Rare and Obscure Dialogue in Earthbound

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WARNING: This video is for MOTHER freaks ONLY!!!
Check out @MonkeyNess for more high quality MOTHER content
00:00 - Intro
02:20 - Section 1: The Hint Man
05:01 - Section 2: Items
09:44 - Section 3: Hotel Headlines
11:38 - Section 4: Misc.
15:43 - Section 5: Ness is Dead
23:10 - Section 6: Postgame
25:03 - Section 7: Other Mother Games
27:02 - Conclusion
new sonic video coming soon :)
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- disappears for almost a year
- uploads 30 min random video that YOU KNOW you will watch
- probably disappear again

This is why we love cybershell


Cybershell is slowly turning into a mother……
YouTuber after that monkeyness colab.


if you manage to corrupt your save file, there's a very rare message on the file select, complete with improper formatting.
"We're very sorry...
but the record of adventure number (number) has been lo


By watching this insignificant video, I had a very fruitful experience that cannot be understood by someone who did not watched this insignificant video


Yesterday I was looking at the channel like a famished Victorian peasant, searching for scraps of food, today I open youtube to see a cybershell drop, 11 minutes ago, and I feel like a king. This is what I was made for. This is my destiny


It's been nine months. Someone could've gotten pregnant since ur last video and by now they would've given birth. Let that sink in dude


The description for the cup of coffee has lived in my head for years and to this day I can’t think about coffee without thinking “I guess it tastes good to adults.”


I found an extremely obscure piece of dialogue myself while messing around with the debug menu one day. If you warp back to Moonside after already having completed it, you can beat the Mani Mani statue again and it'll warp you to the basement of Jackie's Cafe just like it does normally, but this time the rat's dialogue will read "I'm lucky I'm a rat. We have such easy lives...". This dialogue is normally inaccessible to the player since you can't re-enter the basement after leaving it, so I was shocked that they even bothered including a dialogue change like this.


25:22 This dialogue isn't actually unique to this scenario. Mother 1 has a really odd Easter Egg where, if you're facing a party member somehow and use the talk action, you will get a dialogue box containing "What?!?". It's been a long time since I've played Mother, but I believe the easiest way to trigger this is on a rope/ladder. It's a funny thing for the devs to add, though I kind of wish the feature was expanded upon a little bit.
Speaking of Mother 1 though, there's a lot of weird niche interactions similar to the ones you talked about in this video, especially surrounding Teddy and his recruitment. Because you aren't actually forced to recruit Teddy at any point, you can skip his interaction and complete the section of Mt. Itoi where he would normally be injured and replaced with Lloyd. Going back and triggering his recruitment after doing this allows you to bring him to the end of the game, at the cost of losing Lloyd permanently. You can also complete the game with a party of just Ninten by teleporting out of the bedroom where Ana temporarily leaves your party for the dance scene. Mother 1 is weirdly non-linear and I'd absolutely recommend checking these things out if you haven't already.


I don't know what's more depressing; the fact that I knew 90% of this stuff already, or the fact that there was still that 10% I didn't know.


oh my god he made his favorite thing "Sonic"


Discusses going through the raw text dump would require a mental illness.
Constantly references the raw text dump in the video.
Quality content as always Cybershell.


It took a significant portion of my life to realize the bicycle shop Punk-Sure, was a reference to This Charming Man by the Smiths.


"Ness ate the large pizza together!"
this is just me honestly.


You can use the shyness book on anyone who replies with "..." And "quiet!" In the library. There's like 3 npc's. They have text that I'd bet the vast, vast majority players hasn't seen. When I reported it on starmen over a decade ago, someone in the hacking community was like "oh so THAT'S what that flag does."


26:32 hey thanks for the shout-out & credit in the description! This is probably my favorite topic ever...the attention to the tiniest of details in both EarthBound & MOTHER 3 especially is key to why this series has continued to captivate me ever since I first played through it a decade ago. I'm glad to see you shining a spotlight on this tucked away dialogue a lot of players would likely never see otherwise!


What an awesome video! I was really happy to see this because I'm actually working on a "Full Dialogue Run" for EarthBound. I've routed up to Dusty Dunes Desert and have uploaded segmented videos of the run so far on my channel. A few things I've discovered in addition to what's in your video:

-- The For Sale Sign summons several different NPCs who all have unique dialogue if you refuse to sell them something, and/or try to sell an un-sellable item.

-- There's also unique dialogue if you try to use the Exit Mouse right after the For Sale Sign: "If you release the mouse now, it might be stepped on by the approaching customer. So... it's not a good idea to release the mouse now."

-- If you talk to Carpainter before getting the Franklin Badge and he strikes you with lightning, you respawn next to the blue cow, who says: "(You got mooooved here because you gave Mr. Carpainter some lip.)"

-- The Runaway Five in Twoson all have unique dialogue if you use the Wad of Bills on them. They also have different things to say if you go backstage after they perform, and Gorgeous (red jacket) will give you the option see an encore.

-- Ness' dad periodically calls you with a "take a break" message and has alternate dialogue if Ness is dead. He also has a unique third alternative if you're playing Jeff or Poo's sections.

-- If your inventory is full when the Mach Pizza man tries to deliver the Zombie Paper, he repeatedly tries to convince you to drop an item. If you refuse, he'll only try to make the delivery again after you go into the Threed Mach Pizza store and step back outside.

-- The old lady outside the Department Store in Twoson has custom dialogue that breaks the fourth wall if Jeff has joined and Ness is dead: "My grandson is playing a game called EarthBound. He’s now talking to a plain, old lady in Twoson. I heard that the game has some messages that are just there for fun."

-- You mention it in the video, but there are a truly _massive_ number of post-Giygas dialogue changes. More than 100 NPCs change what they say, by my count. A fun one is the lady in the Onett bakery, whose dialogue depends on whether you talked to her all the way back at the start of the game. She says "Isn't it nice to talk to so many people?" and if you spoke to her at least twice before defeating Giygas, she adds: "I gave you some advice when I spoke to you the first time, right?"

I could go on about this all day, those are just a few of the examples I thought of. It really feels like these lines amount to a "second script" that most players will only see a bit of, and few if any have ever seen all of. Earthbound a heck of a game for many reasons and I continue to be impressed by it even after 30 years. Thanks again for the really great video!

Edit: OK, one more. There is some additional plot detail about the Mani Mani statue that is incredibly easy to miss. Once you've visited Twoson, you can go back to Lier X. Agerate at the bottom of his tunnel and he'll mention selling the statue to someone (Carpainter): "There was a man who insisted that he buy the golden statue, so I sold it to him. It's not that I needed the money... It's just that his unbridled mania affected me. As you know, I'm a sucker for sentiment. Bye, for now." (There's also a "detective from Twoson" in Threed who's investigating the theft of the statue from Happy-Happy headquarters, but I haven't yet figured out when/if he appears.)

PS -- I didn't realize you could wedge yourself behind the punk guy to see the alternate door text in Threed, so I'll have to revise my route accordingly!

PPS -- I'll check into Pokey's trout-flavored yogurt comment when I get to that part of the route and will be sure to reply here if I figure out how to access it.


I've never been a huge Earthbound/Mother fan but there is no denying how thought-through and hyperdetailed it is in its construction


you having earthbound as a kid and recognizing ness in smash bros 64 makes so much sense


