Korea's traditional alcohol (Pine needles) mass production factory

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Korea's traditional alcohol (Pine needles) mass production factory

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00:00 - intro
01:33 - making process
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울진군 산림조합이 만든 ‘금강송주’는 우리 쌀과 울진에서 자생하는 금강송 송이버섯, 솔잎을 주원료로 만들었습니다.
전통 발효식을 채택해 직영 공장에서 직접 증류한 술은 우수한 맛과 향을 자랑합니다.
‘Geumgang Songju’, made by the Uljin-gun Forestry Cooperative, is made from Korean rice, pine mushroom and pine needles that are native to Uljin.
Sake distilled directly at the directly managed factory using a traditional fermented method boasts excellent taste and aroma.
