Bwipo explains why he plays ADC in SoloQ

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In this League of Legends clip Bwipo explains why he plays ADC in SoloQ right now.

#bwipo #lolclips #leagueclips
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Playing other roles also expand your game knowledge and gameplay, totally agree with bwipo on that


cloning bwipo and making a 5 bwipo team would probalby work


he has a point tho he didn't make it to Worlds it's basically his vacation as of right now like you legit have no reason to play top unless you're competing in like a week or so


I feel the same way when I play clash I play top because I perform best as a toplaner in a coordinated team but soloqueue toplane is so boring and lame so I play midlane so I can play with my team.


I remember season 8 during the ADC is dead meta and this guy roleswapped to bot lane for Fnatic and was stomping EU on Swain, Aatrox and Yasuo in bot lane!

Creative picks like Fnatic and G2 from that 2018-2019 Era is what I think is needed to revive the game and get people interest again. I miss the days of the penta-flex Pyke and the Yasuo ADC wombo combos.


tl;dr: he wants to play ad carry in solo q


Respectfully, it sounds like he just came out of a tilting AF game and is coping hard lmao


Bot lane is the best place if you are tired of playing any other lane because top is hard and boring and one mistake and you get ganked and died you lose your lane. Jungle is tiring cause you have to look at the whole map, your teammatez, the enemy jungler, enemy lanes and objectives. In mid you got to have impact or be nonsense in the game and is the easiest for enemy jungler to go to. In botlane you don't have to think much other than farming and you have someone to rely on.


There’s not the next season then? Western teams mostly gets rejected from scrimms in eastern bootcamps and rarely get the opportunity to play your native skill matchups top vs the mechanic freaks of lpl & lck, and while they are in NA for the first time in 6 years playing champ queue, you off role to do practice a valid thing he could have done literally any other time.
My silver take.
