A COMPLETE Beginner’s Guide to Crystals (my biggest tips!)

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A complete beginner's guide to crystals! These are some of my biggest tips for people who are just starting out with crystals. Topics include how to choose the correct crystal for you, how to cleanse and program your crystal, how to use tumbled stones, and how to use larger crystals.

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***C A M E R A E Q U I P M E N T ***

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At the time of filming this video, I wasn't aware of any cultural ties to the usage of white sage, which I am now aware of. It's becoming more widely known that we should stay away from using that, and while I can't go back and take that out of the video, I can tell you tons of other ways to cleanse stones here!

1. Moonlight- You can either lay them outside, on the grass, or on a windowsill. If you don't get direct moonlight, don't worry.
2. Submerge the stone in salt - Completely submerge the stones in the salt and allow it to sit for a few hours, pat the salt off.
3. Submerge the stone in rice - Same as salt, submerge the stone in rice and allow it to sit for a few hours, pat the rice off.
4. Sound - Collect your stones into one area, and if you have a singing bowl or a tuning fork, play the sound anywhere from 5-10 minutes. f you don't have either of those, don't worry. YouTube has many many many sound healing videos. Search gong baths, singing bowls, binaural beats, meditation music, etc.
5. Visualization - I feel like this may be intimidating to some of you, but you can trust yourself. Sit with your stone or stones and get grounded. Maybe listen to some meditation music for a few minutes to help you do that. Imagine your hands are filling with energy. Like white radiant light. Envision the light swirling around inside of the stones, swishing around all the impurities, and flushing them out of the stone.
6. Water - Research the stone's reaction to water, cause some can ruin a stone. Generally, if it ends in -ite, don't put it in water. Run it under a faucet, in a stream, river, rainwater, bird bath, whatever you want. You can't go wrong...unless the stone shouldn't go in the water lol
7. Incense - light incense and hold the stone over the smoke.
8. Selenite- the easiest in my opinion! Have a piece of selenite near your stone, it cleanses all of the stones around it.


I’m really Intrested and trying to get into crystals/spiritualism and hearing you talk about cleansing I started to imagine mentally that light and I got chills.


I found a crystal today lying on the floor at the gym. I don’t know why but it brought me so much joy. Now I’m looking at this video and just feel like I stumbled across a really exciting new interest.


Some crystals do not react well to being left out in sunlight or put in water. Putting Selenatite in water would destroy it. Always a good idea to research your crystals before cleansing. That's why I prefer to use incense. Or Sage. Pretty much can't hurt a stone that way


at around 3:40, if youre gonna put your stones/crystals in water PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE first make sure its safe to put them in water. some crystals get corroded by water and some become toxic when wet


you’re a mystical millennial but IM a gem Z 😎😎😎


I’ve had a rose quartz for two years and just let her chill in my room with me...whoopsie


This is the first video I've ever watched on Crystals. Thanks Courtney!


Free tip:
You can find quartz variants easily on mountainous hikes. If you’d like you can set an intention to find a crystal while on a hike, stay aware and your manifestation will likely come true. It’s really good for the environment to find one local + not mined. Bonus is it’s already cleansed and has never been used before.
You can also cleanse your crystals with herbs beyond sage. See what you can forage! It might be easy for you to find rosemary or lavender where you live, collect a bunch full and let it dry for a while.

Other cleansers: sound, visualisation, water (Make sure if you put a crystal in water that it’s water resistant), moonlight, sunlight, grounded upon earth.


Please do a bedroom/bathroom tour!! I loved seeing how/where you place your crystals. I always struggle with placing them in a way that looks neat and where I feel like they belong. Seeing your clips inspired me so much!


I'm 15 with adhd and autism and I recently got into this spiritual stuff and I just got my first crystal today and my crystal pendulum is coming tomorrow I ordered them


I’ve been collecting crystals since I was 7 and only got them because I felt attracted to them and thought they were rly pretty. I stopped when I was 10 because Everyone called me weird for liking “rocks”. I’ve found recently and sorted them I felt a different energy around me and got really interested. Then I started to search up more crystals to grow my collection then I realized there’s more to come them just pretty rocks. So now I’m researching a bunch about it and this really helped!!! Thank you:)


My mom is a witch and she bought me my first 3 crystals (Amethyst, Amazonite, and Lapis Lazuli) I didn’t know what to do with them but I’m learning 🥲


Oh, and my answer to your video: Labradorite. When I first entered the shop I was pulled to a pile of dark, muddly looking stones and when I picked one up, the light fell on it and I was in aaaawe. Couldnt part with it, its sitting next to my laptop right at the moment too.
Other stones I was pulled towards: citrin (both the heated Amethyst, both the original rare one. I managed to buy I little drop sized one from Kenya), other than that: aquamarine, celestite, morganite, and my two new darlings: Ametrine and Charoit.


i went to the metaphysical shop by my house for the first time today! all of the stones i was drawn to were described as great for relieving anxiety and stress. i was diagnosed for anxiety two years ago and i think its super cool that all the stones i was drawn to are good for helping me!!


Today I went to a crystal shop near me and to be honest I didn't know too much about crystals so I chose the crystals I was drawn to. I chose 3 crystals that were pretty different for me just to find out they were all sodalite crystals. I found it pretty interesting and I immediately thought that those crystals must be really important for my life. I look them up a little bit and God I really needed them. To be honest I've never been so happy to own something before and I am so thankful for them


I fell in love with a small clear quartz . I felt love when I touched it


ok but can we all agree on how beautiful she is-


I had no idea you knew about all this stuff. I'm obsessed with all of it too!!


I’ve been doing work with crystals for about two years. My sisters have been getting crystals for *years* and they decided to take me to a metaphysical shop (plot twist bad idea I’m obsessed). The first crystals I got were Clear Quarts (She’s a twin!), Selenite, and a little Ruby. I got Ruby because it is my birthstone and it’s really pretty. My sisters have been very helpful in the process of getting crystals and such. I just watch these videos to get a better understanding of ways to do things! Even if you think you understand everything you can about crystals, there will most likely be more you can learn. I’m gonna go meditate to open my third eye chakra!
