Life Changes After a Spinal Cord Injury

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In January 2019, 30-year-old Ashley Treseder dived off a pier at Shoal Bay in NSW, broke his neck, and became a C4 tetraplegic. After six months of rehabilitation, Ash is starting from scratch in his new home with the support of family and friends.

Thanks to NZ on Air

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My wife was such a strong independent person. When she got cancer. She withered away but I always saw her as beautiful as the day I met her. One day I was picking her up from our bed to put her in our bathtub. With tears in her eyes she turned to me and said thank you. I was totally confused. I didn’t understand why she would thank me. I thought I understood why she was sad. So I asked her. Thank you for what??? She replied for not leaving and staying with me. I replied with the only thing I thought which was, where would I go? Where would I be without you. I never understood why she said that at the time. But years later I see things like this. To me there was no option to not be there. I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else. I would be by her side no matter what happened. I miss her. She was the kindest person I ever met. It was my honor to take care of her. I only wish I could have had more time to take care of her. I wish I could pick her up again. Hold her. Talk to her. Life is to short. Tell your loved ones how you feel about them.


It's great to see how much support you have!


What a fantastic young man! Momma, you did a great job!


Don't let this stand in your way of living life exactly the way you want. This injury DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!! it's a bump in the road for sure, but you can do whatever it is you want to do just a bit different than you would before. You seem extremely strong both physically and mentally and that's such a big part of your recovery. I personally would be interested to see you five years down the road. There's no telling the accomplishments . Keep your head up and power on! Blessings from Kentucky


He is truly an inspiration. Ashley dont ever give up. Positive vibes


Thank you Ash and your mum too, for sharing your story. You guys are awesome 💕


Unless you live the life of someone like his you can’t possibly understand the heartache and loss you can feel.


I cannot believe his fiance broke up with him. That is horrible. I just had surgery on my L3 L4 L5 S1 my husband took off work for the first couple weeks home after my surgery. He showered me took care of me did everything had to literally get me out of bed to get on the toilet. That's what love is so it's heartbreaking to know that he doesn't have his person anymore. There's somebody better out there for him ❤️❤️


He is a amazing man I owe him a big hug


I shattered my C7 jumping off a cliff into the water when I was 18…I was super lucky not to be paralyzed… like literal miracle lucky in the doctors words! Watching this breaks my heart and takes me back to that time! Also it reminds me to appreciate the second chance I was given because this is NO joke! Everyone thinks it will be fine till it’s not… and sometimes things can’t be fixed or undone! Don’t live in fear but respect the danger…we only get one shot and when it’s over it’s over…some risks aren’t worth the consequences! Big props to this man for his strength and inner spirit… I’m not sure I would have been this strong! I’m optimistic science and technology will advance in his lifetime to the point he will walk again!


Such a strong courageous young man! He'll find what his destiny to do is, if hasn't already.


Thank you for sharing your story! You are in such great disposition.👌
Fiance left you after an injury.... be glad you didn't marry her. the right one will come along. 💚✌


Your Mom's Amazing...she gives what she gets... Amazing Sons❤🤗your a true inspiration, I'm sure you will still have Amazing many will look up to you..


You are a great mom and he will get better before he knew. As for the girl who broke up with him, trust me she didn't deserve you buddy. Get well soon👍


I am paraplegic, t 6 and 7. For 26 years soon 😁 Well, it is crazy life and you need to be crazy person to live it 😂 I can move my hands so it is easier for me. But, spinal cord injury is not about not walking, it is so much more. Hope that your life is ok now. Hi and bye from Croatia 🥳


Tragedies like this show you who you real friends and loves ones are and how you have to stay positive to navigate your your new normal.


That sucks how his fiance left him most are evil like that when there is love your together thru the good and bad times


Getting seriously hurt or getting sick with a serious Illness really shows you who the real friends are.


We're happy that Ashley's story is having such a positive effect on so many of you. At Attitude, we're about supporting and encouraging others to live to their full potential so discouraging or abusive comments will be deleted.


When i got leukemia, my relationship didn't last long either, my friends stopped calling me, and suddenly, i was all alone. I had lucky with my mom though, even though she hadn't a driver license, she always managed to be there by my side every single day. She passed away almost two years ago and it's been very hard for me since then. But i try to move on, step by step, day by day...
