Morel Mushroom Advice You've Heard But Probably Need To Hear Again

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The morel of the story is that persistence pays off.


A naturalist also a philosopher. What a great young person!


Any day in the woods is a successful day in the woods! 🎯🌳


Searching for shrooms, plants, wildlife, etc. is a great excuse to go out into nature! So is just doing nothing but enjoying the outdoors/wilderness. At 61 (and a life long nature lover), I still wish to learn more. Never stop exploring, never stop learning! Thanks Adam! You're awesome!!


You have a truly wonderful spirit. To ENJOY the small things in life is priceless. The warmth of sun, a gentle breeze, water rippling, birds singing, even bees humming etc. etc. These are life's natural gifts that money can NOT buy. How anyone can walk in the forest and NOT come out with something is BEYOND me. Good video!!!


Couldn’t agree more. Ever since I started botanizing I find myself admiring the flora just as much as the Mushrooms while I’m out enjoying the outdoors. I get just as excited about a rare plant find as I do a great mushroom harvest. There is more to the outdoors, and life, than just getting what we want.


Thank you Adam for that gentle reminder, enjoy what's going on around you. Thanks fur sharing your videos with us. 🇺🇸


'Wander around the woods until you stumble on them' was my 'go-to' for most of my life. It worked just fine! BUT, having an idea of where to start can be a big help. Thanks for the advice.


I've been a beginner mushroom enthusiast for just over a year now, and this year I decided to try my luck hunting for morels! I've gone twice so far, and have learned so much from each trip, even though I haven't found any yet. The timing and content of this video couldn't have been more encouraging. I had a similar "stumbling into mushrooms" experience with chanterelles last summer, and that experience helped me gain the motivation to learn more about edible mushrooms. Thanks for mentioning to avoid ridge tops. I had the soil right, but it was on the top of a huge ridge.


Thanks Adam. I learned so much from your course a couple years ago. Since then, Black trumpets, Golden Milky, Chanterelle, Cinnabar to, Yellow Foot Bolete, Bi-color Bolete, Chicken of the Woods, Oyster, Dryad, and Morel.
Your course gave me the knowledge and the confidence to get out there and do it ^^ to find all those. Yes I followed your advice, got a couple of good books, and some online forums to ask others. small portions when eating the first time, funny Oysters and me don't go well, (must be all those dark Beers), but all the others are great! Thank you Adam !


It’s certainly all about covering ground and putting on the miles. It’s good to identify trees, I’ve been finding all mine around ash trees here in central Wisconsin. I’ve also found them growing mad under ostrich ferns and right out of open grass while walking my dog, with no easily identifiable mycorrhizal relationship to surrounding trees. Sometimes just get down and look around for a couple minutes.


Love this guy. So down to earth. Wish there were more people like him around. Thank you for the videos!


Best time ever watching with my son and 4 year old grandson catch some mushrooms. I remember finding them with both my children when they were that old 25 years ago.

Now is the time to get in the woods...


That last shot of you is me out in the woods lol. I grew up in the woods but got old. I still try though.


This was so helpful and when you said “morels aren’t the most important thing in the world” had me rolling cause I was putting all my self-worth in finding those mushrooms! 😮


This video made me go for a walk in the woods today it’s still a little too cool for the morels.but I found some ramps and oyster mushroom it just made me appreciate nature even more. Keep up the amazing work!


What a necessary video. I’ve spent years hunting morels. I still have no honey holes. Just scattered spots, where there’s never more than five or six. Just appreciate being out. Enjoy the hunt. Much love guys.


Where I look for morels, one indicator is that they usually appear when the blackflies come out. Your powers of observation need to be really keen to spot morels blending in with the leaf litter through a bug mesh and clouds of tiny, voracious critters. Lol. Makes it that much sweeter when you find them!


I had been lucky and spoiled. Stumbled upon an abundance of morels in a neighbour's yard that they were gracious enough to let me harvest. Every morning for a week or two, i would nearly fill a gallon bag. The property sold and instead of mulching leaves and grass when mowing (as had been done for a decade), the soil was stripped with leaf blowers. Not a single morel this year.
Something I've also noticed in my area (southern New England) is the proliferation of choke cherry/glossy buckthorn and a pervasiveness of black knot fungus killing the black cherry trees and birch, which may possibly be contributing to smaller yields of morels. Not certain if there is correlation, but just an observation.


Many words of wisdom. Found my first morel while I was delivering papers. No, I wasn't searching. Very pleasant surprise.
