Can NMN reverse hair greying and what about skin aging.

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Dr Elena Seranova, molecular biologist and founder of NMN Bio joins Lisa Tamati to discuss how we can slow down the aging of our skin and greying hair and we also find out how to improve our cellular health.

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My hair isn’t grey anymore: it turned brown (I’m 55 and my hair became grey about 3 years ago.) I have been taking NMN since November 2021 and adding TMG since January 2022. My hair turned brown in March 2022. Lucky me!


I'm 69. I've been taking a regiment of supplements including 900mg of NMN daily for the last three months. Went to visit my daughter and the first words out of her mouth were "Dad, your hair is getting darker". I'm sold.


I faced a few traumas, shocks to the body, and illness all at the same time and went bald as a women, through prayer filled faith and scripture study overwhelming peace from God and it all grew back and grew back healthier and no longer with grays. It’s also now curly where it used to be straight. Waiting in the presence of the Lord and being still when he showed up was part of it.


I always found it interesting when Doc Wallach, an animal researcher for decades, stated that the one way they could guarantee premature white hair in animals...most often mice, is copper deficiency. So, in my previous practice, when I saw premature white hair, all I could think was they will likely die young or suffer a heart attack as low copper is also very closely associated with atherosclerosis as copper, along with vitamin C are what predominantly hold the three layers of the arterial walls together. Chances are, when you eat something copper rich, supplement your hair will start to darken or get darker. I am 56 and have virtually no grey and get plenty of copper via diet. All The Best! T


If anecdotal evidence means anything. I'm 48 now. I've been taking NMN, TMG, Fisetin, B complex, folic acid, Quercetin...for 2 years. Every day for 2 years. Completely reversed my menopause. Went from no period, and all menopausal symptoms to NO menopause and my full regular periods are back. And have stayed. But no.... I have more grey hair than ever. Not one single change with the gray hair. 💜 it's not just about periods. NMN reverses your biological age. The age of your body. Can take a decade off if not more. So you're aging backwards. That effects your entire body and how it works. So there are many more benefits than what's being discussed here.


Been on NMN and resveretrol over 6 months. Only difference I noticed increase in stamina. 👍🏻💪🏻


This is a great discussion and very interesting. It would also have been good to declare the conflict of interest that Dr Serenova's company is focused on selling NMN supplements.


I followed a strict protocol of NMN for 6 months. I did not experience hair growth or return of hair color. The only cosmetic changes I saw was a disappearance of a mole on my face. But I need to mention that I was also taking a prescription retinoid at the time. I did feel an increase in energy levels, but there no significant changes in blood work. I may try it again in the future, but it’s very expensive when your taking it in high doses.


Thanks! I'm 63 and watching this because I'm just starting to get some grey in my edges; gotta look close to see them. Also, my skin has very few wrinkles. Just starting in on NMN and resveratrol . I've lived in the country and taken great care my whole life. Looking forward to seeing the effects. Been using fasting protocals since 1978.


I have a friend who turned completely gray in her 20's. She very regularly dyed her hair, so it was not really a topic of conversation. One day, we were discussing her pre-mature gray hair. She said her father had the same exact issue, also going completely gray in his 20's. I met her father when he was in his mid 90's and he had a full head of thick gray hair that looked amazing. When he passed away at 102 years old, he still had that thick gray hair. Apparently, gray hair is not a good measure of somebody's biologic age, but more likely due to genetic factors.


I just started taking NMN for a few days and I am seeing less hair falls in the shower 👍👍


Love this! Thank you for this discussion 💜 I have been supplementing NMN for a few months, I wasn’t taking it to reverse my grey hair but hey, I hope that happens 😊


There is no scientific evidence that NMN increases collagen in the skin or reverses graying (if there were I would expect the links would be included in your notes). NMN does not increase NAD levels in the blood steam any more than simple nicotinamide (100mg twice a day) which is much cheaper. So any benefits that may at some point become apparent from NMN, we can get from nicotinamide. As far as the research goes, the best way to increase NAD levels is intermittent fasting, regular exercise and nicotinamide 100mg twice a day. And don't eat processed food, manage stress and insomnia because these deplete NAD. There's no need to buy an expensive supplement with low bioavailability just because the young biochemist says so!


Interesting. From 22 months experience of taking NMN, but with no medical knowledge I would like to add my views:
Can NMN reverse grey hair...yes but it takes a very long time, and what about skin ageing...yes, incredible results that are always boosted within 20 minutes of taking my daily 1g.
I know from looking around that NMN works differently on everyone and my anaology without medical knowledge is NAD top ups are selective, either those cells that need it the most are repleted first or those that are easier to top are repleted first, either way results are different for everyone who takes it, but all cells will benefit with repeated use.
In 2013 I was 51 and commonly mistaken for 63. By the end of 2020 I'd had numerous mini-strokes, angina, heart disease and some people wouldn't even come near me, I looked absolutely dreadful. That's when I started taking NMN. Today I'd say that 25% of my white hair is now black again but my skin feels amazing, I cannot even remember a time that my skin felt so good. I was on a high dose of Isorbide mononitrate for angina, blood thinners, statins etc, I couldn't make it to my front gate without angina meds, spray or tabs, now I can go days without either and do at least three times as much as before without getting an attack. I'm now commonly mistaken for being around 50 to 55, I'm 60.


If you guy didn’t know, they both are over 70 years of age. This stuff works! 😮


I've been taking it for a year and I have actually gotten gray hair while taking it.


Started NMN about 3 years ago. My hair was almost all white! It is almost all brown again now! NMN makes hair dark Don't expect overnight transformation, it takes a Long time!!


I notice a gradual reversal of my previously whitening hair from intermit and prolonged fasting. This started in June after a month, more and less. I'm NMN since beginning of September and will ha e to see what will happen long term. I'm 59 by the way.

Thank you for great insights


This info is anecdotally cool, we all banked on this before taking it. If you’re concerned with grey hair, mono-atomic copper ( not colloidal ) will reverse your grey immediately. This is substance they were talking about in the all the big religious texts


I took .25g NR for a couple of years, then dried parsley and .5g NMN and then 1g NMN only for two years. My beard has definitely gotten a bit darker rather than lighter. Friends have remarked about it without prompting. Warning-High doses of dried parsley like 40ml/day reduced my platelets below the reference range. .5-1.5g NMN uses up methyl donors and my homocysteine went from 7 to 17. So please do this under the advice of a physician.
