The Bible Did NOT Copy Other Religions

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For more information, please read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible

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Before becoming a Christian, I questioned a lot of Jesus including the historical events that led Jesus to come down to earth when he did? Perhaps history was setting up clues in preparation for the coming of Jesus? In this video, I'll be discussing the historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ. As a Christian apologist, I believe that the evidence for Jesus is strong and compelling, and I'm excited to share my perspective on this topic. Well I explore that idea a little bit here. Check it out.
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What a timely video for me. I literally heard a doctor giving a nurse a hard time because mentioned he believed Christ was the promised Messiah, and the doctor who was clearly atheist or agnostic started to cite how other religions had people who turned water to wine and rise from the dead etc. I wasn’t involved in the conversation and it seemed to end there, so I just kept working. In my head though I thought what a stupid reason not to believe the Bible account because it sounds like something else, there is nothing new under the sun. Anyway, this video will definitely help me articulate my beliefs should the occasion ever present itself again. Thank you.


This was really good, thanks!
I think Lewis maybe got that idea from Tolkien, yeah?

“We have come from God, and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God. Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming 'sub-creator' and inventing stories, can Man aspire to the state of perfection that he knew before the Fall. Our myths may be misguided, but they steer however shakily towards the true harbour, while materialistic 'progress' leads only to a yawning abyss and the Iron Crown of the power of evil."
~ Tolkien


The whole Bible is not about Israel as some churches state but about Jesus and how God redeems man to him by his Son. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Another reason why the ancient myths mirror attributes of Jesus / the true God is because they are images of the Fallen Ones, who serve The Fallen One, who copies God. Remember, they lived in heaven with Jesus before the world was made. So they know his attributes well, and seek to emulate him as impostors to lead people astray.


Type and anti-type. I wish I had understood it so much sooner. It possibly would have saved me from the deception of Zeitgeist and the like. I walked away from my Christian upbringing and Christ for 12 years. The vacuum was filled by New Age lies. I praise Jesus every day for chasing me down, humbling and rebuking me, and then carrying me back to His fold. I pray that I will humble myself daily so He will never have to humble me to the degree He had to ever again. I praise Jesus for comforting me when I lay in a broken heap at the foot of the cross and for continuing to heal me and put me back together again.❤🙏


I've been thinking and talking a lot about Christian apologetics lately and the passion Holy Spirit has suddenly given me. I've had a YouTube account for years yet only tonight your videos appear on my feed!
Glory to God!! I'm a new subscriber. Thank you for all you do.😃


It doesn’t stop there! Think about hyper-popular fantasy fictions and you can see the same exact patterns. Harry Potter is an example: prophesied birth, chosen one, savior, descended from a leader (Gryffindor), performed miracles (not dying from the death curse, performing the patronus charm, etc), made the ultimate sacrifice, AND resurrected from the dead. It ticks almost all boxes! It’s like our mind is wired to recognize our savior and we did when he finally came to dwell among us.


The myths of the demigods of Greece seem to be very similar to the actions of fallen angels in nephlim


2 Peter 1:16 - ''For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.''


Christianity didn't copy other religions, Christianity is other religions.


Excellent content, although I thought it was unfortunate having Warner Sallman's ludicrous 'Head of Christ' in the background.


Wow, I have never thought about Jesus from such perspective of people from the Old Testament. Great job and waiting for more 🎉


I wondered how to answer this question. Thank you. :)


Timely video and an awesome one at that. I guess the more you indulge the more you find things that make others rethink. You are a blessing.


People often balk at the idea of elements of Christianity being seen in earlier religions. For them it invalidates Christianity. But nothing could be more preposterous if one acknowledges as well the existence of a cunning adversary spirit to God. This adversary seeks to sow obfuscations at every turn and to lie and mislead. Imagine for instance he also overheard prophesies foretelling Jesus (and I'm sure he did) and what Jesus would do or not do, wouldnt it be right up his street to strew duplicitous copies here and there to confuse and befuddle things? Indeed, this must be what explains stories of virgin births in pre-Christian times.(Bear in mind the first foretelling of this was at the Garden of Eden). Funnily, not one of these religions can offer any rational explanations for the need to have a virgin birth. Only Christianity can and does. There was need for Jesus to skirt the contaminated Adamic bloodline! Always remember that to qualify as fully man, His birth only needed to fulfil the condition settled in the Garden that the womb of the woman shall bear all the living. Other 'faiths' flounder over 'niceties' like this and only think it must be hip for a god to be virgin-born.

So, yeah, Christians shouldn't in the least be fazed by accusations of their faith copycatting others because a more careful study of the facts will expose these accusations as groundless.


Wonderful! I hadn't really thought of it in the way that world religions are actually expectations by man that are ingrained in us as created beings - accounting for the broad similarities in world religions. I like the way you phrased it - similar but vastly different in the details! And the way you showed the OT patriarchs and prophets as fore types of Jesus was clear and concise.


There is only 1 God he's the One and.only..💯🙏❤️


Never underestimate "the angel of light" Lucifer. His ability twist reality and truth in people's minds... There is a real thing going on!😅🙏🙏🙏🙏 Love this stuff!


Thank you so much for this. I needed to hear this


I don't think Jesus is special based on a handful of arbitrarily chosen attributes. Surely, if we look hard enough, we could find an aspect which is enbodied in some ancient deities, but not in Jesus.
Beside, since Jesus worship started relatively late, these aspects could all have been incorporated gradually.
Not even Christians can agree on every attribute of Jesus, so I don't think this idea is too far fetched.
