Are You Still Conscious After The Body Dies? | Non Duality

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Self Realization is our highest purpose in life. These videos share simple messages about Awakening, Enlightenment, and Surrender.. These are the same topics taught by Mooji, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
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I experience what seem to be dying on 7grams of mushrooms and i have never felt that kind of peace ever again it was so soothing and calming. There was no longer an idea that i was in a body. I honestly believe our consciousness goes on into another plane of existence where the body is not needed


The strength of our connection to Awareness is level dependent. Pay attention to the next level by knowing the location of Thyself. Once located, navigate yourself in the appropriate direction ⬆️
worrying is unnecessary throughout the journey 🧡


Thats an intrestig visual ~ makes me think that we wake up on other plaines through differant portals of timing depinding of aur countious level


😁🥰 good to see and hear that you listen to and appreciate Ram Dass as well 🙏🏼💞


"Depends how conscious we are whilst we have the body " - who will be conscious when the body dies ? Presumably consciousness our true nature?
If yes, then doesn't this imply consciousness is knowing so in some sense a identity?


Hi, how do you know this is what happens also I think in another video you mentioned there is other dimensions realities that one can go to after death? I hope asking this isn’t annoying thank you


Do you believe in heaven and hell? Or like different heavens and hells with different densities? Or being reborn on earth? Thx for the clip


Nobody can answer this question. As nobody returned from death.
