These Kids Were Accidentally Left Behind

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These are scary stories about kids getting left behind. In 2022, Quincy Walker was riding home on the school bus when a substitute driver dropped him off at the wrong location. Also in 2022, mom Stephanie Martinez was understandably freaked out when her daughter’s daycare closed up and locked her daughter inside. In 2016, a desperate mom was distraught when a cruise ship left her behind while her three children were on board. Inside Edition Digital’s Andrea Swindall has more
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How you gonna defend yourself when you were literally caught in 4k dragging the kid by one arm then bolting away and leaving him behind?


The fact that the first kid wasn’t even worried about being lost but he was worried about his mom worrying about him is so cute and sad at the same time..I’m glad he’s okay now!!


My 5 yr old was dropped off at wrong stop in a blizzard and walked a mile in it to find mommy. Most heart breaking day ever as a mom.


The girl who was peaking at her mom through the door window at daycare is so heartbreaking. The mom sounded so worried about her kid. Thank god the little girl stood on a chair so she could see.


“He opened the door, and then, he said get out.”
A bus driver, with the responsibility of making sure children get home safe, told a child to get out of the bus when the child knew they were at the wrong stop. What a world.


That lady trying to justify herself for dragging that poor little boy by his arm and leaving him on a porch and RUNNING AWAY was absolutely disgusting. You can tell by the defensive tone of her voice she knows she did wrong.
I don't care what you tell me, if I'm in charge of your child, I'm not leaving him on the porch and running away!


Give that baby to his father! He seems like a nice and caring guy, and not like his mother who let that woman do that to him.


Every time I come across the daycare story my blood boils. I work at a daycare and that is just absolutely insane to me. It is so easy to NOT lock a child in a closed center, like what in the world was the plan there?


I'm honestly more disgusted at the negligence of that little girl being left in the classroom WHILE IN THE DARK!! I cried when she stood on a chair just to get someone's attention.


"I would never drag a kid by one arm." Lady, that's exactly what you did and worse!


I had a similar incident. My son was left outside on the playground for 15 minutes while the class and teachers were inside. It was over 100 degrees and by a major highway . They said they miscounted. He was beating on the door crying and scared. When I showed up they said someone picked him up, I’m like
No. Then they ran outside and found him. I was speechless, couldn’t think. Grabbed my son,
Called my ex husband and never went back. It still breaks my heart to this day.


That idiot who dragged the little boy to the door is a straight up liar. She was running and dragging that baby by one arm from the moment she got out of her car. She needs to stop trying to give excuses.


There was a case on Long Island several years ago. A woman had taken her two little boys to the beach. After a while she realized that a little girl had come over and was playing with them, but everything was peaceful so she just kept an eye on them. When it was time to leave she realized that no other parent seemed interested, so she asked around and no one knew the child, so she took the little girl to the nearest lifeguard and explained the situation. The lifeguard made several announcements regarding a missing child, no one showed up, so the police were called, and they came and took charge. A couple of hours later they finally got a phone call. The child was at a daycare center, and they had taken some of the children to the beach. No one noticed when the little girl disappeared. They took the rest of the kids back to the center, and didn't notice that they were missing someone until her mother finished work and came to get her daughter. New York State closed the daycare that night.


The woman who carried that child by the arm and just left him in the dark on some porch without any hesitation was no accident.
It's clear she could've cared less about his safety, which is outrageous


Two weeks after I was born, my dad was moved duty stations in the Navy from Washington to CT. My parents left me in the car seat on the back porch for several hours, more like 4 hours. This is before cell phones…. Their friend and neighbors found me and took me inside. It took them 2 hours to realize they were new parents and left the baby.

To this day, I call Wilma (the neighbor who found me) my second mom.


This kid broke my heart!! I grew up in Michigan, when I was about six, our family drove to Denver. I got lost in a Target, and I was positive my parents wouldn’t even miss me and they’d drive back to Michigan, leaving me to be raised in Target I guess. It’s one of my most vivid memories. So glad this kids friend lived near where he was dropped off!


"Nothing is more important than the safety of children in our care." Practice what you preach people.


There's no excuse for the woman dragging the boy by his arm like that and then leaving him without making sure he was okay. That woman is pure evil.

Edit: I don't care what she was told to do. I wouldn't do it no matter what I was told. NEVER leave a child until you're sure they're safe. So it was neglect at minimum.


The first boy Quincy, always makes me cry. He was so worried about his mom.


Same thing happened to me when i was 5yrs old, the school bus driver dropped me off at our old address, i was sitting outside crying and these 2 nice old women came out and helped me, drove me home, we had moved a couple miles away from that address. OMG i remember seeing my mother came outta the house full speed running to me and crying
