Life Advice: Go On An Adventure!

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Kinda refreshing to have Matt giving fatherly advice instead of talking politics, more of this stuff please


You can really feel the fatherly tone in his voice
Society doesn't seem to want men like these because of their agenda
Thanks for all you do Matt


A rare moment where the YouTube algorithm has helped


YES, GO ON AN ADVENTURE! Even if there is hardship in the midst of an adventure, I have always looked fondly on the memories and grew through it.


Matt walsh:Go on a adventure!
*minecraft music intensifys


heck yeah! the road isn't your limit, so much nature to explore, so many experiences waiting for you


I'm single and realized I couldn't wait for a person to come to live my best life. So I'm doing my own adventures


I love this!!!! I used to tell my hs kids I drove bus for, , to go on adventures after high school! Take advantage of the time to learn how to take care of yourself! 💗💗💗 This is such a great message! 🙌


I did this 3 years ago.
After a break up..
Not the craziest thing, but I moved 12 hours away from all of my family, to get away from the city to build a new life and for better job opportunities.


Have had ups and downs and so so much has happened...
But that is what i'm thankful for.
It definitely has changed me as a man.

I could not agree with Matt more.

Please please take his advice on this one guys!!


I’ve been debating between college and traveling around Europe/possible missionary work in Japan. My heart lies in the latter, but my brain is pulling me towards the former. As my graduation is coming in hot, the more I feel stressed about choosing.

I can only ask God for guidance in this, but I like the attitude of just going for it. Sometimes that’s all we need. Whoever you are, Blue, I wish you well on your journey! 💕


I don’t know how to react to this other than I wish I could have heard this sooner. This is AMAZING advice!!!


Absolutely, go anywhere and do everything


Thank you so much for being you, Matt. You've inspired me so much.
Love ya.
God bless 🙌


.. I needed these words .. I keep waiting .. nothing .. I keep denying how lost I feel ..


You’re absolutely right, I didn’t have kids in my twenties and I went on adventures that gave me wonderful memories for a lifetime.


Went on adventure 11 years ago and it still hasn’t ended. He’s absolutely right about it. God bless him. People will look down on you and mock it, simply because they’re jealous. If they were really so happy in their successful lives they wouldn’t feel the need to mock people who live with more freedom and joy than them.


Thanks Matt, I’ve always felt pressure to be an adult, yet I’m only a teen. I’ve always worried about making people happy and be what other want me to be. Thank you for reminding me to be what I wanna be and to have fun.


YES!!! DO IT!!! Whom ever reads this after watching Matt. DO IT! It’s the best school of life. You learn in different ways life has all these perspectives. It is a humbling blessing experiences.

the Mediteranean coast of Samui-Koh Samet-Vancouver-Montreal.

It was my once in a lifetime no strings attached experience. Do this for yourself!

Do it! Do it!….. Do it for your life! You owe yourself that experience.

Do it!


My parents split up when I was young, my mom had drug problems and kicked me out at 14. I spent about 5 years being a homeless teenager, traveling the country and figuring out the world. By the time I was 19-20 started cleaning up and getting my life together.
By 30 I had 2 kids, wife, dog, mortgage etc.
Almost 40 now, sober, homeowner, married for over 10 years.
I honestly think my parents helped me SOOOO much. Yeah, it was tough, and I'm not saying it was easy to process and "get over it" but what I "gained" is irreplaceable. I had to get real smart real quick. And realize I had to take responsibility for myself, find a job, a place to sleep, etc. And at the end of the day It was up to me.
I also learned what " freedom" ACTUALLY was, and how quickly it can be taken away by people and "organizations" claiming to be helping me. Every time I was promised " free lunch" it ended up costing FAR MORE than should be asked of anyone. I couldn't rely on government handouts or the sympathy and generosity of others forever. And if anything was going to get better it was going to have to be me making it happen.


Spot on, Matt!! Adventure as a single male can manifest itself in many ways. During my 30s, I was going to college part-time, working two part-time jobs, involved in my church, and serving in an Army Reserve Special Forces unit, followed by an Army Guard infantry unit. I was always on the go, trying to stay on top of everything.

I have a collection of photos and awards from a lifetime of military and federal service on display in my house and feel an immense sense of pride at what I was able to experience and accomplish as a single male in my 30s, not just militarily, but also academically and in the jobs that I worked. It laid a very strong foundation for my future work and successes after that.

"I have taken the road less traveled and it has made all the difference." (Robert Frost)
