Were Scarlet and Violet as Bad as we Thought?

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet got a lot of negative press, but were they actually as bad as we thought?

#Pokemon #ScarletViolet #WolfeyVGC
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The thing that bothers me the most in S/V are the cities. C’mon they’re dead. I hate that I can’t get into buildings and when i do it’s only a menu to buy something. Buildings in pokemon always been so open and welcoming, they should definetly bring it back.


The thing that holds this game back for me is how it looks and runs. Gen 9 has my favorite story/characters since gen 5 and I really like the Pokemon but everytime I play this game I get reminded by how bad it is on a technical standpoint.


Wolf's ad reads are the perfect blend of enthusiasm and a hostage reading cue cards.


What kinda shocked me is how poorly the whole school aspect is pulled off. There is no running around cool school grounds, there is no exploring the various areas, there is no decorating your room.

Instead you teleport from room to room and can't interact with anything outside of scripted events


I think part of the reason why so many people were so upset with Scarlet and Violet's game performance was at least partially because Pokémon is the highest grossing media franchise on the planet. So a lot of people saw it as them not properly investing their massive resources into creating the games that make them so much money in the first place.


I think what i hate the most is the absence of real npc or inside houses. It s so much not immersive.


Pawmi learning necromancy will always be funny these Pikachu clones are getting bolder


A lot of people online noted that performance issues were extremely player specific. I got to observe this first hand, because my wife had practically no performance issues, whereas my game barely functioned. The difference was rather dramatic and we could see it side by side in the same room.

Some people theorized it was an issue with different models of the Switch, which might well be, as I had an OLED model and my wife did not. I don't know if this was the cause, or if it had to do with the way we interacted with the game being different, such that I experienced a memory leak or something when she did not. Both of us had physical cartridges, so it's not an SD ve internal storage issue... Unless the extra data the game saves on the console is interacting with it badly.

But the dramatic difference in performance between different players is very important to recognize to realize that people saying the issues are devastating are not being overdramatic, and the people saying they don't notice the issues aren't being shills. They are legitimately having different experiences.


From my experience, Scarlet and Violet had some of the best groundwork out of any Pokémon game. Its open world aesthetic and good map and Pokémon design helps a lot. The issue is that the game barely got any polish, even outside of desperately needed bug fixes.


The quote that sticks with me is when i saw someone call scarlet and violet "the betas for the best pokemon games ever made"
I love everything about scarlet and violet- except for the frame drops and glitches, if the games were just optimized a little more theyd easily be my favorite games in the franchise. The open world part of the game is fun, and its the first time in forever I -enjoyed- a pokemon story.


I would love to see difficult riddles and puzzles come back to Pokémon games (I.e. things like the original Regis quests etc and maybe some of the quest stuff from PLA)


One of the best things about generation 9 is that DLC two gave us a bunch of double battles with some AI teams that actually had viable strategies and items and movesets to be able to teach casual players about competitive Pokemon


I was fine with the glitches. What really got under my skin was the graphics. Every mountain has the exact same early 2000s ass texture. EVERY SINGLE GRASS PATCH looked the same.


my biggest issue with this franchise is the fact that we haven't gotten voice acting yet


Personally, I’m a huge fan of Pneumonia as a rival as well. Had multiple really breathtaking moments in the game!


My biggest gripe is that I made it up the right side of the map to the Glaseado Gym, realized I was now underleveled, went back to do the left side of the map, and was disgustingly overleveled, making exploration of the left side of the map feel like something I'm just rushing through to get back to a semi-competitive level balance.


Sometimes I can honestly overlook the slow down and bugs, but I’m still mad about the customization for the clothing


I played Violet straight after Xenoblade 3...so the visuals and performance issues were very noticeable. I still had a lot of fun with it, and the things that gen 9 does well are done REALLY well, but the areas the games struggle in are REALLY bad at the same time. Which is inexcusable for the most profitable multimedia franchise. When Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man's Sky got shredded by the public for being unfinished and unpolished, the devs apologised and worked hard to keep patching them until the games were much better. GameFreak and the Pokemon Company never acknowledged or apologised for the piss-poor execution of SV, and even a full year later, the games still look flat and hideous, and the performance isnt much better than at launch. There was even a gamebreaking bug if you preordered the dlc that could compromise your save file, which sucks because they dont let you back up your saves to the cloud to "stop hackers"...and thats bullshit because people still cheat in the game but now the average user is inconvenienced


What I would love for Gen 10 would be a similar open-world but with level scaling on leaders. They could easily code different teams for different milestones hit by the player, i.e. whatever you choose first and last would make it seem like it was meant to be played that way. New and better pokemon, moves, team compositions could help improve said teams. Would make the whole journey better imo, and would make the replayability funnier.


I am amazed very little people talk about something that for me is criminally bad in this game: Sandwiches. Not only are they HORRIBLE to prepare, with the whole "if you miss landing the ingredient it's gone", which is complete BS, but also the "animation" (or lack thereof) of eating the sandwich is probably the worst thing I have ever seen. It's just a placeholder PNG with your character on top doing the weirdest animations ever. Disgusting.
