How To Tell If A Guy DOESN'T Like You (5 Guaranteed Signs He's NOT that into YOU)

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I’m Mark Rosenfeld – Australia’s dating and relationship coach for women. This channel is all about helping you find, attract and keep the man you want through the values of personal growth, authenticity and high self-esteem. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on core confidence that makes you a better human, rather than games or tactics to ‘play’, start now by subscribing (link below) and getting your FREE download (link above)


A dating advice question I get asked a lot by women is "Mark, How do you tell if a guy doesn't like you? What are the signs men give that show they're not interested? Which things do I need to look for to be certain he's not that into me?".

Giving dating advice to women on how to tell if a guy doesn't like you is a hugely important part of being a dating and relationships coach! Sadly, not every crush works out, and the last thing you want to be doing is investing your precious time, energy and love into a guy who's not into you and not ready to reciprocate it. Being able to clearly and succinctly read men's signals, so you know when to pull the plug, is a vital dating and relationships skill.

For women, "How To Tell If A Guy Doesn't Like You" is an important dating topic. When you really like a guy, it's easy for your brain to overthink his signals, mistakenly reading something normal he does as a sign of disinterest. It's equally important, however, not to bluff yourself into thinking his feelings are real when they are not. If you do, either way you will end up misinterpreting how he feels and take the wrong action.

When a woman comes to me asking "Mark, How Do You Tell If A Guy Doesn't Like You?" my first thought is "This is a great question! This woman is wanting to learn a skill that will serve her not just in dating but right throughout her life. The skill of reading men. It's important I help her get this right so she can foster amazing relationships in the future. Now, I need to educate her on what signs she needs to look out for so she can reliably read a mans disinterest, versus which signs she needs to recognise as her brain overthinking things."

In this dating advice video from Make Him Yours, I (Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationship coach) am discussing what things men do to show they're not interested. I describe 5 of the most reliable indicators a guy is NOT into you, including one in particular that you can be extremely confident in to tell a guy who doesn't like you. Once you know the 5 (and this one in particular) you'll be able to relax knowing exactly what a man is feeling. This means, if necessary, you'll also be able to move on and stop focusing your attention on men who don't deserve it.

This dating and relationships advice video describes exactly what you need to look out for from men as you go through your dating. By the end, you'll know 5 guaranteed signs men exhibit that show they're not interested. You'll have the power to read a man and how to tell if he's not interested and will be able to move through dating confidently knowing precisely what his signals mean.

How To Tell If A Guy Doesn't Like You? It's time to find out! Click the video to watch and don't forget to leave a comment and SUBSCRIBE!

Enjoy the video guys! This is Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationships coach from Make Him Yours 🙂

Please watch: "How To Have WAY More Fun On Dates & Stop Wasting Time On Dating"
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Рекомендации по теме

1. Not responding to clear forward move of interest
2. Days of no contact without reasons
3. Doesn’t look forward to the next time to see you
4. Not ready to be exclusive after a reasonable amount of time
5. Doesn’t reciprocate the effort you give


"If you're not sure be voulnerable, give him a clear signal of your interest and if you don't get one back - you have your answear" - quick and simple, I love it.


Its so hard when you never experienced a healthy relationship. This makes your teachings so important. Many of us women keep repeating the same patterns thinking its the wrong man instead of realizing its how we are and that we need to change.


Wow. You just made me realize I'm giving too much time to a fuckboy. Time to move on. Thanks 👌


Woow...reality hit. This is a punch in the face for me. I waited 3 years. Sadly he is not interested. time to pack up my tears and pieces of heart and move on with life😭😥❌💔1 sided...


“He leaves gaps as in days without contact.”
Wow, this has been an eye opener. The whole time he was playing interested and I thought he just needed space after sex, instead all along he’s been showing subtle hints that he wasn’t interested and that I was just a booty call. I was under the impression that a booty call was just sex. I didn’t realize it was also going out on dates and charming the woman. Thanks Mark for your insight!


I'm learning to read the signs much quicker these days. It saves me many hours of wondering and wondering and wondering. :P


Wow. "Emotional momentum" just opened my eyes. Thank you so much Mark for your help.


Don't forced yourself to be with the guy who doesn't like you because you'll only suffer from the consequences in the end. If he doesn't like you then find another guy because there are plenty of fish in the ocean.


you're so sweet and humble. I can't believe you take the time to write to us . you're helping so many girls . I. don't think you know how many girls you're help. you're definitely the type of man a women wants. thanks for taking the the time . I hope I'm lucky and find someone sweet like you. I love your videos. .


Yes! Effort is key. I wish more woman knew how important it is to look for this.


Thanks Mark this confirmed everything my mind already knew but my heart didn't want to hear. Definitely a one way street, i broke my own heart & made most of the big mistakes you talk about. He was definitely my lesson. Sadly its taken me a year to open my eyes..Thanks again.


oh I know about one sided effort, you feel so emotionally drained its like your sucked dry! it's horrible


It’s simple; if you have to question it, you have your answer. If he is truly into you and on the way to falling in love, you’ll know


Spot on advice again, Mark! Actions speak louder than words. Also I agree about reversing the roles and asking yourself, "would I do the same things with someone I really liked?" That's a great way to access the situation! 😊


There was a guy who I met and at first he was chasing me all the time and he slowly began to ignore me and one day when I was missing him I texted if I can see him and he didn't respond even though he saw my message that's when I realised he doesn't like me :/


Thanks Mark! Like someone told me last week, after I said I was still looking for Mr. Right...she shook her head and said "you've got to let the guy come to you". I immediately understood what she meant. What you're talking about in this video...also hit home. I seem to always do too much which I understand is being in the masculine energy, which pushes guys away. I have, however, found it difficult to just 'let it go, go with the flow and see what happens'. Need to keep working on being zen and chill and who knows? Love your content dude, new sub :) Cheers from Canada


thank you mark, ive been watching some of your videos, and i think i can summarize them in two words "love yourself",
again thank you for helping us on how to do that.


Aww shucks he's not that into me oh well. Our sex is Amazing but the amount of effort he puts into us isn't there. Thank you for your advice because now I'm going to save me time and cut him loose!... Next!


So happy to find an Aussie guy giving advice. From an Aussie girl :)
