7 Habits of Highly Miserable People

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7 shameful stories and the 7 lessons they became :)

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Thank you for using yourself as an example. Too many of these videos come from a superior/self righteous stance, despite the fact that we ALL have shortcomings. Much respect & admiration. 🙏🏾💚


The self care point is SO IMPORTANT. Self care can be starting an assignment early so you dont have to rush and stress last minute, or going to class every day to make learning easier. I used to think self care was just doing what I liked, and thats part of it, but its also doing the thing you need to do in order to make life easier on future you.


I always got frustrated when I'd tell therapists that I spent the whole day watching YouTube or otherwise fucking around, and they'd say "Oh good, self care is important!" I was like BUT THAT'S ALL I DO and it really confused me until I pinpointed the difference between self-care and self-indulgence. The latter being more akin to self-harm than self-care.


The social media one is so important. I truly think we are in a weird stage where social media is new enough that people don't realize the bizarre grasp it has on so many people. When you stop using it you see how strange it all has become. I really do think history will look back on this time and ask why we didn't realize how harmful social media was.


I am taking notes
1. Impulsive purchase/buying
2. Having procrastination while saying it's self care
3. Hoping too much for accidental solutions that are unrealistic
4. Just one setback and give up it all
5. Too much social media especially arguing about things that are not really important
6. Overlooking obvious things that would ease you in the long run for a bigger unobvious things - use mattress logic
7. Drugs, or anything that is addictive such as corn, PMO, and such things

Hope yall doing better bros and sis


"I lived it. It was dumb." That's my new catchphrase for getting over past embarrassments. 😂


00:02 Bad money habits lead to misery
02:21 The impact of childhood money stories on adult behavior.
04:08 Identifying and avoiding the Mot and Bailey argument
05:58 Honesty and self-awareness can help identify and address bad habits.
07:57 Waiting creates false hope and leads to misery.
09:50 Setbacks can feel like a death sentence, but they're not as big as they seem.
11:33 Pushing through setbacks leads to growth
13:32 Focusing on everyday habits can lead to a better quality of life
15:17 Finding simple solutions can greatly improve your quality of life
17:06 Recognizing the net negative effects of drugs despite providing temporary happiness.
18:56 Conquered bad habit, no longer miserable


I had a lot of these, turns out I had severe undiagnosed ADHD. getting the right meds and support completely turned my life around at 37, to the point that I'm about to start a PhD that I never would have even attempted a few years ago.

Having said that I'm definitely going to take your advice and learn to chop veg properly. One of the things I really struggle with is feeding myself properly and not resorting to takeaways all the time. The fact that if I cook dinner it pretty much takes up the entire evening really doesn't help with that


In the midst of a bout of crying and feeling sad and sorry for myself, your video popped up and I began to laugh. Kind of like the sun beginning to shine during a rain shower. Great timing.


I used to think I'm not a procrastinator, but then I realised:
1. I procrastinated a LOT by studying.
2. I basically even "procrastinated" studying itself by watching YouTube videos alongside it. When I was "studying", I wasn't actually focused on the studying part, I was focused on the video or music part, which is why I struggled so much to learn anything. I studied for _hours_ every single day, but it was basically just watching YouTube while studying in the background.
The reason I say this is because, well, "productive" procrastination *_is still procrastination._* Yet, it's so hard to realise you're procrastinating when you're doing this because the typical stereotype of procrastinating is when you don't do anything at all or you're playing video games to avoid something, not when you're doing something productive to avoid it.
I've gotten way better at doing stuff when I stopped multitasking and started to kinda prioritise stuff by how much I actually needed to do them.

Edit: Other people experience this 😭😭 I thought I was alone


about "abandoning hope", i was taught that hope and fear are two branches of the same tree - which is projecting your expectations onto the future, when you should be being open to whatever may unfold ♥


If you don't add "reddit" to your keyword search you're not using the internet right 😂

I've been watching your channel for a long time and it still amazes me how you can take a universal, complex feeling and logic us through to a less uncomfortable place. Thanks for your swirly twirly, spicy philosophic brain! (sidenote: silly purchases are worth it even just for the stories!)


