Allen the Alien: The Unstoppable Force in Invincible Season 2!
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Allen the Alien is a member of the alien race, the Unopans. Allen was born in an Unopan breeding camp. His purpose was be the strongest Unopan due to their borderline extinction at the hands of the Viltrumites. Other Unopans were experimented on until Allen was able to survive the various experiments without getting any disfigurements.[1] He was strong, but wasn't strong enough to defeat the Viltrumites. Because of this, Thaedus had shut down the breeding program. Sometime after he was chosen Champion Evaluation Officer for the Coalition of Planets. His job was to test a planetary guardian's strength every three years. After Allen left Invincible for a second time he returned to his home on Talescria, capital of the Coalition of Planets. Allen immediately told the good news to the council and they were as excited as he was. He left the council and went to his girlfriend's apartment. Telia, his girlfriend, is another species and a very sexual one at that which proves troublesome for Allen whose people have forbid any form of physical love. Allen eventually breaks down and allows himself this moment with Telia. Afterwards Allen and Telia went out to eat where Allen enjoyed some of his favorite food. During the meal a Viltrumite scouting party attacked Allen. The group demanded to know everything about what he told the council but Allen denied them anything they didn't know and the party quickly eviscerated him. Luckily Allen was saved and put into a statis pod that allowed him to heal. During his talk with Thaedus, Allen is given the task of returning to Earth, and asking Invincible to speak with Thaedus about joining their cause. While heading towards Earth, not knowing who it is, Allen is attacked by The Immortal. Invincible catches word of Allen and Immortal fighting, and flies into space to stop it. After the fight being broken up, Allen and Immortal reconciled, and Allen told Invincible that he needed to speak to him. During the chat, Allen told Invincible of his being attacked, his power boost, and his working with Thaedus. Allen asked Invincible if he'd come with him to Talescria, and Invincible told him that he doesn't want to, and that he's got too much he has to deal with. But later, Invincible informs Allen of his little brother, his father being taken for execution by the Viltrumites, and his discovery that his dad's scif-fi novels hold the key to defeating the Viltrumites. And with his new information Allen says goodbye, and heads back to Talescria. Soon after they arrive, the duo are greeted by Invincible in which he doesn’t know they’re true ambitions yet. They then explain what they want to do and he starts fighting them. In the middle of Allen beating Mark like he did his father, he is interrupted by Thragg who comes to Marks aid. After some talking and threats, Allen decides to stand down, but Oliver doesn’t agree. He grabs the virus gun from Allen and races down to Earth in which Mark goes after him. After some tussling, Oliver accidently shoots Mark and depowers him. Allen fele great regret for doing this to his friend. Allen had made many journey throughout the cosmos and his journey would eventually bring him to Earth. There he would battle Omni-Man many times, believing him to be a planetary guardian. [2] He would arrive to Earth again years later to battle Invincible. Surprised by him, Invincible would thrust his back into Allen, hoping to send Allen into the Moon. Allen rebuffs and points him the direction. Invincible begins to ask him why he can hear him in his head. Allen explains by telling him that telepathy is the best way of communication in space due to them having to hold their breaths. Invincible punches Allen, with the latter complimenting his strength. Invincible asks if he is toying with him, with the latter saying no. Allen comments that he didn’t have to fight Omni-Man this long and punches Invincible back. Invincible flies out of space to catch his breath and flies back to launch an attack on Allen. They land on the Moon and continue their battle. Mark asks Allen about “his predecessor”,(in reality, he was to conquer Earth). Mark asks to stop fighting and they continue their dialogue. Allen explains his purpose as a Champion Evaluation Officer, much to Mark’s confusion. He states that his job is to assess assigned planetary defenders against minor orbital threats. Mark reveals that he has been coming to the wrong planet the entire time. Allen is shocked and begins to talk about how Urath might be angered with him going to the wrong planet for fifteen years. He also mentioned that he has an evaluation coming up. Allen introduces himself to Mark and Mark gives him his superhero name, Invincible. He flies off to return to the C.O.P. home planet, Talescria. #shorts #invincible invincible season 2 #allen