“I don’t need theology, I just love Jesus”

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Hahaha I just went over this with someone at my church 4 weeks ago. He said he “likes doctrine but not theology” lol. I cringed.


Gods Love is unconditional and sin has been paid for in full for the whole world.. God reconciled the world to himself through his son


I used to go to a church that said, yeah we're just a little country church. We just love Jesus and keep the gospel simple. I then noticed because of that, everybody was divided, everybody had different views and it all came from the lack of good teaching in the pulpit.


I love the fact that you use the word "distinction."


Everyone one is fallible and so is their theology. Especially when they are so puffed up with pride they think they can take the place of the Holy Spirit in delivering understanding that some just don't get which means they aren't supposed to.


Trip over all that theology and doctrine! 😂


You love talking about Jesus, the Bible, theology and doctrine? =D I do too!


What about the "Jesus" of the Calvinists who chooses people to go to hell to bring glory to Himself?


The dear soul who just wants to follow Jesus unentangled by a web of doctrine while simultaneously holding to quite a bit of doctrine like the Trinity and the Hypostatic Union (if not in so many words) seems to be the same sort of person who will become Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox when they do finally encounter the church fathers and realize the need for clearly defined doctrine because they can’t see how one’s doctrine could possibly be correct without an infallible interpreter of scripture, stepping over the classical Protestant traditions like the Lutherans, Anglicans, and the Reformed in the process who each in their own way have been holding that balance since the 16th century. 😕


If proper theology is the standard by which you judge others, it is the standard by which you will be judged, and you will fail. We see through a glass darkly. All our righteousness is as filthy rags. By their fruit shall ye know them. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Job 42:1-6. Be blessed


The father is the holy spirit because there's only one spirit and God is spirit and the angel told Joseph and Mary, that the baby in her womb is of the holy ghost.
That means the holy ghost conceived Jesus. He is the father, so there's really only two. The son and the father, who is the holy ghost. See? How hard is that to understand? And the verse that says "there are three bare witnesses in heaven, the father, the word and the spirit" that was added to the bible from a footnote in the 16th century. Go look it up. Mark also has something added to it, in order to hide the fact that Jesus died on a Wednesday and was raised on Saturday before sundown.


I'm a very simple person. I just believe every word that is in the 66 books of the Holy Bible and deny any man made doctrine.


Sir you do not have all of your facts straight.
