What are the jobs that require good typing skills?

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If you think about all of the jobs that people do in the world, it is almost impossible to find one that does not require typing for one reason or another. Many employees sit in front of a computer at some point either for the majority of his or her job or periodically. However, there are certain jobs that really require excellent typing skills above other types of skills. Whether employees are typing documents, conducting research, or inputting data into stored systems, their typing skills should be sharp with a high WPM or words per minute coupled with low errors.

Jobs that require documents to be produced possibly on a daily basis as the main part of the job include transcriptionist, subtitling clerks, secretaries, and court reporters. These occupations place a significant amount of time on typing, so it will result in the documents or writing to be published, viewed, or used by others. Transcriptionists take audio files and listen to them. As they are doing this, they are typing the words that they hear. Their final product should be written according to a certain format. Subtitling is similar in that the clerk type the captions that can be seen at the bottom of your television screen usually as a benefit for the hearing impaired. Secretaries type for a variety of reasons, but one is to type correspondence and other documents for the supervisor. Finally, court reporters type in the words during a court case by anyone who is speaking during the proceedings whether it is the judge, lawyer, or witness. However, the device that they use is quite different than a typical keyboard.

Besides these obvious jobs that require employees to produce typed documents, other jobs need fast typing skills because they are researching or creating the material that will most likely not be seen by others. Journalists need excellent typing skills to produce good copy, yet they also need to type fast to take notes as well as to research their story. Coders, which have become popular hobbies and occupations, use their computer programming skills to create a new computer language or software program to use. Even though most people will not see the code that is being produced, coders must be precise in their work. The need for impeccable typing skills allows journalists and coders to produce a perfect end product.

Lastly, typing skills are needed for those who input data into a system so that it will be stored for future use. The most typical job for this task would be data entry. Data entry positions key in various letters, words, sentences, characters, and numbers into an organized system. Accuracy is key, and there may be a large volume of work to do each day.

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