r/TraumatizeThemBack - Unhinged Parent Payback 💀🌈

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🎵 Track Info:
Title: Tea Time by GoSoundtrack
Genre and Mood: Cinematic + Romantic
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I feel like you all will enjoy this story:

My mom had cancer at 9 and had to have her leg removed when she was about 11. Fast forward to when shes like 23 and she's at a bar and this creep keeps hitting on her. She tells him she's not interested he gets pushy and tries to put hands on my mom. She takes her leg off and beat him with it. Right there at the bar. And this is before the nice prosthetics we have now, this thing was made of wood with a leather strap to hold it in place. And she did not get arrested because who tf would arrest a disabled woman for defending herself with her detachable leg?


Told a friend how US Republicans cite "parents rights" to allow child abuse.

Her: Parents don't have rights. _Children_ have rights. Parents are the ones with obligations _to their children_, not the other way around.

As a victim of psychologically abusive parents, this clear and simple statement of something that to her was so obvious was a mindblowing revelation.


The people who say that two mums can't raise a child are the same kind of people who would say that "Only women should take care of children!"


The lesbian woman who got kicked out at 18:

She missed a golden opportunity to tell her father "you *chose the lifestyle* that left you financially destitute"


My mom taught me "Never punch first - but always punch back."


my stepfather once told my brother "you can't be gay if you've never felt a woman's touch"- so I asked if he has ever slept with a man and he said "no". then you can't be straight, looks like you're gay now. he was pissed, and my brother and I died laughing lmao


My response when my girlfriend gets catcalled while we're together is to just pretend like the compliment was for me say "thanks I do have a great ass" then keep walking without even slowing down, or "thanks but I'm not into dudes, good luck though" sometimes with an "I'm sure yours are / is pretty great / big too"



Irt disability parking, the strategy I've refined over the years (as a physically disabled young white woman) is to approach the person who's parked there in as kind and polite a manner as possible and say, "Excuse me, I just wanted to let you know that you forgot to put your permit up. The fine is pretty steep and they check regularly here."

Some people are assholes about it, but roughly half of the time, when confronted with a clearly well-meaning disabled person, the person pretends they didn't realise it was a disability parking bay and moves their car, lol. Most people have at least enough shame not to out themselves and their behaviour to an actual disabled person, lol. Turning up the sweetness is crucial for this approach to work.

Of course, every now and then, the person is actually disabled and genuinely did forget to put up their permit on their mirror/dashboard. So basically, even if I'm mistaken and the person has an invisible disability, I've helped a fellow disabled person potentially avoid a fine.


Why would anyone grab a random stranger’s boobs?
People scare me


Parents kicked her out at 18 for being gay, then 11 years later try to guilt her into taking them in to "show the same support they did?" My answer'd be "yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. have a nice life."


Whenever Karens accost me about using the handicapped parking (I have an invisible disability) I always sarcastically exclaim “wow! I didn’t know I was meeting my doctor here!”


Creeps get uncomfortable when confronted about catcalling etc because the purpose is never to actually compliment or give feedback to the other person. The purpose is to make the recipient uncomfortable. They don't like being called out for being jerks


Fat-shaming of a pregnant lady is more common than people think. My aunt told my back then heavily pregnant cousin that she should start thinking about how she will loose weight after the birth and that she should loose more than she weight before so she'll be still attractive to her husband. My aunt and my mother also proceeded to body-shame the baby after it was born, saying it was really huge (not fate-wise) for a baby, basically complaining about it (the baby looked at 3 month old like a 6 month old). I had called them out on that. They just looked at me like I'm ridiculous for saying that and said "Body-shaming? That's not body-shaming!"


My sister is totally blind with very off putting eyes. They are heavily cataracts and atrophied. Usually she just keeps them closed. One day in school she had a substitute teacher accuse her of sleeping in class, at which point she just opened her eyes. I was told by her aid that the sub just went ghost white and spent the next ten minutes stuttering trying to pick up the lesson. Never apologized, never acknowledged she said anything wrong. I only wish I'd been in the


I like to freak people out by accusing them of things when they ask me invasive questions. For example, someone asked if I’m “on my period” and I responded with “Why are you thinking about my uterus? Are you trying to get me pregnant or something? What the hell?”
Always works


I love the shirts that say "Of course they're fake. My real ones tried to kill me." Good for that 60 something woman.


My nana had the mastectomy bras. My husband took to crocheting her boobs in fun colors. She passed in 2021...I miss her.


My oldest has ADHD and one of his biggest issues is emotional regulation. He had a bully at school that enjoyed getting him in trouble by setting him off. He was around 9-10 years old at the time, and was having a really hard time with this. The kid would quietly harass him, so it would usually go unnoticed by the teachers. I told him the next time he should yell as loud as possible "NO, FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T WANT TO KISS YOU!"
It was only a couple days later that he said that the bully won't go anywhere near him any more. 😂


Sometimes a blunt "We won't have anymore because we don't want anymore. No, we do not accept unsolicited opinions" is enough. If they call you an asshole, say "who are you to demand my time and attention when you are asking impertinent questions?"

Strangers feel too comfortable asking impertinent questions


For context: I (20F, asexual) mostly pretend not to get crude comments and innuendos, because 1. It is funny, watching people trying to explain them and 2. It gives me an excuse to ignore them. Furthermore I look and dress like I just escaped a sunday-school.
So a few years ago a classmate of mine bragged in sex-ed, how stores don’t have condoms his size. I, without missing a beat, asked him, if he tried ordering them from a not-EU-country, because most of them don’t have a minimal size requirement for condoms. I never again had to deal with crude comments from this classmate.
