Framing The Roof Alone! ||14x14 Home Addition||

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This week we worked on framing the roof of our 14x14 addition using 2x8 rafters. Were moving right along and hope this helps some of you wondering if you can build your own addition.

Make sure you check our 14x14 Home addition Playlist;

Hit My Soul; Silent Partner
Heartland; Silent Partner
Slow Times Over Here; Midnight North
Daily Beetle; Kevin Macleod
Mamas Whisper;
All Hail The Queen; Dan Lebowitz
Рекомендации по теме

Take it from a guy who has worked construction for over 35 years, Having the kids or anyone underneath a working area can become a terrible experience when something falls on their heads and sends them to the hospital.Believe me when I say I am no safety nazi but have witnessed it a few times and have changed my own ways because of it. You do nice work


Builder over 46 years, You did a great job. Very good tie in to the roof.


Im a contractor myself and i bring my kids to work as well. You are what a what a man should look like. Doing great.


You’re building, recording, droning, and dropping rafters by yourself that’s impressive man!


I cut a slot in the temporary posts used to support the ridge beam.


In the future, if you cut a pair of rafters prior to erecting the walls it's a lot easier to get them perfect. Just use a small piece of 2x scrap as ridge filler, alot easier at ground level. Old new England builder trick


Retired with over 50 years in residential construction. A bit late to help your project, but hopefully others. Good job, here are some pointers.
Your first joist should have been played flat and notched for rafter. Its easier to put gable studs in if it's flat. All it is for is drywall backing. Joist could have been put up on building and while layed flat cut to length after flushing up one end with wall. Quicker. Cat walks are usually put in at 4 ft or so from outside edge and nailed down. If attic space gets osb, put it down before rafters. Catwalks keep the joist from flipping over. Depending on roof pitch the top corners of joist are cut off so they do not protrude above roof line. That way full bearing on walls.
Hangers are not ties. Collar ties or 2x4 chokers tight under the ridge.
Usually because of roof pitch, ridge board is 2 inches larger then rafters. Say 2x6 rafters, 2x8 ridge. Ridge at overhang is ripped down to accommodate facia width or soffet. A V splice should have been used to connect both sections of ridge or the ridge connections should fall over the bearing wall and rafter layout. Sway braces needed from both bearing walls to ridge. Gable studs are easier to put in before the rest of the rafters. 2x4 nailers on the underside of gable end rafters makes a better job.
Facia boards on gable end should have been cut 3/4 longer and butted together at ridge. That way
the end of the ridge is not exposed. If metal or vinyl is going to be used to cover facia, it doesn't matter.


I know how difficult it can be to work by yourself you're doing a great job


Great job! I grew up building houses and now continue to do projects on my farm in Georgia so it's always good to see a dad providing for his family. We need more MEN like you in this country.


U are the MAN a one man Tornado roaring through this project I am Impressed shows it can be Done. Just Just watch those Precious Babys of


Good job! Cute seeing your girls in the background. Girls always want to be with their dads no matter what he’s doing.


Thanks for your service! Great job balancing a large project, life, kids and family in general. Good luck ahead.


Having done this countless times: I can assure you this is actually good work.


The man is a "BEAST"....I have done projects by myself and it is crazy hard to get the work done and stay motivated. My favorite part is them little girls watching dad work and dad having his babies in his "feet". You are teaching us and them daughters will have high expectations from there husbands. Your so very blessed.


very good video, well done sir...One thing i noticed that i felt was unsafe and had to share with you.I could not help notice your kids playing below you while you were handling those rafters and nail gun.I would urge you to not allow that while doing overhead work !


Friendly tips are fair, However, anybody criticizing this man from a TV screen should be ashamed of themselves. He's pretty much solo and did all of this. VERY inspiring. A true hero and living legend for his family. Salute sir.


Great work being a Carpenter myself i think you have made a very good Practical Great Video about the Sequence of events in building a roof. Great stuff .


Don't worry about having cut the shingles back as far as you did. Keep it like that and straighten the edge. Pull up the nails holding the little pieces of shingles and run a wife flashing in the corner. Run it the same on the roof your building. Would save on replacing all the shingles lined down both sides just to get the perfect stair


I could be wrong (check with Simpson Strong Tie ) but I do not believe ridge hangers count as rafter ties as required by IRC. I believe they have to tie the rafters together over the ridge board with a strap or you have to install collar ties at 48" centers 1/3 down. Also you need to install hurricane ties or install a structural screw from the plate to rafter.


Take it from a 17 year old kid that’s been working construction for 2 years, it looks good👍
