How To Make Your Island Look Better In My Singing Monsters

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0:00 Intro
0:17 Tiles
0:50 Bigger=Better(Kinda)
1:14 Placement
1:37 Might look good
2:00 Glowy Guys
2:30 Fill space... or don't
3:07 Island Skins
3:35 Monster Skins
3:58 Ceeya Use code Gobah for 5 free diamonds: 81050560MM
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Keep in mind that over - saturating your island with only a single species of monsters (Ex: Zynth Islands) generally do _not_ look aesthetically pleasing.

For the love of god please don't treat your islands like a plate of food that only consists of what you want to only eat forever & ever,
not everyone likes to see a cache of bigified Wubboxes filling the entire island with only select mainstream monsters sprinkled in here and there


In my opinion, putting more decorations makes the island look more cluttered and not fuller and it takes the focus off the monsters. I think simpler islands just look better imo.


One of the types of islands that I really like are the ones that make it look like the monsters could actually live there, like having some normal obstacles, no symmetry, just something that looks pleasing


Things I like to use to make my islands look better is using symmetry, and ofc placing rares and epics. I like to place the common on one side, rare in the middle, and epics in the other side!


Symmetry is also really important. It makes it look more organized and clean


I usually decorate mine with tiles wherever I place my monsters, and I always keep my islands completely symmetrical

Edit: I now do patterns covering all of the island, and just place the monsters as I please.


Organize your monsters. There's no correct way to go about this, but be sure to have some sort of method when placing your monsters so that they do not look completely random.


What I do with these tips:

Don't copy others' island - I'd never copy anyone's islands.

Tiles - Like you said, it's tedious to place and sell, so I probably wouldn't use this, but I'd consider it.

Bigger Monsters - I get all monsters to level 10, unless sending I'm sending them to Gold Island, so the minimum level is 10, and maximum is 15. I'd only biggify wubboxes and werdos.

Placements - I'd most definitely do this once I get EVERY monster on an island tha'ts when I rearrange my island. Normally, I'd do four sections: Single Element, Double Element, Triple Element, and Special Monsters. Special monsters contain quad elements, mythicals, ethereals, seasonals, shugabush (for plant), werdos, and wubboxes.

Decor Removal - I'd do it for each island, but only when I'm like 80% done with the island. Plant and Cold islands are the only ones with ALL decor removed. (Plant: I need Werdos, Wubboxes, and Shugabush which is currently breeding, as of posting this. Cold: I need mythical, ethereal, quad element, werdos, and wubboxes)

Glowbes - I'd (probably) place glowbes when I'm 100% done with islands.

Fill up all space - I'd like to have my monsters spaced out, so I don't think I'd like it.

Island Skins - I'm a kid, so I couldn't buy it myself. I'd have to ask an adult in my family. Theres no way for me to get it besides buying the island skin pack, because it'd be impossible for me, or anyone, to save up that many gems, so the only way is to pay for gems which is a waste, or just buy the 12 or whatever dollar pack.

Monster Skins/Costumes - Every monster gets a costume from me.


I think it'd be pretty funny to permenantly biggify a seemingly unimportant monster, not a quad, not a wubbox, not a werdo, not a mythical, not an ethereal, not even a seasonal
just like, clamble and make it the center-piece of the island. Talerze my beloved


Another way of decorating with tiles that’s less tedious(I think) is placing tiles underneath monsters, structures, etc. Not over doing it with your tiles can make it look good too, but a lot of people use this method if they don’t want to decorate the whole floor

One more way of decorating is using your monsters maybe in a color coordinated way, this could be hard as the variety of colors is so vast but it could really make your island look better, maybe. I haven’t seen this method used and this is just an idea but if anyone has the guts to try it, try it!


I purposely don’t remove the obstacles around the edge of the island, I it looks nice, they change with the seasonal events, and they dont take up too much room. I personally don’t like the look of the extremely crowded chaotic islands, simple decorations, spaced out monsters, nice and a nice path can look really nice and natural


I humbly disagree with making your islands look full, I’ve always thought it made them look really dumb, I would much rather have a neatly decorated island than an island with no space


For players with great monster collections I would add grouping similarly colored monsters together in formations that create a nice visual effect
(I'll give my water and plant island as examples of this if anyone asks)


organize your monsters, but also just put similar instrumental themes together. having all of the percussion together just feels better


Oh, I was looking up how to change island skins but this helps, Ty ❤




0:35 now there is PATH PAINTING! Now you can place and discard tiles quicker.

i LOVE the path painting feature


Perhaps something about the time machine works and it could perhaps make your island seem more advanced, I used to play when I was young and I used to get so confused of how the speed changes and such 😂


Another helpful tip: if there are no big monsters to put at back, use wider monsters and bigify them to make it look more full.


Staying organized with where you place your monsters
