“I’m Tired of Everyone Making Fentanyl the Boogeyman!”

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Crowder speaking truth about drugs. Even dressed up like a 70's heroin dealer.


We should focus more on where the cartels are getting the fentanyl from.


My wife died of cancer last year. She was diagnosed years ago, and as the disease progressed, she was left in constant pain. Even with stage IV cancer, she had trouble getting the pain medication she needed because doctors are so afraid to prescribe anything these days. That is ridiculous! People who abuse prescription drugs are making their own bad choice. People who are suffering disease and injury did not choose to have that happen. They should not be punished because some people are irresponsible.


Them cracking down on doctors prescribing perc/oxy (painkillers) made an open door for fentynal. I would rather have a nation hooked on perks but still go to work maybe a little happier, than a nation of tranquilized zombies dying like it was the black plague


As a chronic pain patient thank you for speaking out. It's so miserable right now. I can't even begin to tell you what they're putting us through. I've been disabled for 25 years the last eight of them on opioids and it's getting to the point where no doctor wants to prescribe. It's gonna drive me to a bed and then hopefully either to a natural death or something more drastic because I won't be able to take it all because they say they don't want us on the opioids, but they don't invest in creating any alternatives. If you really think the problem is people like me then why isn't the government spending just a fraction of the money they're spending on illegal immigrants to come up with a non-addictive alternative. I don't have a right to expect opioids, but I damn well have a right to expect that my pain be appropriately managed the same way any other condition would be, and if that includes opioids because it is the only alternative that works then who is the government to make that an impossibility?


I was addicted to opioids, and Louisiana sure addressed it when I was given 20 years...flat! Didn't hurt anyone, didn't steal anything, didn't sell anything, but I still sat in prison, watching the worst child molesters leave and come back again, and was only able to come home after a bipartisan bill was passed allowing non-violent drug offenders to get parole. Did I need prison? Probably not, but I needed something, and I did break the law. The problem is that they don't know what to do with us. My Warden even said those exact words to me. They have no idea so they do the only thing they know, lock everyone up. The Republicans use drugs and addiction as a fear tactic to create and maintain power, and the insane left want to let drugs and addiction run free and loose everywhere, and neither of them care. Is legalization the way to go? Absolutely not! But neither is locking up addicted people, destroying families, and corrupting our justice system just to lock up non-violent drug offenders and have them come out violent with no options for a future except crime. We've had a "war" on drugs for 60 years now, and I can buy drugs on any street corner in America. It's about time we tell our government (all of our government), "enough of the bullshit scare tactics.", none of them will actually fix it. It's time to try something else.


I take the opposite view. Addictive personality will be addicted to whatever the choose to fill their addiction. Me and my wife have pain issues and can’t get pain meds because of the extreme push on opioids. Well why does a few people govern my good behavior. I just want to function without pain and not be a grumpy old man because of lack of sleep and constant pain.


my 76 yr old mother in law who lives in pain now must travel 80 miles to a pain clinic just to be prescribed basic painkillers but they'll prescribe Morphin in town. these cities prescribe Methodone and suboxone to junkies increasing to dose until they're hopelessly addicted. State sponsored drug addiction is a cash cow that destroys more families than I can count. these drugs were designed for addicts to withdrawal safely over 72 hrs. This only leads to people searching out more drugs. Yes as adults they make the choice but Government is only concerned about $$$


I have a spinal cord condition and was on pain meds for 20 years.. I never abused them or "lost my Rx" or "had my Rx" stolen and never got my Rx filled early and led a pretty normal life.. 5 years ago they made it so tough to get I went off them cold turkey but I have basically lived between my bed and recliner since I went off them


I’m one of those patients my doctor has her hands tied because the government is telling her she’s only allowed to prescribe me a certain amount which is half of what she normally would have prescribed me


Our government brings in over 90/ of the drugs but wont give u a painkiller in a er. Make this make sense 😂😂😂


Fet is just another pain killer...just a lot more potent.


Absolutely correct! Some people need drugs and take them properly.


Politicians do nothing because they would have to deal with their many $donors$. That would $cost$ them too much...


I was in an accident a few months back, rolled my truck, I was pretty messed hospital sent me home, saying to take up to 8 Tylenol at a time.


So true Steven I am one of those people and they are lowering doses now because of this bs


Facts! My wife hit a truck at 65mph when it crossed in front of her on a rural highway. She has a crushed disc, dessicated disc and a slipped disc at the top of her vertebrae and she couldn't get anything stronger than 800mg Motrin due to the "opioid epidemic."

Meanwhile when they took my wisdom teeth out in boot camp they gave me a bottle of 30 vicodin. You don't become an addict when you take them as directed.

Yeah, people abuse them but they're in the minority. Most folks use as directed. This is nonsense!

It's maddening!!




People should be free to OD on coke or heroine without worrying about ODing on Fentanyl also!!


Damn junkies and doctor Hoppers
Made it impossible for me to get any pain medication after my car accident. I eventually just stopped going to the doctor and now I have to manage my pain on my own. Real great system. I feel bad for the veterans. I know what they're going through
