The Sacral Chakra Explained
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The Sacral Chakra Explained
The second chakra is called Svadhisthana or the sacral chakra. It is located in the area of the pelvis. Here in the West, it’s known as the creativity chakra as well as the chakra associated with sexual desire (or the lack thereof). Its color is orange and its element is water. Creativity and pleasure stem from this energy center. The mantra that corresponds with this chakra is Vam.
In Balance: Balance in the second chakra allows you to feel comfortable in your own skin and accepting of your emotions. It also allows for creative expression of self.
Too Much: When the sacral chakra is overenergized, you may look past your faults and become hyperfocused on pleasure. It can lead to excessive indulging and co-dependence.
Not Enough: Low energy can lead to creative blocks, feeling unloved, and emotional roller coasters.
To increase your sacral energy:
Spend time near water, such as oceans, rivers, or lakes.
Schedule some time in your week to do something that feels like play.
Get a massage.
Spend time journaling.
To calm your sacral energy:
Put clear boundaries around relationships at home and work.
Try Reiki or acupressure.
The second chakra is called Svadhisthana or the sacral chakra. It is located in the area of the pelvis. Here in the West, it’s known as the creativity chakra as well as the chakra associated with sexual desire (or the lack thereof). Its color is orange and its element is water. Creativity and pleasure stem from this energy center. The mantra that corresponds with this chakra is Vam.
In Balance: Balance in the second chakra allows you to feel comfortable in your own skin and accepting of your emotions. It also allows for creative expression of self.
Too Much: When the sacral chakra is overenergized, you may look past your faults and become hyperfocused on pleasure. It can lead to excessive indulging and co-dependence.
Not Enough: Low energy can lead to creative blocks, feeling unloved, and emotional roller coasters.
To increase your sacral energy:
Spend time near water, such as oceans, rivers, or lakes.
Schedule some time in your week to do something that feels like play.
Get a massage.
Spend time journaling.
To calm your sacral energy:
Put clear boundaries around relationships at home and work.
Try Reiki or acupressure.