Front and Rear Brake Pads and Rotors Replacement Toyota Highlander With TORQUE SPECS!

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If you are driving and experience shuddering, pulsations or vibrations in the front end when you step on the brake pedal, this could be your brake system and you may need to have your rotors "turned" (resurfaced) or just replace them with brand new rotors as well as replace your brake pads. This video will take you through the step-by-step process to safely replace your bad rotors and brake pads. The demonstration was done on a 2014 Toyota Highlander.

Parts and tools below:

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Great video. To anyone attempting this job, pay attention to the caliper slide pin locations, one has a rubber bushing and is a smaller diameter than the one without the bushing. If you get it wrong you’ll likely end up with uneven brake pad wear. 😊


This is the BEST Highlander rotor and brake replacement video I have seen yet. Thank you for being the only one I have found to include the torque specs!!!


This is the best DIY video I’ve found for the Highlander. About to start my front brake job now! Thank you.


When he said, " a thin layer of caliper grease, " I subscribed. Every other YTUBE brake parts changer dude either doesn't clean & re-grease or puts big globs of grease.
If you depress the caliper bolt, and it pops out once you remove pressure, then you have too much caliper grease.
Thanks for professional job.


I'm so thankful that I found your video as I have watched over a dozen brake videos several of which were only dealing with checking, cleaning and lubing the caliper sliding pins. I had just under 30, 000 miles ( 50, 000 kilometers ) on my 2017 Highlander and was still under the "free" services. The vehicle had been " gone over " 7800 kms ( 4500 miles) earlier and the front brake pads were assessed at 70% remaining so I was expecting just the basic oil change and inspection of fluids etc. so I was surprised when I received a phone call from the dealership 15 minutes after dropping the car off. I was told that the front brakes were seized and the pads ( 4500 miles after being 70% ) were at under 15%. This was apparently because the caliper slide pins had seized ( they had been serviced at the previous service ) so that's why I have watched vids focusing on the slide pins. A couple things I noticed watching other brake videos including 2 Toyota made videos and watching yours. You didn't mention or show the brake pad shims being installed or lubed. Toyota has specific spots where you apply the grease on the shims and the brake pad box shows where to put the just less than a dime sized bit of grease. I also have seen several videos showing that it is important to clean the old grease out of the bore ( the hole that the caliper slide pins slide into ) being careful to not damage the rubber boot. No grease should be applied on the end of the pin as this may prevent the pin from being able to fully go into the bore. As you said, use a LIGHT coat of silicon brake caliper slide pin grease as too much will also effect the pin's ability to slide fully. Strangely the Toyota brake pad installation video said to NOT put grease on the caliper bracket where the ends of the pads fit but all other videos suggest a light amount of the proper grease. Also, when pulling the rotors off a rubber or metal hammer tapping on the hub area could be helpful ( yours are obviously well maintained as the hubs were not very rusted at all but a careful cleaning with a small wire brush followed by a light coating of anti-seize on the surface of the hub could help future rotor removal. Great video and thanks for mentioning the torque numbers, 25 lb feet for the rear caliper bolts???? ( the only video that I've seen that mentioned that). I didn't watch the last 2 minutes so I hope you mentioned to get in and start the engine and pump the brake pedal until you get a firm pedal before moving the vehicle.


Very thorough! I will be replacing the pads on my wife’s Highlander in the spring. The dealer wants $1300 just to replace the pads!!


Excellent tutorial on changing brake pads and rotors for ANY vehicle. Been following this same process for decades.


Great video, the torque specs were very helpful. I would add to newbies, to keep an eye on the brake fluid level in the reservoir as you compress the pistons, as you don't want it to overflow. After I had done both front brakes, the reservoir was almost topped out, so I had to remove some fluid with a syringe to bring it back down to the max fluid level.


Great video right to the point thanks socket sizes saves time going back to the tool box 👏👍


Impeccable description and guide... Perfect format, professional commentary and real time video ... A++++


Very thorough and thoughtful approach to teaching everyone. great job!


Best instructional video I’ve ever watched. Well done sir.


Best video I have seen so far with torque specs. Thank you.


Great job, I like the way you speak clearly and explain yourself 👍👍👍👍👍


I love he simplicity and straight to the point instructions. t


excellent and comprehensive video. thanks a lot. good job.


Fantastic video, very thoughtful and complete, and trustworthy information.


This guy xplain everything very well thanks for this amazing video buddy good job 👍👍👍


Excellent instructional video. Thank you so much.


Glad to found your video bro. It's very detailed .. thanks for sharing