Harry Is Dismissed | Spooks

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Juliet dismisses Harry after he stops the CIA from extraditing a British Citizen who turns out to be a terrorist.

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MI5, a clandestine counter-terrorism division of the British security service, faces several challenges as the members work round the clock to safeguard the nation.

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First, I do want to thank you for posting this, I've wanted to see this again for a long time. HOWEVER only the series one and two Playlists actually work as Playlists; ALL THE OTHER SERIES ARE POSTED IN BACKWARDS ORDER, and so do not work as Playlists. Beginning with series 3, if you play Episode 1, at the end, YT autoplays something random, NOT on the Playlist. If you go back to the Playlist and manually play episode 2, it will play through episode 2, then autoplay episode 1, then exit the Playlist, and so on. The solution is to NOT use the Playlists, but start with the "Videos" page link for episode 1 of each season, WITH AUTOPLAY SHUT OFF. Then at the very end of each video, you'll see the on-screen recommendations, paused until you click on something. THE NEXT EPISODE WILL BE IN THE UPPER LEFT CORNER. (Except for the last episode...so just go back to the videos page, and click on episode 1 of the next series/season.)
