How to type in a Textbox using SendKeys Selenium? SDET Automation Testing Interview

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How to type in a Textbox using SendKeys Selenium?

SDET Automation Testing Interview Questions & Answers

We will be covering a wide range of topics including QA manual testing, automation testing, Selenium, Java, Jenkins, Cucumber, Maven, and various testing frameworks.

How to type in a Textbox using SendKeys Selenium?

To type in a Textbox using sendKeys() method in Selenium, you first need to locate the Textbox element using any of the available Locators in Selenium such as id, name, xpath, cssSelector, etc.

Here is an example code snippet in Java:

// Assume that the driver object is already instantiated and the textbox is located using any of the locators

// Clear the existing text in the textbox

// Type the new text in the textbox

In this example, the findElement() method is used to locate the Textbox element using the id locator. Once the element is located, the existing text in the textbox is cleared using the clear() method, and the new text is typed using the sendKeys() method.
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How to type in a Textbox using SendKeys Selenium?

To type in a Textbox using sendKeys() method in Selenium, you first need to locate the Textbox element using any of the available Locators in Selenium such as id, name, xpath, cssSelector, etc.

Here is an example code snippet in Java:

// Assume that the driver object is already instantiated and the textbox is located using any of the locators
WebElement textbox =

// Clear the existing text in the textbox

// Type the new text in the textbox
textbox.sendKeys("This is a sample text to be entered in the textbox.");

In this example, the findElement() method is used to locate the Textbox element using the id locator.

Once the element is located, the existing text in the textbox is cleared using the clear() method, and the new text is typed using the sendKeys() method.