The social media and opinions thing is so true. Cause there are so many times I have seen a discussion out of propotion, and I just sit there like "Why cant you guys see both the good and bad in each perspective, and come to a conclusion. Like no one outside of social media will care".


procrastination = self care; that argument has been one I have played for myself MANY MANY MANY TIMES. thank you for highlighting it and talking through the habit (and habit-breaking)! 💕


On the topic of waiting.
While waiting for random events is bad, waiting with a purpose can be really soothing.
When I am in a train, and have to wait 1h to arrive. There is nothing I have to or should do in the meantime. I just have to wait and don't have to feel bad about it.


What you said about your art teacher made me think of Brene Brown's work. This is from an interview she did.

“I used to believe, before I did the research for The Gifts of Imperfection… that there were creative people and there were non-creative people. And now I absolutely understand personally (and professionally from the data) that there are no such thing as non-creative people. There are just people who use their creativity and people who don’t. And unused creativity is not benign.

For the people who really struggle because they don’t think of themselves as creative, there’s a lot of shame around creativity. People don’t think of themselves as creative, they think creativity is self indulgent. They don’t think it is productive enough. They don’t understand what it means. It was shut down in them as children. For those folks, when I say “unused creativity is not benign”, what I really mean is it metastasizes into resentment, grief, heartbreak. People sit on that creativity or they deny it and it festers.

When I started the research on shame, you know, 13 years ago, I found that 85% of the men and women who I interviewed remembered an event in school that was so shaming, it changed how they thought of themselves for the rest of their lives. But wait – this is good – fifty percent of that 85% percent, half of those people: those shame wounds were around creativity. So fifty percent of those people have art scars. Have creativity scars.”


My husband and I help each other with procrastination vs self care, we ask each other “are you sure you have the energy for this extra responsibility?” And “Are you sure you just can’t face things today? Are you sure you need this break or are you just trying to get out of doing something?”


Despite years of resistance, going from drugs that I had no clue about the precedence to pharmacy drugs really helped me with ADHD, anxiety and depression this year. I was lucky to find a psychiatrist who actually cares, but still, this change enabled me to see many other bad habits I kept on reinforcing just because they made me feel good at some point


Thank you. It's hard for me to admit this but I'm for sure an addict... to more than one drug nothing life threatening because of the drug itself but my behavior on said drugs. Your openness, your seriousness mixed with your presentation had me actually in tears from self realization that I've got bad habits man. And that feels bad man. I'm about to turn 30, it feels like a death sentence and that's so dramatic but it's the truth. I feel so meh and like I don't know what to do.

The money story - for sure... I've suspected and reconciled my money story a few times now I make a lot of cash then I procrastinate, play the waiting game, play the hope game, waiting for that call for the next movie gig for the next whatever. That self care lie holy fuck what a take. Thinking about my own set backs my own trauma surrounding just a kid wanting to make things once shot down and now to scared not knowing how to even start... and finally social media.

These things, on YouTube a social media platform I've been procrastinating on for what years on now? This dopamine shot you've given me god I hope I can move it. I'm going to end my youtube dance today after writing this comment but you making this 19 minute heartfelt piece has brought me to tears and I think uncorked some deep seeded emotions and desires that I really needed to feel today. It's weird how things come into your life when maybe you need it the most. Struthless you have my upmost respect and I seriously appreciate the work that you do on your own. Your comment on the end about seeking professional help and getting the correct medication for your personal chemistry and situation... admitting I'm powerless... what a mind fuck. Thank you brother, I'm sending love your way. Thank you.


Fellow clean and sober pal here! It works wonders figuring out your brain chemistry and getting on the right meds. With a clear, functioning brain on the mend, you can actually focus on fixing the other issues that led to the substance abuse.
