Flying my 182 for a new Garmin Panel install (Part 1)

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***This video is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as an educational video. Many procedures & visuals have been eliminated from the video in the editing process.*
-Garmin GTN 650Xi with Flight Stream 510
-GI 275's (x3)
-GFC 500 Autopilot
-GTX 345 Transponder
-GMA 345 Audio Panel w/Bluetooth
-GSB 15 A&C Charge Ports (x2)
#aviation #skylane #flightvlog #pilot
Aircraft: 1957 Cessna 182A Skylane
Cameras: GoPros & Sony A6300
Aircraft Camera Internal Mounts: GoPro mounts
Mindy (Pilot): Commercial Multi & Single Engine Pilot, Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) & CFI-I, Citation 525 Type Rated
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