on our temperatures.... it basically affects our climate.... Hmmm... !


No one wants to talk magnetosphere at parties anymore


Getting closer. Most prevailing hypotheses fail to factor electromagnetic fluctuations from our own sun: as far as we are concerned, the sun has a constant output of energy, which is far from the case. Next step is the effects these fluctuations have on Earth, from weather patterns, impact on organisms, to magma movement and resultant tectonics.
Everything is effected by the magnetosphere, in far more subtle ways than we can currently comprehend.


Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can oscillate much more than visible light. There is a theory that higher intensity UV has an effect on the upper atmosphere and this can effect cloud cover. We like simple binary models. But it appears that interconnected systems can have surprising consequences.

Digging deeper just gives the idiots more ammunition.


A theory is based on observable facts and experimentation that can be repeated. A Half-Baked "hypothesis" is someone claiming the magnetosphere is affecting something it can't physically affect. Why do SO MANY PEOPLE use the word "theory" COMPLETELY


Adding billions of tons of gases to the atmosphere has nothing to do with a warming environment. We are blameless 😅


I just want to say that I absolutely love your content. I am a doctoral student in clinical psychology. Your work is making such a contribution to our movement. You probably will never read this but keep it up and keep doing what you are doing.
