How Multiplayer Civ VI Pros DOMINATE the Late-Game

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"Communism seems great in theory" Yeah I heard that alot :D


"Produce poop. Poop will never let you down." Amen, brother.


“With the fascist legacy, you retain the combat strength even while enjoying the benefits of democracy”

Germany, Italy, & Japan be like


I dont think this guy is playing the same game as me....


City states are so huge in determining what to build... I played a Barbarossa Germany game recently in which I won a reliquaries culture victory. First meet was Kandy and I saw a natural wonder on the appeal lense so I took Amani as first governor, switched research to astrology and got a very early relic plus first religion (Poland was in the game, so I had to rush religion, she didn't get the eureka and lost out). I also met Vilnius, Antananarivo, Ayutthaya, Kumasi and Mohenjo Daro, with Bologna as the only blue CS. Theatre square was the second or third district each city placed, the culture was entirely through the roof.


I'm surprised you only have 15k views on this video-- it was incredibly useful and I don't even play multiplayer.


Great guide, these principles are long since been the base for multiplayer. I also wanted to add that military academies are extremely important buildings, even if you dont plan on attacking- you get production, housing, OIL, every single tank and artillery eats one per turn, essentialy it raises your army cap, and allows you to build corps\armies with production discount.
You can make cheap army prebuilds or even newer units with enough production, moreover if you are dirt rich or use grandmaster's chapel you can buy corps and armies instantly with a discount...which stacks with other discounts. Ngazargamu city state, chandragupta bonus, suguba from mali, democracy 15% gold discount...Before ngazargamu was nerfed, you could buy units for free, but even now, you can make it absurdly cheap.


Great summary! Just one thing; you don't pronounce the "p" or "s" in corps. It's pronounced the same as "core".


Amazing Guide! Could we get a guide to early war-declaration, scout harassment and war weariness? I was often stomped early and my entire empire got pillaged :(
Ty <3


Tho im already a very experienced player, with 5k hours adn 2y into competitive players, ur videos helps a lot to check on some mistakes I make


This channel taught me so much stuff I never knew


Hi, Thanks for your videos, they are very helpful ! I have 2 questions. How do you decide for how many citys to go for ? In the Khemer Game i looked like you had more space to expand, but chose not to. And how many industrial zones do you build? Only enough to cover every city with the factory radius? Or does it sometimes make sense to build more ?


You popped up in my recommendations somehow, and you've got a new subscriber now 👍


Amazing, thank you for all the hard work


+50% production to military units isn't half cost, that would require a +100% production bonus. It equates to 2/3rds production cost.
Let's say you needed to travel 10 miles, and you are walking at 2 mph. It would take you 5 hours to get there. Now let's say on your way back you decide to increase your speed by +50% and walk at 3 mph. It would now take you 3 hours and 20 minutes to arrive back home, saving you an hour and 40 minutes, which is a 1/3rd reduction in travel time.


wow that's a lot of information you just threw at me but let's break it down first off I totally get the frustration of falling behind in the late game even if you're ahead early on Civ 6 multiplayer can be really tough especially with tank and artillery pushes and yeah focusing on optimizing gameplay during the Renaissance industrial and early modern era is a great strategy now this poop concept is really interesting I've never heard it put that way before but it totally makes sense pre-builds eurekka wonders and projects that's a cool way to remember it and it sounds like a pretty comprehensive strategy for the mid-game especially the idea of pre-building units for upgrades later on and aiming for the powerful great people in the Renaissance and Industrial eras those can definitely be game changers and yeah I've noticed that a lot of players tend to overlook running district projects for bursts of great person points it's good advice to focus on that in the mid-game but yeah overall this guide seems like it would be really helpful for someone trying to up their game in Civ 6 multiplayer I'll definitely have to keep these tips in mind next time I play thanks for sharing!


Do legacy cards stack with govs' inherent bonuses? Can I stack 5 from the fasch gov and 5 from its card? Or it doesn't work that way?


How did u go from 80 science to 160 in ten turns? 14:36 while at the same time going from 70 culture to 240? 16:53 it doenst make sense to me


I noticed you are using the policy card yield mod. Are mods like that allowed in multiplayer games?


You didnt mention it, but is trying to get a 2 promotion scout worth it? And if so how would you go about it
