Flying the BRAND NEW Cessna 182 is like CHEATING!

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I had the pleasure of getting a demo flight in the brand new 2022 Cessna 182, and it was incredible. Derek Moore from Textron Aviation is here to tell us all about this capable aircraft, let me demo fly it, and tell us why it's the best Cessna 182 they've ever made.

I hope this encourages you in your aviation journey!

Video Chapters:

0:00 - Intro
0:27 - Mission Profile
1:54 - Tour: Exterior
4:47 - Tour: Cockpit/ Interior
7:16 - Demo Flight
7:27 - Air Conditioning
7:52 - Flight Stream 510
9:30 - Takeoff
10:30 - True Airspeed
10:54 - Electronic Stability Protection (ESP)
12:37 - Range & Useful Load
13:20 - Autopilot Visual Approach Capability
16:35 - Increased Flap Extension Speed
17:30 - Landing

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I work at the Cessna plant in Independence ks where this very plane was assembled. I have personally worked on this very aircraft. It is kind of cool to see a plane you have helped get ready for flight on a youtube video.


I have an ATP and am currently an airline pilot and would love to have an airplane but the thought that these 4 seaters with a naturally aspirated engine goes for $500k brand new, is absurd. These planes haven’t changed other than avionics since the “restarting of the type” in 1996 and was first certified in the mid 50’s. It is super light aluminum and a tight tolerance engine that runs at a constant speed. The airplane in 1958 sold for just under 18k and adjusted for today’s inflation goes for 190k. I understand we have GPS, G1000, etc. and better manufacturing, but that should make it cheaper. Not more expensive. $250k with all the current items in it new and I would have one but the manufacturers are way too proud of their product. In the end, great video and really nice to see what is going on in GA today but it is a big miss for me.


I learned to fly in a 172 and a week after I got my license my flight school got two 182s . My instructor invited me back to go out in one of the new 182s . We got to level flight and he let me take over. This thing was brand new . It still had plastic covers on the seats. It still had that new aircraft smell.


Having all those wonderful avionics and self recovering auto pilot is not cheating it's reducing pilot work load. I got my licence on a 152 and did the next 500 odd hours on 172's and then the 172 Cutlass retractable gear for my commercial licence. Flying passengers around the east coast of the states could be hard work and at times very tiring.
I absolutely love that aircraft. 1100lbs is just about 500kg; that's a serious load. 145 knots cruise, perfect. The ability to make flap selections and have the AP take care of the trim; luxury.
Reduced work load means safer flying and allows the pilot to maintain better situational awareness. What's not to like?


Back in the early 1970s I was a young paratrooper stationed at Fort Campbell Kentucky. We had a sport parachute club for off duty jumping. On the weekends we would drive to Elkton Kentucky and meet up with a pilot that had a Cessna 182. He would take off the right door and remove the front seat and rear seats. We could fit three parachutists in the plane and away we would go off the grass airstrip. As soon as we started our free fall jumping the local residents would show up and watch use jump the whole afternoon. I have fond memories of jumping out of that Cessna 182. I'm glad they are still making them. It was a fun time for all.


Derek is obviously a CFI… couldn’t stop himself from saying “Right Rudder”. Lol.
Nice video


If you ever get to buy a new Cessna the delivery process is unimaginable. 4 days of fun in the air with your brand new bird and the best of everything. I bought a new T206H and took delivery in June. You will know your way around Wichita when you finally depart on day 5. Eat lunch at Steerman airport……at least one of the flying days.


Great video ! Thank you guys for sharing this impressive aircraft. Much improved from my past 172/182 experiences. I really like the range and payload capabilities. Just a nice 182.


I absolutely love the throwback vintage paint scheme and font. Such an iconic plane.


FSF - Full Self Flying. Literally AutoPilot. This is fantastic. A seasoned, knowledgeable and unable to be distracted, electronic co-pilot ready to take over when needed. And Flight Plans by touch screen - also fantastic. Cessna has made hobby flying fun, safe and relaxing. Thank you both for sharing...


I am a big fan of the auto correction for extended bank angles. Cant help but think such a feature would save a lot of lives over the years.


We had a company owned 182 with cuffed leading edges. I loved practicing 50 knot approaches with a high sink rate at a higher than normal approach. Great for night time operation as inexperienced pilots can make lower than normal approaches at night. Also a good economical workhorse.


I jumped many time out of a 182 back in the 70’s. Owned a 170B. Great planes! ♥️


Great video Charlie! Really enjoyed your presentation of the features of the new 182.


Awesome! Back in the day (70's) I spent quite a bit of time in 182's, I couldn't have imagined the avionics or performance of the 2022 model.


Derek certainly knows his stuff....very clearly spoken as well. Thanks for the video fellas.


Cool dude, always teaching and adjusting the mixture just like my CFI always did.


Great video !
Great plane !
Great paint scheme !
Great everything
about this plane !


Cool to see y’all flying around Fred! Love the Hangar Hotel. Great video and aircraft!


Got my PPL 7/24/22, I own a 172 and fly out of KRYW in Lago Vista. I watched your videos throughout all of my flight training. Thanks for all of the great videos and tips!
