Non-Duality Explained Simply

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#nonduality #enlightenment #awakening

Non-Duality Meaning

Awakening, Non-Duality, non duality, non-dual awakening, mental health, emotional release, anxiety, panic attacks, healing, trauma, shadow work, Rupert Spira, Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Parsons, oneness, The Universe, spirituality, spiritual awakening, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Advaita, Advaita Vedanta
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In non-dual awareness, also known as spiritual enlightenment or self-realization, the individual experiences a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all of existence. There is a realization that there is no separate, individual self, and that the ego, or sense of individuality, is an illusion.

In non-dual awareness, there is a letting go of the dualistic way of thinking, in which everything is perceived as being separate and distinct from everything else. Instead, there is a recognition that everything is interconnected and interdependent, and that all labels and boundaries are ultimately illusory.

This realization can bring about a deep sense of peace, joy, and understanding, as the individual sees through the illusion of separation and suffering. There may also be a sense of the sacred and the divine in all things. Non-dual awareness is often described as a state of consciousness beyond the mind, where the individual experiences a deep sense of unity with all of existence.

While non-dual awareness is often associated with spiritual traditions, it is not necessarily tied to any particular religion or belief system. It is a state of consciousness that can be experienced by anyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is often said to be the true nature of the self, and is sometimes referred to as "awakening, " "enlightenment, " or "self-realization."

One of the main ways in which quantum mechanics challenges classical conceptions of reality is through the concept of superposition. In classical mechanics, objects have definite properties (such as position and momentum) that are independent of measurement. In contrast, according to quantum mechanics, the act of measurement itself can affect the properties of a quantum system. For example, the position and momentum of a subatomic particle cannot be known with complete precision at the same time, due to the uncertainty principle.

This leads to the phenomenon of superposition, in which a quantum system can exist in multiple states simultaneously. For example, an electron can be in multiple energy levels at the same time, or a particle can be in multiple locations at once. This is in contrast to classical mechanics, in which an object can only be in one state or location at a time.

The concept of superposition has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. It suggests that the objects we observe in the everyday world, which seem to have definite properties, may actually be more like waves of probability that only "collapse" into definite states when we observe them. This has led some philosophers to argue that our common-sense understanding of the world is an illusion, and that the true nature of reality at the quantum scale is fundamentally unknowable.

Another way in which quantum mechanics challenges classical conceptions of reality is through the phenomenon of entanglement. This occurs when two or more particles become "linked" in such a way that the state of one particle can affect the state of the other, even if they are separated by large distances. This non-local behavior seems to contradict the principles of classical physics, which hold that physical interactions can only occur through direct contact or via some kind of intermediary.

The phenomenon of entanglement has also been used to argue that there may be deeper connections between seemingly unrelated physical systems, and that the concept of "separate" objects may be an illusion. Some philosophers have suggested that the concept of "object" itself may be a human construct, and that the true nature of reality may be more akin to a interconnected web of relationships.

Overall, the relationship between quantum mechanics and philosophy is a complex and ongoing one, with many philosophers and scientists continuing to explore the implications of this powerful and enigmatic physical theory.


You know what happened when the non duality military gave LSD to soldiers to make them better killers? The soldiers refused to fight each other because they experienced too much love.


Past and future don't exist. The only thing that actually exist and we can experience is the present. Much love for everyone struggling with something out there.

You are not alone.


I can fully understand and see how we can rescue ourselves from suffering. But how do we rescue others that are suffering? Those who cannot stand up for example...the animal kingdom. Especially those who we have chosen as food source. The saddest thing that I can imagine... is passing on from this world and knowing that the animals are still being slaughtered by the billions every single day....just so that humans can eat their flesh. How do we save them? I do not want to pass until I see this change in the world. No more eating animals and drinking their secretions and wearing their fur. A full Vegan world. That is my wish. Can you tell me what I can do to make it happen?


For me non duality is our reason to be here .i am not willing to accept negativity i am mindful of what thoughts stay with me .i make My essence love and gratitude.i try live in the moment .i defend My self from seeking instant gratification and maybe it waa coldrisge who said " When the flower bears fruit there is no going back ." Love and mindfulness becomes a habit that lets light Enter and one truly connects with the true wonders on offer not the bribes of darkness


Thank you for sharing a bit about your past, it mirrors my current situation quite well. I find myself at the end of a 25 year relationship and also trying to work through childhood trauma. I became interested in non-duality teachings several years ago but have only recently had what some might call an awakening. Thank you again for creating these videos, they are a great help to me and many others I'm sure. 🙏


This so resonates. Indeed we are all Gods. Sons and Daughters of the Most High ❤️. Remember the Light of God is always victorious and you/I/we are that Light!❤


You have presented it in a nice simple way no high sounding words. In India on the path of spirituality of advaita vedanta we accept i am..i am that. I am brahman. Aham bramhasvi. When we switch on the light in a dark room the ignorance fades away and there is only pure knowledge. Self realisation.


Damn bro; that hit hard. As Einstein wisely put it: "We followers of Spinoza see our God in the wonderful order and lawfulness of all that exists and in its soul as it reveals itself in man and animal." -- Or in other words: "God not behind nature, but as nature, equivalent to it." Non-duality in the limit.


There is no duality. Only unity. Only Love. Only our Father in Heaven. Anyone choosing not to be part of that, will simply be no more, described in the Bible as the second death.


very beautiful, sending love from Iceland!! I really appreciate you and this video my friend. Love you.


How would you react if all the sudden your coffee table started to talk to you? Would you be open to listening, or would you freak out and run to the doctor to put yourself on meds to suppress it? Most people would freak out because they don't have a proper context for it. Under the materialist paradigm the only context is that you're going insane. But if you understand how consciousness works then there's really nothing wrong about it, you just have an extra-open mind.


Schizophrenia is like an extreme form of openmindedness. Your mind/consciousness is so abnormally open that reality itself becomes less material and more fluid — similar to being on mushrooms. This kind of openness correlates with high creativity because a lot more novel ideas are floating into your field of consciousness. But your mind is so open that these ideas literally start to morph your material world. A coffee table could start talking to you and giving you novel ideas. The trade-off is that your mind is less buttoned-up, so it literally starts to feel like you're going insane.


Awareness that you are dreaming, while dreaming, is called Lucidity, lucid dreaming. Not lucid dreaming means that you cannot fly or breathe under water. Lucidity means that you can!! Your 'reality' becomes 'expanded' until unlimited.
The Truth certainly does 'set one free'! ;)


Nice talk, great content. Now how do I implement all these into my daily life? After listening to this, I still need to get dressed, go to work, eat, pay my rent and


Me and a friend had a long conversation about duality and nonduality. I tried explaining that nonduality could exist without duality because it does, but he thinks they coincide almost but not quite like Ying and yang. He acknowledges that nonduality is the entire symbol not just the two sides but said there would be no symbol without the duality meaning nonduality cannot be, and that's where I disagreed. What do yall think?


Thank you ❤
This was great and very helpful.


What are spiritual exercises for duality? I love this ...awareness.


Thank you for your video! It is so honest and compassionate. I look at the comments on videos like this and find that most of the seekers or individuals interested in spirituality so smart and so tuned in. I am not. Question: do you not you have one foot in duality and the other in non-duality?


I am looking to God wth his own eyes everything is one
