Who Decided the Books of the Bible? (Biblical Canon Explained)

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How was the Bible put together? This video took months of research as I wanted to present something that would give Christians confidence in the inspired word of God and not to be led astray by unnecessary teachings or false gospels.

Galatians 1:8 says "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." I pray that this video will give you the confidence required to put your full faith in the 66 book canon of our modern bible!

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"They weren't accepted by Jews of Jesus' time". My brother in Christ, Jesus wasn't accepted by the Jews either.


The main issue with this video is that you're doing this:

deciding what to believe before finding evidence, and then cherry-picking the evidence to prove your arbitrarily pre-chosen beliefs

... instead of this:

starting with an open mind and looking at all the evidence/ideas/arguments equally to see which belief will come out on top


this is a high-quality video, but I don’t feel that you investigated the manner without your own protestant bias. this is borderline propaganda as it’s very misleading because you’re twisting facts to bend to your protestant views.

you left out that when the new testament quotes the Old Testament, that the vast majority of the quotes are specifically from the septuagent and not the masoretic. there are enough differences between the two on specific verses that it’s very clear which version is in the New Testament. this indicates that the Greek version of the Old Testament was considered sacred scripture at the time that the new testament was written.


I honestly learnt more from the comments than the video.
According to the video you weren't searching for truth but a way to prove your friend wrong "I wouldn't stop at anything to prove my friend wrong" - that meant you'll even deny or intentionally leave somethings out just to prove your friend wrong (I'm not saying you did but I'm just saying you could).
But I love the comments as i see people argue for both sides.
I also did learn from the video though and the illustration and animation is beautiful. You got yourself a new subscriber.
But i can't really trust your word because of the quote above as you researched not for the truth but for claims that support your beliefs...


“They weren’t accepted by the Jews of Jesus’ time.” Septuagint is the most quoted canon of Old Testament in the New Testament. Jesus is also seen celebrating the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah celebrated by the Jews), something that is straight out of the Maccabees.


I'm heavily confused on why and how humans think we have the authority to remove books of the Bible even if we feel it contradicts. Just confused


The Protestant view of history is absolutely amazing.

the Septuagint was named after the 70 JEWISH scribes that compiled it. There were multiple jewish sects at the time on Christ, some liked the Septuagint, some liked the Tanakh, and some just the Torah/Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible). The same argument for using just the Tanakh, can also be used for using just the Torah. And because Protestants officially only recognize the authority of the scripture, a protestant sect can come along and say "we only recognize the Torah because that what the Jews at Christ's time recognized" and no protestant could argue against him without having to contradict his own reasoning for using the Tanakh.

The issue with the Protestant Bible is that it appealed to an outside authority (Luther) for its compilation. If Protestants want to remain consistent in their thought, they cannot hold the Bible that they currently hold because that Bible does not tell you which books belong and which books don't.

The way you get to the Protestant Bible is by interpreting it under a certain theological lens. Luther was interpreting scripture in a certain way and concluded that certain books did not belong (they contradict the doctrine of sola fide) while also keeping a book that contradicts sola fide (the Epistle of James)

But here's the thing: the Apostolic fathers (early christians who knew the Apostles personally, meaning much more accurate scriptural interpretation) read scripture in a certain way, and that reading of scripture was passed down. And that's how you get the Septuagint as the official Old Testament.

So you have two choices:

the Old Testament compiled by a guy living 1500 years after Christ. A guy through his own reading of scripture developed an alternate canon


the Old Testament compiled by those guys who were taught by men who were taught by the Apostles, the very writers of the New Testament, with Jewish backgrounds, who lived at the same time and same place as all those other Jewish sects who had their own Old Testaments.

The question of Biblical Canon has to do with history. are you going to trust the guy in the 1500s with the old testament of the Jews who rejected Christ? Or are you going to trust the Old Testament compiled by the first few generations of Christians, people who either knew the Apostles or their disciples, and even knew Christ before he ascended in Heaven.


