Late Summer's Harvest: Embracing Earth's Nourishing Bounty for Spleen and Stomach Health!

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Late Summer's Harvest: Embracing Earth's Nourishing Bounty for Spleen and Stomach Health!

Embark on a journey into the lesser-known yet profoundly transformative season of late summer, where the Earth element takes center stage, enveloping us in a cocoon of stability, grounding, and nourishment. Join us as we explore this transitional phase between the peak of summer's warmth and the onset of autumn's cool embrace, and discover the vital role of the spleen and stomach in digestion and assimilation during this time.

Delve into the essence of the Earth element, symbolized by the comforting hue of yellow and the gentle sweetness of its flavor. As the spleen and stomach, Yin and Yang organs respectively, govern the Earth element, they provide a sturdy foundation for our physical and emotional well-being, ensuring optimal nourishment and balance.

Explore the unique characteristics of late summer, a season of abundance and harvest, where the fruits of our labor come to fruition, both literally and metaphorically. It's a time for gathering, gratitude, and grounding, as we reap the rewards of our efforts and prepare for the transition ahead.

Discover practical tips and ancient wisdom for supporting your spleen and stomach during late summer, from enjoying seasonal fruits and vegetables to practicing mindfulness and gratitude rituals that promote inner stability and nourishment.

#AncientLifeHacks #JaredMadsen

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