10:13 1) The Church Fathers and the early christians does NOT use the Tanakh but the Septuagint.
2) The only passage we can find the phrase "faith alone" is in James 2, 24 "You see then that a man is justified by works, and NOT by faith alone". Faith alone doctrine is unbiblical. That's why Luther added the word "alone" in Rom 3, 28 (says 'by faith', NOT 'by faith alone') and tried to remove James and other "disputed books" (deuterocanonicals of the New Testament).
3) The Tanakh as a closed canon actually was established after the Church closed the Christian canon.
4) Also the books of Esther, Ruth, Lamentations, Judges, etc., are never mentioned nor quoted in the New Testament, so are we authorized to remove them too? The large majority of Old Testament references in the New Testament are taken from the Koine Greek Septuagint (LXX), editions of which include the deuterocanonical books.

Jerome (347-420) translator of the Vulgate in his Prologue to Judith says that the Book of Judith was "found by the Nicene Council (325 AD) to have been counted among the number of the Sacred Scripture".
All Christian bibles had all 73 inspired books until the 1820s when the British and Foreign Biblical Society just decided to REMOVE the deuterocanonical books (because paper and printing were expensive and early publishers were able to hold down costs by eliminating those books) That is the ultimate reason today Protestants only have 66 books in their bibles and not 73.


Did you purposely forget to mention that Luther also wanted to remove Hebrews, Revelation, and called the epistles of John epistles of straws because they too contradicted his own theology?
Why do you not mention that Luther added the word alone to Romans 3:28?
He basically did what Jehova witnesses do today to try to make the Bible teach what he wanted to teach.


Should i mention that the ethiopian bible has 81 books?


One glaring thing was left out...

Jesus and the apostles quoted from the Septuigint (more than 80% of old testament quotes), which includes the Catholic books.

Are you following the canon that the Jews that rejected Jesus use, or the cannon that Jesus and the early christian church used?

Interisting dilema for the protestant Canon.


The 4 reason fail, when you find out that the Deuterocanonical Books have been found in Hebrew in the Caves of Qumran, Faith alone is not a belief held before Luther and is denied in James, and the more you read the Deuterocanon the more the wordings in there match better with many quotes from Jesus in the NT


Great video and well explained. Honestly i have faith that God will not lead me astray. The Bible is what I was lead to read and believe so that is what I have done. I hope my fellow brothers and sisters pray for more spiritual decrement and ask God to show you what’s true and what’s false. That’s the best advice I can give you all.


How do we determine which writing are Authorized? According to the Church, a consensus of Church Fathers who received apostolic succession and laid out a strict criteria. According to Protestants, Martin Luther.


The 7 books were removed for Luther’s own ideology. No matter what way you try to twist or bend it. He didn’t agree with something that has been agreed upon since the 4th century.


Imagine the courage to say that the deuterocanonical books wasn't accepted by the early church fathers. lol


Bible was canonised by Catholic church in the late 3rd century. The process culminated in 382 as the Council of Rome, which was convened under the leadership of Pope Damasus, promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. The biblical canon was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and then definitively reaffirmed by the ecumenical Council of Florence in 1442). So during the time of apostles and early Christians time, they don't even have a clue about New Testament books. Thats why Acts 2/42 says believers devoted themself in apostles teaching and fellowship. First bible printed by Gutenberg was a 73 book Latin Vulgate. First protestant bible developed by Martin Luther contained 73 books. First edition of King James version of bible (1611)contained 73 books. It even had saints feast days.
All the oldest available copies like Septuagint, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Siniticus have 73 books.


Once i stopped trying to be right, and genuiniely tried to defend my protestant views....i had no choice but to join the traditional catholic church


The more I learn about Martin Luther the worse my opinion of him becomes.


always appreciate ur uploads always learn something new & ur so great job with the illustrations great work 👍🏽
